Queen Tery 4,591 Posted July 26, 2012 Entertaining as always .Moar! Thank you! I will continue, but not right now. I have work soon. lol Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robbie the Wise 5,050 Posted July 26, 2012 Excellent,excellent excellent. 2 Queen Tery and HarLea Quinn reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Master Aqua 42 Posted July 27, 2012 Awesome 1 Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kirie 3,489 Posted July 27, 2012 People should like your chapters more.. 1 Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted July 27, 2012 People should like your chapters more.. It'd be nice. lol I've gained a small fanbase as I post more stories, though. Hopefully it continues to grow! 2 Kirie and Master Aqua reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kirie 3,489 Posted July 27, 2012 It'd be nice. lol I've gained a small fanbase as I post more stories, though. Hopefully it continues to grow! Just ask for random people to comment and like your chapter lol 1 Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Master Aqua 42 Posted July 27, 2012 It'd be nice. lol I've gained a small fanbase as I post more stories, though. Hopefully it continues to grow! Trust me it will. 1 Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kirie 3,489 Posted July 27, 2012 I'm waiting for the next chapter ~tap my shoe 1 Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted July 27, 2012 I'm waiting for the next chapter ~tap my shoe I'm working on it! Geez.... lol 1 Kirie reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kirie 3,489 Posted July 27, 2012 I'm working on it! Geez.... lol That's more like it Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted July 27, 2012 CHAPTER 12: INT. MIYAZAKI’S LABORATORY (Miyazaki walks across the room and presses the button on an intercom.) Miyazaki: You can come down now, the coast is clear. (Miyazaki turns and walks back to his computer. He sits down and begins typing. Eventually, Bruce and Robert re-enter the laboratory. Bruce grabs one of the chains off the chair and ties Robert’s arm to a nearby pipe, this way he can stand or sit if he wants to. Bruce turns and slowly makes his way toward Miyazaki.) Bruce: Who was at the door? You never have visitors. Miyazaki: That was Olivia Warner. She is a detective tasked with hunting you down. I can tell you that they already know your name, description, and they believe that you might be an “associate” of mine. Bruce: Shit! How do they…? How did you…? How could you figure out that much in only a few seconds of talking to her? Miyazaki: I barely figured any of that out by talking to her. That’s why I’m currently hacking into their databases. Bruce: That quickly? Miyazaki: Yeah… I’m kinda, sort of a freaking genius. I had hoped you would know that by now. Bruce: How did they figure this much out about me? Miyazaki: Well… it says they got most of it from… Brianna Maguire. Robert: Brianna?! She’s got them looking for me! It looks like you bastards are shit out of luck. Miyazaki: Hm, we may have to tie up a few lose ends. Robert: Lose ends?!?! You bastard, if you even lay one finger on her I’ll beat the living shit out of you!!! Bruce: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Everyone just calm down! Nobody’s gonna lay a hand on anyone. Alright, let’s just talk things out. (Bruce turns and faces Robert.) Bruce: I didn’t want this bullshit. I just wanted your help and things got out of hand. I’m sorry for that. But, I can assure you that if you just transport me 125 years into the past, I will let you go. Robert: No. Even if I wanted to help you, there is no way I’m ever using my powers. Bruce: But, why? Why would you not want to use your ability to help someone? Robert: …That’s none of your business. (Bruce shakes his head in annoyance and quickly makes his way out of the lab and into his apartment. Miyazaki watches the door shut behind Bruce. He slowly turns his head and faces Robert. A menacing smile appears on his face.) Miyazaki: As you may have already realized. I’m not quite as kind as Bruce. I’m not really kind at all. (Miyazaki rises from his chair and picks up syringe. He walks toward Robert, quickly making him more and more uncomfortable.) EXT. THE MAGUIRE HOUSEHOLD-AFTERNOON (Bruce walks up to the front door and seems to be under a lot of pressure. He slowly raises his hand and knocks on the door. He waits and then the door slowly opens. Brianna steps into the threshold and becomes quite agitated at the site of Bruce.) Bruce: I wanted to know if Robert was here. I know we got off on the wrong foot and all… Brianna: Are you shitting me?!?! You kidnapped him! I know you did! Bruce: Kidnapped? What the hell are you talking about? (Bruce becomes very nervous, trying his best to maintain the lie.) Brianna: You bastard! (Brianna rears her arm back, ready to assault Bruce. Bruce puts his arms up in defense, but isn’t prepared for what happens next. Brianna’s arm transforms into a wrecking ball and crashes into Bruce’s arms, knocking him onto the sidewalk across the street. Bruce lets out a long and depressing groan as he slowly tries to get back on his feet.) Bruce: A shape shifter. The things I get myself into just amaze me. (Bruce stumbles back and watches as Brianna walks toward him. He cracks his neck and jumps up and down trying to get his body ready. Once he’s prepared his body for the trial ahead, he takes off sprinting down the sidewalk. Brianna lets out a cry of anger and chases him down the street. She shape shifts into a large bat and glides up to him, quickly closing the gap between them. She reaches out and plucks him off the ground, soaring high above the city.) Brianna: TELL ME WHERE HE IS OR I’LL SPLATTER YOU ALL OVER THE PAVEMENT!!! (Bruce struggles to reach into his jacket pocket. He pulls a pocket knife out and waits, as Brianna unwittingly flies over the roof of a nearby building. Bruce reaches up and stabs her arm, causing her to let go of him. He tucks and rolls, landing safely on the roof below. Bruce quickly rises to his feet and rushes toward the opposite end of the roof. Brianna makes an abrupt U-turn and begins flying back toward him. Bruce waits until the last second and ducks, sliding just beneath her grasp. He seamlessly continues his race across the roof, soon reaching the edge. Without slowing down he leaps out to the nearest roof and rolls onto his feet. He keeps running, but looks back to see how far Brianna is from his back. Brianna speeds up and tries to pick him up, once more. Bruce turns and slices her hand, causing her to veer to the right. He continues running and leaps out to another rooftop. But, this one proves just a bit too far, so Bruce reaches out and grabs a hold of the roof’s edge and hangs on for dear life. He leaps to his right and grabs onto the fire escape ladder, quickly sliding down to safety. Bruce takes a moment to catch his breath. He looks to his left and sees a brown cat sitting on the railing of the fire escape.) Bruce: That is the worst disguise ever. (But, Bruce quickly realizes just how wrong he is, when Brianna the big bad bat glides up from behind and knocks him off the fire escape. Luckily he catches the railing with his legs and hangs from the fire escape, upside down. But, this only lasts for a moment, as his momentum from the fall, causes him to do a back flip and fall from the railing. He drops one story and then catches the next story’s railing, holding on tightly with his sweaty palms. He looks to his right and sees that Brianna is headed his way. He looks down and sees a dumpster sitting in the alleyway below. Bruce leaps back and slides down the wall, falling into the dumpster. He quickly leaps out and sprints out of the alleyway and into the street. Brianna lands in the street and transforms back into her normal human form. Her breathing becomes more irregular as she watches Bruce run away. She lets out a cry of anger and begins another deadly transformation. Brianna grows to the height of a building, shifting into a blood-thirsty beast of colossal proportions. She looks similar to a Cyclops and seems intent on destroying Bruce if it’s the last thing she does.) 1 Kirie reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kirie 3,489 Posted July 27, 2012 Brianna is getting on my nerves... God story bro the next chapter better be interesting as this one Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted July 27, 2012 Brianna is getting on my nerves... God story bro the next chapter better be interesting as this one LOL Yeah, I didn't really intend to make her annoying(just head over heels for her husband), but I guess it just happened. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kirie 3,489 Posted July 27, 2012 LOL Yeah, I didn't really intend to make her annoying(just head over heels for her husband), but I guess it just happened. As long if it's a good story i'm okay with it lol 2 The Transcendent Key and Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarLea Quinn 26,501 Posted July 27, 2012 LOL! @ the big bad bat 3 Demyx., Robbie the Wise and Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted July 27, 2012 LOL! @ the big bad bat I was tired, I got bored, and I wanted some comedy. lol Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kirie 3,489 Posted July 29, 2012 WHEN ARE YOU GONNA POST THE NEXT CHAPTER? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted July 29, 2012 WHEN ARE YOU GONNA POST THE NEXT CHAPTER? When I damn well please. I'll get to it, soon. I've been busy. But, I will give you all a heads up that I'm going on vacation in a few days and I doubt I will be on the site much. Even if I log in I doubt I'll be posting any chapters. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kirie 3,489 Posted July 29, 2012 When I damn well please. I'll get to it, soon. I've been busy. But, I will give you all a heads up that I'm going on vacation in a few days and I doubt I will be on the site much. Even if I log in I doubt I'll be posting any chapters. Your vacation will end very soon ~grins 2 The Transcendent Key and Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted July 30, 2012 (edited) CHAPTER 13: INT. THE INVESTIGATION HEADQUARTERS (Agent Dodson is sitting in his office, speaking to Olivia.) Dodson: Unfortunately, we’ve still had no luck acquiring a warrant. Ms. Warner you need to try harder. You have to get inside his head if it’s the last thing you do. Olivia: I don’t understand it. It’s like his thoughts are too fast for me to read. The only explanation I can come to is that it’s a part of his ability. (Suddenly, an agent bursts into the room.) Agent: Agent Dodson we have a situation. Dodson: Could you be more specific? Agent: Some sort of monster is rampaging through Philadelphia. It’s more than likely the handy-work of a shape shifter. Dodson: …I want a blockade set up around the perimeter of the city, immediately. Don’t allow anyone in, only out. I’ll handle the preparations for an aerial strike. Ms. Warner I recommend that you stay here, out of the way. (Olivia bites her tongue, trying very hard not to argue with her boss. Dodson hurries out of the room, leaving Olivia to herself. Olivia slowly gets up and walks over to the window. She opens the window and sees Brianna’s hideous transformation attacking Philadelphia, in the distance. She quickly exits the room.) INT. PHILADELPHIA (Bruce is sprinting down the street, breathing heavily and sweating like a pig. Brianna is slowly following him down the street, crushing the concrete beneath her massive feet. Each time her feet hit the ground, the ensuing quake causes Bruce to stumble forward. But, each time Bruce quickly manages to regain his balance and press on. He eventually reaches Dr. Miyazaki’s laboratory and bursts through the front door.) Bruce: Hurry! Give me your Tazer… gun… thing! (Miyazaki quickly looks away from the TV, which is broadcasting Brianna’s rampage. He walks over to the nearby table and picks up the gun that he used to incapacitate Robert, who is still chained to the pipe on the wall. Miyazaki tosses the gun to Bruce, who easily catches it. Bruce rushes out the door and sees Brianna has lost track of him and is now making her way through the next street over. He rushes through the nearby alleyway trying to reach her, as soon as possible. Bruce spots a nearby fire escape and quickly utilizes it, hurrying up to the rooftop. Meanwhile, a group of fighter jets have entered the city and are launching missiles at Brianna’s back and head. But, for the most part they appear to be quite ineffective. Brianna reaches out and swats the jets away, as she quickly becomes irritated by their interference. Bruce finally reaches the rooftop and sneaks over to the edge, trying not to alert Brianna to his presence. He takes aim with the gun and holds the trigger down. He releases the trigger releasing a bolt of electricity at Brianna’s back. The bolt hits Brianna, but only manages to tell her where Bruce is. She quickly turns around and roars in Bruce’s direction. Bruce releases a flurry of bolts at Brianna, but each one proves to small and ineffective.) Bruce: Dammit! (Brianna lifts her arm into the air and swats at the building that Bruce is standing on, crushing it. Bruce leaps from the piece of roof he is standing on to the nearby piece. He leaps from falling platform to falling platform, barely making each jump. He makes about four jumps, before the platform he is now standing on hits the ground. He leaps off and rolls to the ground. He turns and looks up to see Brianna walking toward him. Bruce lets out another flurry of electric bolts, but Brianna brushes them off without any sign of pain. Bruce turns and runs away, but Brianna quickly reaches out and plucks him off the ground. She grabs the back of his jacket, but Bruce tugs his arms out of the sleeves and drops to the ground, hurrying off before Brianna realizes what happened. Brianna lets out a roar of anger and hurries toward Bruce. She lifts her foot and goes to crush him beneath her massive toes, but suddenly her foot stops in mid-air. Bruce looks back and sees that she has seemingly become frozen in time. Bruce feels his body lift into the air, against his control. He floats to the top of a nearby roof and then watches as Brianna begins to move, once more. Brianna’s foot crashes into the ground, causing her much excitement. She lifts her foot and looks at the ground, but much to her confusion and annoyance, Bruce isn’t there. Brianna turns and looks around, trying to find Bruce. Bruce’s breathing calms down and he turns to see a strange man standing behind him. This man is pale and is wearing a black top-hat with a single gold stripe. He is wearing a long black coat with gold lacing on it. He is holding a black cane with a little gold on it, as well, most likely to match his black and gold attire. He has long dark hair and no facial hair, whatsoever.) Bruce: Hi. Were… you the one that saved me? Man: Indeed I was. That was quite the close one, wouldn’t you say? Bruce: Yeah. Yeah, it was. So, thanks, but I… got to get going. (Bruce turns, but finds himself unable to move.) Bruce: What the hell is going on? Are you doing this? Man: Indeed I am. Bruce: Why? Man: Simply because I can. Bruce: What the hell kind of reason is that? Man: My reason. They’re the best kind, you know. So, Bruce, I bet you’re wondering what my power is, am I correct? Bruce: I was. But, now I’m wondering how the hell you know my name? (The man grins and steps forward, slightly adjusting his top hat.) Man: I know everything there is to know, my good sir. It has to do with my ability. Bruce: Yeah? And what would that be? (Bruce rolls his eyes, quickly becoming annoyed.) Man: To put it into the simplest terms. I can do anything I want. I can move things with my mind, read minds, destroy cities with a simple flick of the wrist, start a fire just by the sheer force of my own will, and the thing that you would be most interested in… time traveling. Bruce: What? You can time travel?! Man: Of course. I can do anything and I mean… anything. Bruce: So, you’ll help me? Man: Help you with what? Bruce: …I thought you said you know everything? (The man’s grin becomes even wider.) Man: Indeed I do, my friend. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I really must go. Bruce: Wait! What kind of bullshit are trying to pull here?! You show up out of nowhere and tell me you can help me and then you don’t?! Man: Until next time, Bruce. Trust me… there will be a next time. For future reference… you can call me Jim. (Jim grins and then disappears into thin air. Bruce finds himself able to move once again. He quickly turns around and sees Brianna moving about in the distance. He clenches his fist, confused and angry. He quickly rushes to the edge of the building and leaps onto the nearby rooftop.) Edited July 30, 2012 by Ertyx 1 Kirie reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kirie 3,489 Posted July 30, 2012 The top hat man is very mysterious... 2 The Transcendent Key and Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarLea Quinn 26,501 Posted July 30, 2012 Jim intrigues me greatly .. 3 Queen Tery, Robbie the Wise and Demyx. reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted July 30, 2012 The top hat man is very mysterious... Jim intrigues me greatly .. Success! 2 Kirie and HarLea Quinn reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted July 30, 2012 CHAPTER 14: INT. MIYAZAKI’S LAB (Miyazaki is watching the TV with a smile on his face. Robert is peering out the corner of his eyes, terrified of what might happen to his wife.) Miyazaki: How does it feel to know that this is your fault? Robert: Are you kidding me?! How the hell is this anyone’s fault but you and your friends?! If you wouldn’t have kidnapped me none of this would’ve ever happened! Miyazaki: Ah, but if you had just helped Bruce in the first place then I would’ve never kidnapped you. (Robert opens his mouth, but the words don’t come out. Robert looks away and slowly shuts his mouth. Miyazaki chuckles under his breath.) Miyazaki: I should thank you, though. If you had helped Bruce in the first place my plans would’ve been ruined. This is for the best. INT. PHILADELPHIA (Bruce is leaping from rooftop to rooftop, trying to reach Brianna before the fighter jets can take her down. Meanwhile, the citizens of Philadelphia are trying to exit the town, until her rampage is stopped. On the street that Brianna is destroying, two men are walking toward her. One is Agent Dodson and the other is a Caucasian man with a pony-tail and goatee.) Dodson: I’m glad that you could make it here on such short notice. Man: It’s my pleasure. I’m glad that I can help. Dodson: Well… I guess you’d better just go and get this over with. Man: You got it. (The man begins jogging down the street toward Brianna. Bruce finally reaches the closest rooftop to where Brianna is standing.) Bruce: HEY! I’M OVER HERE! (Brianna turns and roars at Bruce. She quickly raises her arm, as the missiles continue to crash against her back. Brianna crushes the building and Bruce leaps across the falling pieces of the building, eventually reaching the ground. Bruce looks up and sees the jets flee from the city.) Bruce: Wha…? (Bruce looks to his right and sees Dodson’s associate running toward Brianna.) Bruce: Who is he…? (The man stops next to Brianna’s foot and rams his palm into the side of her foot. Bruce, distracted by this man’s actions, barely notices Brianna’s other foot coming toward him. He quickly turns and tries to get out of the way. Her foot hit the ground and Bruce leaps out of the way at the last second. Unfortunately, a piece of the broken street rises from Brianna’s stomp and hits Bruce in the back of the head. Bruce falls forward and busts his chin off the ground. His head and chin begin to bleed, heavily, and he falls unconscious. Meanwhile, the man at Brianna’s foot begins to glow with a red aura. He begins to yell out in pain as the red aura travels up Brianna’s foot and spreads to the rest of her body. The radiation eventually covers the entirety of her body and she explodes, as if a miniature nuclear bomb went off inside her body. Olivia walks up from behind a nearby building and sees Bruce’s unconscious body. She runs over and rolls him onto his back.) Olivia: Sir, are you okay?! Bruce: Uggggghhhh… Olivia: You’re… (Bruce is still breathing, but even through Olivia’s yelling, he still won’t wake up. She quickly lifts him up and drags him away.) INT. MIYAZAKI’S LAB (Robert is crying as he watches his wife die in the explosion on TV. Miyazaki smiles and turns to face Robert.) Miyazaki: So Robert it would seem that you’ve just lost the most important thing in your life. It’s such a shame. But, don’t worry. I have plans for you. You won’t have to deal with this pain much longer. I can assure you of that. (Miyazaki exits the laboratory, leaving Robert to himself.) INT. OLIVIA’S APARTMENT-AFTERNOON (Bruce wakes up in Olivia’s bed and looks around, confused. His face has bandages covering the injuries he has incurred. Suddenly, Olivia walks into the room, carrying a cup of tea.) Olivia: Are you alright? Bruce: Uh, I guess. My head’s killing me, but I’m pretty sure I’ll live. (Olivia smiles and hands him the cup of tea. Bruce slowly takes it and begins to drink.) Bruce: What happened? Olivia: I found you unconscious near the rampage of that monster. Bruce: What happened to… that thing? (Olivia sits down at the foot of the bed.) Olivia: It was taken down by an officer of the law. He’s like a living nuclear bomb. (Bruce looks away, trying to conceal his shame at Brianna’s death.) Bruce: What were you doing there? Olivia: You know, I could ask you the same thing. Bruce: …I was trying to escape the city. But, I don’t have a vehicle so I had to go on foot. That thing… showed up out of nowhere and I got hit by some stray debris. (Olivia stares at Bruce for a moment, trying to read his mind.) Bruce’s thoughts: … Olivia: …I work for the Government and I was there trying to help take that thing down. But, by the time I got there things were under control. I saw you and decided to help you out. Luckily, I didn’t live far from there. Bruce: Thank you, for all your help. But, I really have to get going. Olivia: Are you sure? You might still be a bit disoriented… Bruce: I’ll be fine. (Bruce gets out of the bed, much to Olivia’s dismay.) Bruce: I’ve got a hard-head. It helps in situations like this. (Bruce smiles and Olivia smiles back.) Olivia: My name’s Olivia Warner. You? (Bruce quickly recalls Miyazaki telling him that Olivia Warner suspects Bruce Johnson to be the terrorist.) Bruce: Uhhhh, Jim… Jim Morrison. Olivia: Well, Jim it’s a pleasure to meet you. (Olivia smiles and puts out her hand. Bruce shakes her hand and smiles back.) Olivia: Here’s my number… if you ever need anything. Okay? (Olivia holds out a small piece of paper and Bruce slowly reaches out and takes it.) Bruce: Yeah. I’ll be sure to give you a call some time. (Olivia smiles and nibbles on the bottom of her lip. Bruce picks up his shirt and puts it on, slowly exiting the room.) INT. MIYAZAKI’S LAB (Bruce enters the lab and sees Robert alone and still chained to the pipe.) Robert: You son of a bitch… Bruce: Robert, I’m sorry. Robert: You’re sorry? You’re sorry?!?! My wife is dead and it’s all your fault!!! Bruce: I didn’t mean for this to happen. Robert: Screw you! If you hadn’t of kidnapped me in the first place… Bruce: I had nothing to do with that! I told you that! This got way out of control. But, you can fix this. You can go back in time and save her. I promise to let you go… but you have to me this one favor. You have to take me back to the past! Robert: No… I won’t do it. Bruce: Not even to save your wife! Robert: I vowed that I would never use my powers again. I’m not about to break that vow. Bruce: But why? Robert: Because my stupid powers have gotten my wife killed before! Bruce: …What? Robert: …We were teenagers. I loved my powers. The idea that I could be anywhere I wanted at any time. If anyone on this planet was free… it was me. I could make mistake after mistake, but it never mattered. I had an unlimited amount of re-dos. But, one day when I was supposed to meet Brianna for a date, I ended up blowing her off. I called her a half hour late and told her that I was sick and couldn’t make it. Instead, I went with my friends and we traveled back to 1990. Just for the hell of it. When I got back, I found out that Brianna was murdered by a group of thugs on her way home from our “date.” (Robert bursts into tears.) Robert: So I went back in time and made sure that we had our date, as planned. We took a different route home and I vowed to myself that I would never use my powers again. I eventually told her what happened and I made the same vow to her. I didn’t deserve it… but she forgave me. (Robert looks down and sobs into his knees. Bruce looks away, unable to argue with Robert’s story. Bruce clears his throat.) Bruce: I-I’m sorry. (Bruce shakes his head and exits the laboratory, heading up to his apartment.) INT. MIYAZAKI’S LAB-MIDNIGHT (Miyazaki has Robert strapped down to a table. He injects him with a mysterious serum, causing Robert a great deal of pain. Suddenly, Robert’s power tattoo begins to disappear, much to Miyazaki’s satisfaction. Miyazaki turns and checks his computer, for a moment.) Miyazaki: These results are marvelous! I have finally done it. I’ve found a way to delete someone’s ability from their genetic code! Now… I’m happy to say that I have no more use for you Robert. (Miyazaki grins and picks up a nearby razor. He begins to shave Robert’s head.) EXT. THE INVESTIGATION HEADQUARTERS-MIDNIGHT (Dodson is in his office, typing away at his laptop. He suddenly hears a loud noise downstairs. He leaps out of his chair and hurries to the base floor of the building. He sees a few other people crowded around a blue mustang. This mustang has crashed through the wall of the building. Dodson walks over to the door and opens it. Inside he sees Robert chained to the seat. Robert’s head has been completely shaved and he now has a goatee. Dodson looks down at his wrist, which happens to be one of the few exposed portions of his body. Robert’s wrist is bare. Dodson smiles and leans into the car.) Dodson: Nice of you to join us… “Extremus.” 2 Master Aqua and Kirie reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Master Aqua 42 Posted July 30, 2012 Great chapter. 1 Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites