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My name is the same as my name on here. Look me up. I wouldn't up going a few rounds. Also, BLS Envoy is being reprinted in the Yugi's world that's coming out next month.


I checked it right now.




If there's a "Ra Yellow" treatment to the Mega Packs of Legendary Collection 3, the BLS Envoys are gonna be pulled very easily xD

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Brionac and Brain Control shouldn't be banned, Brionac was fine as a limited card.


And I do know that Brain Control can control the opponent's monster even after the End Phase of that turn, but most people nowadays use cards like that for Synchro, or Xyz Summoning.


Mind Control should be banned, instead of Brain Control.

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Just something I figured out something, the reasons why book of moon, Tsukyomi, and Magician of faith are banned/limited, Inifinte recycle loop. Basically, you have a set Faith. Then you filp, add whatever spell. Back when Book of moon was unlimited, Tsukyomi was banned then, but if she wasn't then, then this loop could have been a problem. Just like the Tsukyomi/Mask of darkness loop.

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I am trying to make a new deck. I would love support to get the other cards :) Condition doesn't matter.

- Monsters-

3x Armageddon Knight.

1x Dark Armed

2x Dark Grepher

3x Infernity Archfiend

3x Infernity Avenger

1x Infernity Bettle

3x Infernity Mirage

3x Infernity NecroMancer( Already have 1)

1x Sangan( Already have)

- Spells-

Allure of Darkness

Book of moon( Already have)

Card Destruction

Dark Hole( Already have)

Heavy Storm( Already have)

Infernity Launcher

Monster Reborn( Already have)

2x MST( Already have)

2x Wave-Motion Inferno

1x ZERO-Max

- Traps-

2x Infernity Barrier

2x Infernity Break

1x Infernity Force

3x Infernity Inferno

- Extra Deck-

2x Hundred Eyes Dragon

1x Stardust( Already have)

1x Scrap Dragon( Already have)

2x Void Ogre Dragon( Already have 1)

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I am trying to make a new deck. I would love support to get the other cards :) Condition doesn't matter.

- Monsters-

3x Armageddon Knight.

1x Dark Armed

2x Dark Grepher

3x Infernity Archfiend

3x Infernity Avenger

1x Infernity Bettle

3x Infernity Mirage

3x Infernity NecroMancer( Already have 1)

1x Sangan( Already have)

- Spells-

Allure of Darkness

Book of moon( Already have)

Card Destruction

Dark Hole( Already have)

Heavy Storm( Already have)

Infernity Launcher

Monster Reborn( Already have)

2x MST( Already have)

2x Wave-Motion Inferno

1x ZERO-Max

- Traps-

2x Infernity Barrier

2x Infernity Break

1x Infernity Force

3x Infernity Inferno

- Extra Deck-

2x Hundred Eyes Dragon

1x Stardust( Already have)

1x Scrap Dragon( Already have)

2x Void Ogre Dragon( Already have 1)


Infernities, I haven't seen that in a while.


Sadly, I don't have Infernity cards :/ (Didin't buy that many packs back then)

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UPDATE: The foils of the Prophecy Destroyer tin have been revealed:




1x Photon Shockwave

2x Order of Chaos

2x Galactic Overlord


1x Prophecy Destroyer (Secret)

1x Endless Decay (Super)

1x Steelswarm Roach (Super)

1x Photon Strike Bounzer (Super)

1x Infernity Barrier (Super)


What are your thoughts?


Scumbag Konami, reprinting broken cards, after the world ends /shot

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I have Scrap Dragon, and Wind Up Zenmaines on my my side of the field.


I activate Scrap Dragon's effect, and target Zenmaines.


Can Zenmaines activate it's effect?

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Zenmaines will lose a material instead of being destroyed.



So Scrap gets to activate it's effect of destroying a card of the opponent, and in the End Phase, Zenmaines destroys another card.


Perfect xD

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Dat moment when you have 1100 Life Points, you're dueling against Wind Ups, and you draw a Judgment Dragon, with more than 4 Lightsworns on your Graveyard.


Posted Image


Happened to me today at the locals xD


He had Shock Master, Adreus, Arsenal Zenmaioh, and Wind Up Factory on the field.



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