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Yo yall. I'm here now, summonin them Blue Eyes white dragons all in one turn illegal like.

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Screw your rules, I have a mother firetrucking blimp!

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So, what do you guys think about the meta after Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy?


In my opinion, it's basically Spellbooks (DAT PRIESTESS), Elemental Dragons and Evilswarms (DAT OPHION)


Also, random Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged stuff incoming xD



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I really need to get back into watching yu-gi-oh! sometime lol




....I remember having a bit of a crush on pegasus for a little while.






The silvery hair. Its always the silvery hair...... .///.; *may also be another reason why RikuXAnsem seems to attract me so much.....both have silvery hair hahahahaha xD; lol*

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I think they should have added the Elemental dragons on the short print list and Spellbook of judgment. My friend brought a case of this set didn't pull 1 Judgment, Only 2 Dracosack and barely 3-4 of the big elemental dragons. Also, these prices are crazy. Dracosack at 200?! I mean what the heck? That crushes the dreams of Mecha Phantom beast players and Judgment at 120?? Konami these days.

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I think they should have added the Elemental dragons on the short print list and Spellbook of judgment. My friend brought a case of this set didn't pull 1 Judgment, Only 2 Dracosack and barely 3-4 of the big elemental dragons. Also, these prices are crazy. Dracosack at 200?! I mean what the heck? That crushes the dreams of Mecha Phantom beast players and Judgment at 120?? Konami these days.


Any Kerykeion or Hootcake?


Also, 2 Dracosack on the same box? O__O

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It wasn't the same box. A case is a package that contains 12 booster boxes. I looking for Kerykeions. And Judgment has lowered price. It goes for at least 80 to 95 bucks and Drago-sack is at 145.

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I started rewatching some Yugioh a few days ago, and wow, I forgot how cool it was to me back then, gotta go find some of my old cards. xD I started watching GX for the first time as well and I'm loving it so far. c:

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The OCG Banlist has been confirmed.

Link To Source: http://shriek.twoday.net/Link To Source: http://photozou.jp/photo/show/2652683...Link To Source: http://photozou.jp/photo/show/2652683...


Newly Forbidden:Burner, Dragon Ruler of Sparks (炎征竜-バーナー)Lightning, Dragon Ruler of Drafts (風征竜-ライトニング)Reactan, Dragon Ruler of Pebbles (地征竜-リアクタン)Stream, Dragon Ruler of Droplets (水征竜-ストリーム)Spellbook of Judgment (魔導書の神判)Newly Limited:Brotherhood of the Fire Fist -- Rooster (立炎星-トウケイ)Genex Ally Birdman (A・ジェネクス・バードマン)Mermail Abyssteus (水精鱗-ディニクアビス)Wind-Up Shark (ゼンマイシャーク)Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (氷結界の龍 トリシューラ)Number 11: Big Eye (No.11 ビッグ・アイ)Divine Wind of Mist Valley (霞の谷の神風)Super Rejuvenation (超再生能力)Abyss-sphere (アビスフィアー)Newly Semi-Limited:Gladiator Beast Bestiari (剣闘獣ベストロウリィ)Gorz the Emissary of Darkness (冥府の使者ゴーズ)Neo-Spacian Grand Mole (N・グラン・モール)Black Whirlwind (黒い旋風)Newly Unlimited:Tsukuyomi (月読命)Wind-Up Magician (ゼンマイマジシャン)Advanced Ritual Art (高等儀式術)E -- Emergency Call (E-エマージェンシーコール)Pot of Duality (強欲で謙虚な壺)Scapegoat (スケープ・ゴート)Mirror Force (聖なるバリア-ミラーフォース-)


I'm guessing the TCG and OCG are going to have different banlists this time because why would Konami make Tris to 1 in TCG and Rooster at 1 when it just came out? 

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4 babies ban
stratos ban
shock master ban
card d ban
gateway ban
storm ban
reborn ban
avarice ban
sb of jday ban
rejuv ban
SJ ban
offering ban

dragoons limit
spirit limit
diva limit
rabbit limit
tkro limit
mind august limit
dewloren limit
m7 limit
d fissure limit
gold sarch limit
royal tribute limit
bth limit
eev limit
compulse limit
macro limit
soul drain limit
torrential limit

plaguespread semi
mezuki semi
tg striker semi
tenki semi
prison semi

mali 3
earth 3
tsuku 3
hero lives 3
black whirlwind 3
e call 3
hieratic seal 3
duality 3
goat 3



Edited by Weedanort

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Season 0/Manga volumes 1-7 are awesome...very creative,intelligent and very fun and exciting to read

With volume 8 Kazuki Takahashi sold out and then it turned into crap...sad cuz it had alot of potential to be a classic

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