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Kyle Clegg

mark of mastery

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ive made this in honor of ddd coming out its open to all get the right ansewer and u can join please b fair u can take up to 10 questions a day if u dont make it

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ill give a question and u can join this group itll b bout every kh game or up coming ones and sweet memories or anything bout kh


its my first club

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i Just pre ordered The mark of mastery on amazon. :) i tried at gamestop first but they said they stopped doing pre orders last month. lame right? i also asked if i can find it online and he said he wasnt sure but he knew that amazon stopped selling it too. LIAR! xD oh well at least i am going to get it the day it comes out and don't have to wait in line. :))

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haha cool i hope u get it the silent hero u wanna join this club?


coorect numberxiii.roxas u r here forth the first member lol

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k wat does kairi give sora in kh 1 in traverse town in the underground sewer


soo obvious, she gave Sora her lucky charm which consists of 5 shells in a star shape manner. in the center is a kingdom crown and possibly sora's hairstyle.

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this is 4 master aqua in kh 2 in wat world does sora get slugged?


for lightnig xiii wat is the name of soras island? (easy)


cant help it, i seen that lucky charm too many times.


haha its ok i try to give easy ones want a hard one instead lol

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