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I've been checking on the Fire Fist and Fire King archtype...


And Prideful Roar really screws them over xD


Get those Battle Packs people, you're gonna need Prideful Roar on you Side Deck :P

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It won't do anything against the those decks. You'll need cards like Soul and Skill drain. Spell Canelller and Royal decree screws Fire Fist spell/trap cards.

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Sweat a yguioh fan club i am totes joining. 


Does any one know how to get old cards (no gx or 5ds or gay xeal) or if any have been reprinted in new sets 




Then I'm considering original, and 5D's.


For original it's pretty easy, there's Legendary Collection 3.


For 5D's... You could always get the Advent Calendar (even though the cards are in German).


The Advent Calendar's worth it, you get an Ultra Rare Black Rose Dragon.

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Then I'm considering original, and 5D's.


For original it's pretty easy, there's Legendary Collection 3.


For 5D's... You could always get the Advent Calendar (even though the cards are in German).


The Advent Calendar's worth it, you get an Ultra Rare Black Rose Dragon.


Okay i just ordered legendary collection 3 yesterday and advent calendar seems legit.

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Guys, a really random question.


If every card in the banlist would be Unlimited, which decks would be tier 1?


I go for Yata-Garasu Lockdown xD





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I thought you were talking about her -___________-



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It's that time of the year again, the new banlist. Here are my pedictions of the March 1st Banlist.



Rescue Rabbit( This card has been seeing play in every new deck, plus if they ban this, Rabbit based decks won't be a problem anymore xD)

Black Luster Soldier-Enovy of the beginning( This card has been very popular since it's limitation. I believe it will get hit because its a game changer.


That's what I think should be banned.



Wind-Up Magician( Do I really need an explaination for this? xD Wind-ups have been winning even though they limited Carrier. Plus, Wind-Up decks have been built around this card now.)

Tour Guide of the Underworld( This card really didn't get hit with it being Semi-Limited, plus this card can be banned or Limited. Either is fine)

Brotherhood of the fire fist- Bear( Um, yeah. This card better be limited. Fire Fists have been winning WAY to many regionals lately. It's because of Bear as he can just send a face up Fire Formation spell/trap to pop any monster)

Mermail Abyssmegalo or Abysslinde( I prefer Megalo being limited as you can just send Atlantions from hand and pop any face-up/set cards or add a sea-seprent from deck to hand)

Inzektor Centipede( This card must be limited. They should have done this last banlist instead of Hornet. Dragonfly and Centipede are the main problems of this deck)


That's all I think that should be limited.



Forbidden Lance( Omg, this card, this card, is SO annoying. It's a way none of your monsters will be destroy. It must get hit)

Spore( Nothing really happened when this card was limited, so I think it might come back)

Black Wirlwind( I believe this should happen because Blackwings is getting new support so I believe this should be boost to 2 so Blackwings can be brought back.)

Super Poly( No explainion. This card must at least be at 2)


That's all I have for Semi-Limited part.



Mirror Force( This really didn't do anything at 2)

Shien's Smoke Signal( This would help six sams a bit more)


That's all I have on the March 1st list. What do ya guys think and what are ta predictions?

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Well, here's my thoughts:



Dragged Down Into The Grave (No explanation needed)

Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beggining (Even though I really like to use him, lots of people I know ragequited when I Summoned him onto the field)



Rescue Rabbit (Dino Rabbit needs to GO)

Tour Guide From The Underworld (Why wasn't it Limited the previous banlist? It's just broken, just Summon it, and BAM, Zenmaines, Leviair, etc...)

Wind Up Magician (I thought about Shark, but Magician's more broken)

Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World (I freaking hate him, seriously.)

Wind Up Factory (No explanation needed)

Fire Formation - Tenki (Basically, a free search, and ATK booster. Nope)



Wind Up Shark (2's the way to go, this way WInd Ups won't bring Shock Master that easily)

Chaos Sorcerer (It was a d*ck move to put him in 1, he isn't that broken)

Plaguespreader Zombie (If you think about it, the game's basically Xyz, so why is he still limited?)



Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner (Yep, I went there. Lightsworns and Twilight Decks will never be Tier 1, so we might as well put her at 3.)


Also, somebody said that Goyo Guardian's getting Limited, Shi En's getting Semi Limited, and Gateway of the Six's getting banned. LOL


Somebody did this xD


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The offical new banlist has been revaled. Source: http://shriek.twoday.net/


Forbidden Cards
Sangan( Why Sangan?! This card helps many decks out Dx.
Wind-Up Carrier( This is good. Wind-ups won't be able to as much anymore with this card banned)

Limited to 1
Wind-Up Magician( Yes! I was right that this was gonna get hit xD. Now Wind-Ups won't be as much as a problem anymore.)
One Day Of Peace( Understandable. One day is a dick card. I mean, both players draw, but no damage.)
Solemn Warning( I see why they limited it now. Solemn at 2 has been doing pretty well)

Limited to 2
Tsukuyomi( I like it how they boosted her to 2 :). I mean, nothing really happened when she was limited.
Thunder King Rai-Oh( I see why they limited him to 2. He's to much of an OP card)
Advanced Ritual Art( Yeah, the game is basically xyzs now so lets have rituals come back xD)

Unlimited Play 3 Of
Spore( Spore at 3 is nice. Plant players will like this even more)
Blackwinged Kalut The Moon Shadow( Boosting up Blackwings is nice. Now they just need Gale and Wirlwind at 3)
Lumina Lightsworn Summoner( Yay. Lightsworn players love it that she's at 3 now. Now we just need Honest and Charge off the limited list and Lightsworns will be good as new.)
Shien's Smoke Signal( I was right about this as well. Shien's Smoke signal will be just fine being at 3.)


So yeah, I wish they hit Mermails and Fire Fist. This list is not that good but I like it. Offering didn't get banned so I'm glad about that. I need it for Madolches. I now feel bad for the people who spent a lot of money getting Goyo because everyone thought he was gonna get limited.

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My thoughts about the list:




Sangan (Probably because of the TGU system. And I wanted to use Channeler with it D: )

Carrier (Thank GOD)




Wind Up Magician (Actually I'm glad that he was hit)

One Day Of Peace (I'm actually ok with this. Each player draws 1, and no damage.)

Warning (WHY??? Now that many boss monsters are gonna be around, Warning's what we really need. D*ck move Konami)




Tsukuyomi (Meh, Konami could put it in 3)

TKRO (O.o, ok WTH! Again Konami, why? TKRO was fine in 3...)

Advanced Ritual Art (I laugh at their stupidity)




Spore (Still Plants won't do much)

Blackwing - Kalut the Moon Shadow (Wow 3 "Honests" for BW?)

Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner (I guess I'm ok with this, and people will want to play with LS again)

Shien's Smoke Signal (Ok, what? Basically 4 ROTAs for SS, great job Konami!)


Basically, SS can put somewhat of a fight against Prophecys, and people will want to play with LS, and BW (Great illusion here, especially with BW)


Other than that, this meta will be basically bringing out boss monsters with no fear.

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They really didn't hit anything with this list because worlds is coming up pretty soon so they want to see what to get rid of with the sept list this year.

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Oh God, they found another OTK system with Wind Ups.


For those not wanting to click the link:
Needed hand: Wind-Up Shark, Summoner Monk, 1 Spell Card
1. Summon Summoner Monk.
2. Special Summon Wind-Up Magician with it.
3. Special Summon Wind-Up Shark
4. Special Summon Wind-Up Rat via Wind-Up Magician
5. Xyz Summon Photon Papilloperative with Wind-Up Magician OR Summoner Monk
6. Use the effect of Papilloperative on Wind-Up Rat
7. Use the effect of Wind-Up Rat to Special Summon Wind-Up Magician
8. Use Wind-Up Shark's Level Modulation Effect to make it Level 3.
9. Wind-Up Magician Special Summons Wind-Up Shark from the Deck.
10. Xyz Summon M-X-Invoker with the LV3 Wind-Up Shark and Wind-Up Rat
11. Special Summon Wind-Up Warrior from your Deck with M-X-Saber Invoker's effect.
12a. Make Number 16: Shock Master with your Wind-Up Shark, Wind-Up Magician and Wind-Up Warrior.
12b. Make a Rank 5 Xyz and Wind-Up Magician.

If the Rank 5 Xyz is Shark Fortress (from Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy), you can push for a One Turn Kill.



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Got a Haunted Mines the other day, pulled both Beast and Barkion xD. That day was made.


Lucky you xD


When I got Hanted Mine, I got Brionac. A few months later, the banlist came xD

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