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Kyle Clegg

wat wuld u do do have ur life like kingdom hearts?

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even wen i was little i wished i was sora bashing heartsless well now its time to hear wat u wuld do to b in kh and wat u wuld do!

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I would do almost anything to be in KH!!!!!!

I would become best buddies with most of the characters, especially Riku:)

I can't tell you all everything though, cause I have literally a billion things to say.

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me i wuld give up my kh games xD but id fight along side sora and riku just like donald and goofy with sora id also make sure to travle to every world i possibly culd and level up by staying on destiny island and fighting riku (kh1 refrence)


i would sell my children

and i'd record sora and riku doing it


u know sum times i wonder if sora and riku actually do do tht O.o


I would first take my magical keyblade and summon a spell in which you typed a readable sentence.


sorry 4 all the abbriviations

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That grammar...damn...


Anyways I'd probably pass on my life being like KH. I'd rather just play the games.


thts always fun to :)

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me i wuld give up my kh games xD but id fight along side sora and riku just like donald and goofy with sora id also make sure to travle to every world i possibly culd and level up by staying on destiny island and fighting riku (kh1 refrence)


u know sum times i wonder if sora and riku actually do do tht O.o


sorry 4 all the abbriviations



Just try to type more clearly .You do not need to be perfect by any means, but it's hard to read what you are typing.

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Activate my self-destruct button because if it's not shadow thingies wrecking worlds and taking peoples' hearts, it's strange men in black coats screwing everyone over or bald keyblade wielders starting wars for their own curiosity, with your only hope being people with giant keys who might get there in time to save you.

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Activate my self-destruct button because if it's not shadow thingies wrecking worlds and taking peoples' hearts, it's strange men in black coats screwing everyone over or bald keyblade wielders starting wars for their own curiosity, with your only hope being people with giant keys who might get there in time to save you.


xD love it u pretty much said the whole kh story!

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First I'd gather some strong people and then go around taking over worlds, and killing all who get in my way!!! :angry: Because that would be what Sora's dad wanted.

Edited by razzy

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Take my keyblade, kick some ass, then go on vacation so everyone could start looking for me. Once someone finds me, they'll tell me that the worlds are in danger cause of so many heartless, nobodies, unversed and whatever else creatures that exist have raided them all. That way, it'll be a great challenge saving everything! That or I give into the darkness, take out whoever's in charge and rule what has already been taken http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png

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First I'd gather some strong people and then go around taking over worlds, and killing all who get in my way!!! :angry: Because that would be what Sora's dad wanted.


First I'd gather some strong people and then go around taking over worlds, and killing all who get in my way!!! :angry: Because that would be what Sora's dad wanted.


First I'd gather some strong people and then go around taking over worlds, and killing all who get in my way!!! :angry: Because that would be what Sora's dad wanted.


First I'd gather some strong people and then go around taking over worlds, and killing all who get in my way!!! :angry: Because that would be what Sora's dad wanted.


haha really? i saw a fan art some one made and it showed sora said wanted to save his friends didnt f*** give a firetruck bout his parents lol


Take my keyblade, kick some ass, then go on vacation so everyone could start looking for me. Once someone finds me, they'll tell me that the worlds are in danger cause of so many heartless, nobodies, unversed and whatever else creatures that exist have raided them all. That way, it'll be a great challenge saving everything! That or I give into the darkness, take out whoever's in charge and rule what has already been taken http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png


nice way wich ever one works i guesse

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Hit things with a giant key, and hopefully Reaction-Command my way out of being hit by something.


AW man i love reaction commands just need one more i need to reaction a neo shadow :) i know the comand name just ive never did the command :(

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What kind of sick person would want to live in a world where your parents are killed, your friends are taken away, and you have to fight constantly without any moment to eat or rest?

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