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facing a dilemma here

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My former best friend(let's just call him loudmouth for obvious reasons)and I just got into a fight,now he's trying to tell me its my fault for getting mad at him.now before anyone says anything I put up with this morons taunts and insults for 8 years.and I took care of him after his car accident.yet he has the nerve to call me ungrateful for standing up to him and not letting him control everything just because I lived in his house for three weeks due to an argument with my parents.I already know what most of you will say why didn't I cut this crap off earlier thing is he's gotta win at all costs even if I told him to back off he'd keep going thinking he's the good guy

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thing is he's gotta win at all costs even if I told him to back off he'd keep going thinking he's the good guy


Then let him. Honestly, if he has that much pride, then theres no point dragging it out. Lie and admit hes right so hell shut up. Then ditch him and see who wins in the end.

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Then let him. Honestly, if he has that much pride, then theres no point dragging it out. Lie and admit hes right so hell shut up. Then ditch him and see who wins in the end.


HELL NO! Never let a person like that even think they've won.


don't tell him he's right. Just storm of and ditch him like everyone says. Only that way do people like him learn that they're not the hero and that they won't always win. Don't tell him he's right. Just ditch him. At first he'll think he's won, but eventually he'll realize that he lost and is either gonna apologize or do something really stupid.

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HELL NO! Never let a person like that even think they've won.


don't tell him he's right. Just storm of and ditch him like everyone says. Only that way do people like him learn that they're not the hero and that they won't always win. Don't tell him he's right. Just ditch him. At first he'll think he's won, but eventually he'll realize that he lost and is either gonna apologize or do something really stupid.


Be careful with ditchig him. Just ditching him might not get through his head that he's wrong, and he might hate you more

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HELL NO! Never let a person like that even think they've won.


don't tell him he's right. Just storm of and ditch him like everyone says. Only that way do people like him learn that they're not the hero and that they won't always win. Don't tell him he's right. Just ditch him. At first he'll think he's won, but eventually he'll realize that he lost and is either gonna apologize or do something really stupid.


Your way has no tack, though. The OC said he would have ditched him before but cant because he wont stop being a loud mouth until he wins. If anything, my way is crueler. Bringing his spirits up will make the crash to Earth hurt that much more in the end. Trust me, I know what Im talking about.

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Your way has no tack, though. The OC said he would have ditched him before but cant because he wont stop being a loud mouth until he wins. If anything, my way is crueler. Bringing his spirits up will make the crash to Earth hurt that much more in the end. Trust me, I know what Im talking about.


i've seen people like loudmouth, hell i was even close to one. Trust me, telling them they're right, doesn't get their hopes up it just gives them more excitement and confidence in being a loudmouth. He wants to feel like a winner, he will get what he wants even if you make it clear that you're lying about him being right.

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i've seen people like loudmouth, hell i was even close to one. Trust me, telling them they're right, doesn't get their hopes up it just gives them more excitement and confidence in being a loudmouth. He wants to feel like a winner, he will get what he wants even if you make it clear that you're lying about him being right.


Thats why part two is to ditch him, but maybe I should be more specific. You would have to completely cut him off and out of your life completely. Hell be so high off the ecstasy he wont see it coming and gives you more time to escape than if you escalate the argument. But its not 100% effective as there are always more circumstances that could occur than one can plan for. Its just better than acting like a prideful jerk in turn. This is why whenever I meet someone with too much pride I just blackmail them. They make it too easy.

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