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Lu Xun

Which type of ending do you like the most to see when playing games?

Which type of ending do you like the most to see when playing games?  

188 members have voted

  1. 1. Which type of ending do you like the most to see when playing games?

    • I like it when good wins and evil loses!
    • I like it when evil manages to win and good loses!
    • I like it when it is not clear what exactly happened, and we have to wonder about it.
    • I like it when the game's ending tells us that there's gonna be a continuation.
    • I like it when the ending is sad, because of a tragedy or something.
    • It depends on the game I'm playing...
    • Another option? Tell us below!

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I like it when it is not clear what exactly happened, and we have to wonder about it.


I mean like Final Fantasy endings or endings where some stuff is solved and revealed but then theres a bunch of stuff you have to think about. Or its sorta left for you to wonder and speculate and come up with your own ideas.


But I like sad endings too


And I like it when good wins, I like it when evil wins.


Really I just like good endings.


/sigh I love games...

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I like happy ones like when in ff13 when lightning and co. get freed from their l'ce fate.


I think you just ruined FF XIII-2 for me... Thanks a heap http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png


EDIT: removed spoiler

Edited by KeybladeWielder_

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It honestly depends on the story. I enjoy tragic endings, but only if there is some sort of lesson learned or a glimmer of hope. I enjoy happy endings, when the characters had to struggle and work for that happy ending. I also enjoy ambiguous endings, but only if the story has been an ambiguous one right from the start.



Edited by Ertyx

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argh! i forgot the spoiler tabs! and i can't make em! there got rid of it now make sure to forget it (which may never happen DX)


I seriously just started to play XIII-2. I didn't know anything AT ALL! /tear


I've avoided youtube, FF fan sites, everything!

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'I like it when the game's ending tells us that there's gonna be a continuation.'


But the 'It depends on the game I'm playing...' option applies just as much, really. Shame there's no multiple-tick boxes for these polls. xD

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I've loved every ending of all the games I've played. Yes, even FFXIII-2.



To be honest, I didn't really mind Serah dying. I personally though she wasn't very interesting as a character, and the other characters had more in the story, like Cauis and Yeul. And I loved that cliffhanger ending!



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tutti frutti. For me it usually varies depending on the game. Though I like happy endings, I also like bad endings. I think that there should be more of a balance be between the two to keep people guessing on what will happen next. One game the I find to do a good job to keep you guessing is Odin Sphere due to what happens in the story line. But in general it strongly depends on the game.

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I love sad endings or endings that are inspirational and/or tie the game together. Star Ocean 3 is a prime example, it ends showing that we are ourselves and that get one single entity or being can ever completely destroy us. Also the ending to KH 358/2 is great, it ends all sad with Xion's death and with Roxas losing, but ends happy at the same time with us knowing what comes next. I personally don't think anything will ever top Star Ocean 3 for me, it was just a great ending!

My Top 3 endings would have to be:


1. Star Ocean 3 (if you haven't already, PLAY IT!!!!!)


2. KH BBS (with all the different endings that we see it is a great mixture of happy and sad)


3. Legend of Dragoon (A great ending that tied the whole game together)

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i like a sad ending, but then i also want it to be in continuation and the sequal to be a happy ending. So,in short, yeah, i pretty much want all games to be like kingdom hearts =D

Edited by Xatah

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It often depends, but I don't think I've seen an ending where the bad guys win. Unless someone can list some.


Shadow of the Colossus and Fallout New Vegas.


Anyways, it really depends on the game. Sometimes, you want to have the hero win, but other times, you want to watch the world burn.

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It's dependent on what genre of game you are playing. If I am playing any typical western RPG w/a morality system, and I choose to be evil, then I want my ending to be freakin me taking over the world. If I am good, I expect to be killing the bad guy. But for games w/o that morality system, I feel like it depends on the tone/design of the game. If it's all cel-shaded and happy, I kinda expect a good ending.

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