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Kyle Clegg

Kingdom Hearts+shooters=?

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i came up with kingdom hearts crossovers and i said tht wat bout halo? well first of all alot of us say NO! but wat do u think i say no shooter wisdom form is as close as im getting!

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I was just about to sleep and then another one of Kyle's epic stuff came up! xD

So, I prefer bashing with keyblades than shooting.


haha i cant help it it just comes up all my life ive had ideas story lines here time to let em rip!!!

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As I stated in the previous thread...just no! D:


Its not that I don't like shooters its just that I don't like Kingdom Hearts+Shooters lol.


exactly if nomura red these he might no wat not to do in the futre!

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I Like WIsdom Form Even though i didnt use it much but it had its helpfulness on some occasions


yes amazing it was to use its magic but final form tops it and limit forms wat i thinks the best.

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