HarLea Quinn 26,501 Posted September 30, 2012 Shit just got real 3 Queen Tery, Robbie the Wise and Demyx. reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VanitasisKirby 1,227 Posted September 30, 2012 Ohohohohohoh!!!!!! >8D Don't leave me waiting for the next chapter!!!! D:< 1 Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted September 30, 2012 CHAPTER 25: INT. SOMEWHERE IN CANADA-MORNING (Bruce walks up to the side of a cliff. His beard has grown quite thick and a thin layer of hair has begun to grow on his once bald head. The mysterious top-hat man floats up from out of nowhere.) Top-hat Man: Ohhhhhh, CAAAAANNNAAAAADDDDAAA!!! Bruce: Do you have to follow me around? You’re like dead weight. Only you’re not actually dead… which would be a bonus. Top-hat Man: That hurts, buddy. I mean I’m all you’ve got left and you still continue to treat me like a worthless turd! Hell, I’m the only one on this entire planet that knows your real name… other than Miyazaki of course. Bruce: Ugh, don’t bring him up. It’s bad enough that I have to deal with you. Top-hat Man: How about I help you out for once? Bruce: So, you can help me? Top-hat Man: In some ways, yes. Bruce: …Whatever. Let’s just leave it at that. If I go any further I’m just going to get myself so pissed off it’s not even funny. (Bruce’s legs suddenly lift from the ground as he and the top-hat man levitate down below the cliff. They hover over the frozen lake and land in front of the abandoned warehouse on the other side. Bruce makes his way toward the warehouse entrance and heads inside, breathing heavily.) Top-hat Man: You don’t look so good, pal? When’s the last time you had something to eat? Bruce: I don’t know; a day or two. I’m trying to save my bullets; I might need them since as of last week I ran out of money. So I’m stuck with hunting for food, only. Top-hat Man: I could conjure up some food, but it might not be very filling… Bruce: …Do you hear that? Top-hat Man: Yeah, there are two guys outside, they’re headed this way. Bruce: Okay, thanks for letting me know. (Bruce rushes to the other end of the room and hides behind a few barrels of gasoline. The top-hat man continues to float in the center of the room, picking at his teeth.) Bruce: What the hell are you doing?! Top-hat Man: I got something in my teeth. It’s really bugging me. Bruce: They’re gonna see you! Top-hat Man: Hahahaha! That’s what you’re worried about? (Suddenly, the two men enter the warehouse, although they don’t seem to notice the floating top-hat man in the center of the room. The two men are Marcus and a random member of the Mafia. They’re both wearing ear plugs, for some odd reason. They step further into the room, looking around.) Marcus: That rat-bastard’s got to be somewhere around here. They said he was on foot; he couldn’t have gotten any further. COME ON OUT, JIMBO!!! (Marcus’ voice echoes off the walls, shaking the very room. Bruce cups his ears, trying to fight the pain from the sonic waves.) Marcus: WE KNOW YOU’RE IN HERE, JACKASS!!! (Bruce falls forward, causing his head to peer out from behind the barrels.) Top-hat Man: There he is!!! (Marcus points at Bruce’s head and the other Mafia member rears his arm back, as a nasty green acid appears in the palm of his hand. He slings the acid at Bruce; he quickly dives back, rolling to safety. The acid hits the ground and begins to eat away at the floor.) Top-hat Man: Excellent form, Bruce! (The two men appear oblivious to the fact that the top-hat man is floating just above their heads. Bruce leaps up the nearby stairs.) Marcus: WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU’RE GOING?!?! (Bruce stumbles up the stairs, clutching his ears. The acid-slinger tosses a wad of acid at the stairs, eating away at the railing. Bruce falls through the disintegrating steps, but manages to grab on to the steps in front of him. He pulls himself up and hurries to the top. He whips out his gun and fires a few rounds at the two men. Marcus opens his mouth and screams, letting out a powerful shockwave that causes the bullets to drop straight to the ground. The shockwave breaks down the railing in front of Bruce and knocks him off his feet and into the wall behind him.) Top-hat Man: Hohohohoho! I like him! (Bruce slowly gets up as the two men make their way toward the steps and barrels. Bruce crawls to the edge of the railing and takes aim. He cocks the gun and fires a few bullets at the barrels, causing them to explode. Marcus yells out, just in time, emitting a shockwave that sends him flying away to safety. Marcus crashes into the other side of the warehouse and the explosion catches the acid-slinger on fire, burning him to death. The explosion slams Bruce into the wall and causes him to fall to the first floor. Bruce gets up, bleeding heavily. He races to the other side of the warehouse as the fire slowly ignites the other barrels within the warehouse. Bruce rushes out the front entrance, as the warehouse explodes behind him. Bruce stumbles forward and clutches his leg, in pain. But he quickly gets it together and makes his way across the frozen lake.) Marcus: YOU’RE GONNA DIE, YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!! (Marcus comes stumbling out of the warehouse, with blood dripping from his right eye and forehead. Bruce clutches his ears, as blood begins to drip from them. He continues to race across the ice, hoping to escape. Marcus yells out, releasing a sonic wave at the ice, cracking it apart and causing Bruce to stumble forward. Bruce turns and pulls out his gun. He fires a few rounds at the ice around Marcus, shattering it. Marcus falls into the icy lake, completely overcome by the cold. He opens up his mouth and tries to yell out, but he can’t muster up the energy. He slips into the depths of the lake and slowly stops flailing. Bruce calms down and begins to crawl across the icy layer above the lake, shivering and breathing heavily. Suddenly, a net launches from above and wraps itself around Bruce. Bruce falls unconscious as the net pulls him into the air and guides him to the top of the nearby cliff. Bruce opens his eyes and manages to get a blurry look at his captor.) Dr. Miyazaki: Hello, Bruce. It’s been a while. 3 VanitasisKirby, Robbie the Wise and HarLea Quinn reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarLea Quinn 26,501 Posted September 30, 2012 Oh shit lol 3 Demyx., Queen Tery and Robbie the Wise reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VanitasisKirby 1,227 Posted September 30, 2012 Ohohohoho, this is getting way too good! I don't think I can handle it! *falls out of bed* 1 Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted October 1, 2012 CHAPTER 26: INT. MIYAZAKI’S LAB (Bruce slowly wakes up, his eyes plagued with a bright light. He attempts to cover his eyes with his arm only to find that he is chained down. He lifts his head and blinks a few times, trying to get used to the light. He sees Miyazaki turned away, typing away at his computer. Bruce tugs on the chains, but to no avail. Miyazaki turns around and smiles at Bruce.) Miyazaki: I see you’re finally awake. You’ve been out for a few weeks now; I was starting to get worried. (Miyazaki rises from his chair and walks over to Bruce. Bruce looks at his chest and sees multiple incisions all across his body.) Miyazaki: But it was all worth it. I’ve finally done it! You’ve given me exactly what I need. A number of serums that can give powers, relieve them, hide them, you name it! Now, you are useless to me. So I will do what needs to be done. I will pass you off to someone that can use you… (Suddenly, Agent Dodson and a group of other agents enter the laboratory.) Dodson: I can’t believe it. You’re telling me that this asshole was alive all this time... (Dodson stops and stares at Bruce.) Dodson: Hohohohoho! That’s rich. You’re “Extremus?” This is even better than I had hoped. Alright boys, gather him up and we’ll be on our way. Miyazaki: So, we haven’t forgotten about my reward for the capture, have we? Dodson: That reward was only for when we thought that “Extremus” was still alive. It was repealed after the matter. But, hey, you really helped us out. The least I could do is pay you back for all you’ve done to help with the investigation. (Dodson pulls his gun out and shoots Miyazaki in the chest.) Dodson: Not as smart as you want to believe, eh? You’ve known about this asshole all along and you’re just now coming forward? (Miyazaki writhes on the ground, in pain, unable to speak.) Dodson: Don’t f*** with me. (The four other agents, get Bruce off of the table, cuff him, and wrap him in chains. Dodson follows them out of the lab.) EXT. PITTSBURGH P.D.-AFTERNOON (Dodson and his men are bringing Bruce into the Police Department as civilians and news teams gather around the building to catch a glimpse of “Extremus.” One person in particular barges out from within the crowd. Olivia steps forward and much to her dismay, she sees Bruce in hand cuffs, being escorted into the building. Olivia chokes up as Bruce looks up from the ground and into her eyes. Bruce’s gaze returns to the ground and he shakes his head, in anger. Olivia’s legs begin to tremble, unable to handle the truth.) INT. PITTSBURGH P.D. (Dodson escorts Bruce into the building as the other four agents walk away. A lone woman steps toward them and places her hands on Bruce and Dodson’s shoulders. The three of them are immediately transported into the Washington P.D. The woman walks away as Dodson escorts Bruce into his cell. He shoves Bruce into a lone cell and locks him up.) Dodson: Enjoy it while it lasts, Jim. You won’t be here much longer. (Dodson walks away, as Bruce sits down and sighs. The top-hat man walks down the hall and phases through the cell bars, eating an ice cream cone.) Top-hat Man: Ah, sweet ice cream; reminds me of Canada. Alright, pal, fun times over. (The top-hat man tosses the remainder of his ice cream aside.) Top-hat Man: I’m busting you out! (The top-hat man reaches out and takes the key from the security guard. He pops it into the lock and opens the door. Bruce quickly stands up, confused.) Bruce: You’re helping me for once? Top-hat Man: Hell yeah! Let’s blow this Popsicle stand! I’ve always wanted to say that! Hahaha! Bruce: Thanks. Top-hat Man: Don’t ruin it, bro. (Bruce steps out into the hallway and looks at the guard, who doesn’t even seem to notice.) Bruce: This your doing? Top-hat Man: Yeah, pretty cool, eh? Bruce: Very! (Bruce and the top-hat man race down the hallway, eager to get out of the prison.) 3 HarLea Quinn, Weiss and VanitasisKirby reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarLea Quinn 26,501 Posted October 1, 2012 OMG This is getting better by the second .FUUUU quota I will be back 3 Robbie the Wise, Queen Tery and Demyx. reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted October 1, 2012 CHAPTER 27: EXT. WASHINGTON P.D. (Bruce and the top-hat man burst through the front entrance of the police department, only to draw the attention of the many civilians roaming the area.) Bruce: You didn’t handle the people outside of the building?!?! Top-hat Man: Now you’re just asking WAY too much of me. (Suddenly, Dodson walks up from behind Bruce and places his hand on his shoulder. Bruce quickly turns and takes a devastating jab to the face, sending him crashing to the bottom of the steps. Bruce stumbles up as Dodson walks toward him. The top-hat man disappears, leaving Bruce to fend for himself. Bruce stumbles back and quickly turns around, trying to run away. Oddly enough, Bruce just manages to run into Agent Dodson. He turns and looks back at the entrance to see that Dodson is still standing at the entrance to the police department.) Bruce: Clones; lovely. (Dodson punches Bruce in the stomach and then decks him in the jaw with a right hook. Bruce stumbles to the side, but manages to catch his balance before the next attack. Dodson goes to punch Bruce again, but Bruce puts up his arm and blocks the blow. Then he retaliates and punches Dodson in the stomach, multiple times. Then he punches Dodson in the face, knocking him to the ground. Suddenly, the top-hat man appears and hands Bruce a gun and knife.) Top-hat Man: Have fun with it! I’ll handle the civilians. (The top-hat man stretches out his arms and each and every citizen in the area disappears. Bruce shoots the injured clone on the ground, causing him to burst into ashes. Then he turns his attention to the Agent Dodson standing at the front entrance to the P.D.) Dodson: Why? Why would you want to ruin our way of life? Bruce: Because your way of life ruined mine! (Bruce puts a bullet in Dodson’s head, only to cause him to burst into ashes. Bruce spins around, looking in each direction. Eight Agent Dodsons walk up from the nearby alleyways and surround Bruce.) Dodson: Your reign of terror is at an end, “Extremus.” You had a good run. (Three of the agents rush at Bruce, in an attempt to overwhelm him. Bruce turns and slits one of their throats, turning him to ash. Without falter, Bruce spins around and stabs the next Dodson in the abdomen multiple times. Then he reaches his arm out and puts a bullet in between the eyes of the third Dodson.) Bruce: Who’s next?! (The next five Dodson’s each pull a knife out, ready to finish Bruce. Bruce puts his knife up, ready for a counter-attack. The first Dodson lunges in, only to get Bruce’s knife plunged deep into his face. Just as he bursts into ashes, Bruce turns and kicks the next incoming Dodson in the chest, pushing him back. Bruce turns and shoots two more Dodson’s leaving only the one he kicked and another Dodson.) Bruce: You’re the real one! (Bruce puts three bullets in the remaining Dodson’s chest, only to have him burst into ashes.) Bruce: What the hell? (Bruce lunges at the remaining Dodson “clone” and stabs him in the side of the throat, just as he produces another clone. This clone backs away, putting some distance between he and Bruce.) Bruce: I don’t understand. That had to be the real you. How the hell are you still alive?! Dodson: That’s the perks of my power. As long as there is an existing clone of me I cannot die. If I die and a clone of me remains, the clone becomes the real me. (Bruce quickly puts his gun up and puts a bullet in Dodson’s head, but just as quick as Bruce reacted, Dodson produces another clone in his stead. Then this clone produces seven more.) Top-hat Man: You know what this fight needs? More Bruce. (The top-hat Man waves his arms and creates seven more Bruce’s.) Top-hat Man: This is awesome! (A bag of popcorn appears in the top-hat man’s hands and he begins to shovel it into his mouth, like there’s no tomorrow.) Dodson: So I see that Miyazaki did some experimenting on you. Trying to become one of us, eh? Heheheh! How pathetic. (The eight Bruce’s rush at the eight Dodson’s and begin to hack and shoot them, leaving behind piles and piles of ash. Just as Bruce takes down a Dodson clone, another one is produced in their stead. Unfortunately, the top-hat man doesn’t seem too interested in replacing the fallen Bruce clones. Eventually the numbers are cut back down to one Bruce vs. eight Dodsons. The top-hat man smiles as Bruce continues to fight. One of the Dodson clones slices Bruce’s cheek open. They go for a second strike, but Bruce catches his arm and stabs him in the chest. Bruce lunges at the clone behind him and shoots him multiple times in the chest. Oddly enough, instead of bursting into ashes blood begins to drip from Dodson’s wounded chest. He looks down and then falls to the ground. The remaining clones disappear. Bruce looks on in confusion.) Top-hat Man: Good show, good show! Bruce: What happened? Top-hat Man: I created the illusion that he still had clones left. He didn’t think to produce anymore, because he thought that he already had more than enough. In actuality he was the only one left. Bruce: …Shit. That was too close… This has got to stop. I can’t just keep fighting for my life like this, but I can’t seem to find a goddamn time traveler that’ll help me out! It’s time to end this. Top-hat Man: Whatever do you mean? Bruce: I’m taking the fight to President Parker. (Bruce begins to make his way down the street to the White House.) 3 Weiss, VanitasisKirby and HarLea Quinn reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarLea Quinn 26,501 Posted October 1, 2012 (edited) Top Hat Man has way too much fun with this but somehow i cant blame him Edited October 1, 2012 by Flaming Lea 3 Demyx., Queen Tery and Robbie the Wise reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robbie the Wise 5,050 Posted October 1, 2012 Kick ass chapter buddy. 1 Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted October 1, 2012 CHAPTER 28: INT. THE OVAL OFFICE (President Parker is staring out the window, seemingly annoyed. An agent enters the room and stops in front of his desk.) President: Has he been arrested? Agent: Unfortunately not, sir. He has wiped out more than 20 of our officers, already, and it won’t be long before he reaches the White House. We’ve decided that it would be best if we move you away from here. President: Excuse me? (President Parker turns to face the agent.) President: Did you just give me an order? Agent: Mr. President, we just think that this would be in your best interest… President: Silence! I am the leader of every single nation on this planet. Each and every individual that is in existence answers to me. I ANSWER TO NO ONE! I will stay here and await the re-capture of “Extremus.” If he manages to make it here then I will deal with him myself. Agent: But, Mr. President… President: Why do you doubt me? Why are you even worried? No matter what he does… he has no means to end me. Agent: Sir, he is associates with Dr. Miyazaki. Who knows what that loon could’ve done to him or given him…? President: Just do your job and get the hell out of my office. (The agent bites his tongue and exits the office.) EXT. THE WHITE HOUSE (Bruce is running at full speed down the street, firing at the officers in his way. Some of them are firing at him with guns, some are slinging fire balls, and some are slinging chunks of ice, but no matter what they throw at him, Bruce manages to dodge and retaliate. A group of agents rush out of the front gates and point their guns at Bruce. They each begin to fire, rapidly. The top-hat man waves his arm and creates an invisible force-field protecting Bruce. Bruce fires off round after round, sending each agent crashing to the ground. Bruce and the top-hat man phase through the front gates and make their way toward the entrance, which is being guarded by more agents. The agents begin firing their respective bullets and powers at Bruce, who hides behind the nearby fountain. The telekinetics erect a massive shield to hide themselves from Bruce’s attacks, leaving only a few holes to fire through. The top-hat man walks toward the shield and uses his own “telekinesis” to pull each of the agents through the shield, smashing their skulls. Bruce leaps out from behind fountain and races toward the entrance. Suddenly, the front doors swing open and President Parker walks out. Bruce takes aim and pulls the trigger. But nothing happens, as the gun has run out of ammo. Bruce tosses it to the ground and takes out his knife.) Top-hat Man: Well, it’s been fun, buddy. (The top-hat man disappears, leaving Bruce and President Parker to themselves.) President: “Extremus,” it would seem we’ve met before. Jim Morrison, was it? Bruce: Bruce Johnson. President: Ah, fake name; makes sense. So, I imagine you’ve come here to kill me? What will that accomplish? You can’t run forever, Bruce. Even if you were to kill me, the world would rise up against you and rip you off the face of existence. You are nothing more than a criminal, a terrorist who threatens our very way of life. Bruce: What makes me a criminal? Because I wasn’t born like you?!?! Because I happened to not be anything more than an average human being?!?! F*** you! (Bruce rushes at President Parker and plunges the knife into his chest; however the President doesn’t appear to struggle. He simply falls to the ground, leaving Bruce the victor. Bruce takes a few steps back and tries to slow his breathing. Suddenly, President Parker reaches up and removes the knife from his chest. He slowly stands up and the wound on his chest begins to heal. Bruce stumbles back, horrified.) President: It’s an interesting power, is it not? It’s perfect, really. It will allow me to rule this world for all of eternity. Just as I have done for the last 100 years. Yet, back when I acquired my power I was mocked. They told me, who would want a power that would keep them alive for the rest of eternity. Only to watch their family and friends die and never be able to die themselves. I know now that they were fools. My power is the greatest and most supreme off all power. Why are you so surprised? Everyone knows what my power is. Did Miyazaki not inform you? Now let’s see how strong your resolve to kill me is. (Bruce tries to move, but his feet appear to be planted firmly to the ground. Tommy exits the front entrance of the White House and takes a few steps toward Bruce.) President: How adorable. You want to help daddy rid the world of evil? How can I deny my son of such joy? (Bruce rises from the ground and appears to be overcome with a tremendous amount of pain. President Parker leans down and whispers into Tommy’s ear.) President: Have some fun with it… (Tommy slams Bruce into the ground and then lifts him back into the air. He slams him into the fountain and then pulls him back into the air where he previously sat.) President: Now… finish him… (Tommy begins to tug on Bruce’s limbs, tearing his body apart. Suddenly, Tommy’s eyes grow wide and he grabs his head, writhing in pain.) Tommy: AAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHH!!! President: What’s wrong?! Finish him! (Bruce falls to the ground and coughs repeatedly, trying to catch his breath. Bruce looks up and sees a hand outstretched and ready to help him up. He takes it and slowly stands up, trying to adjust his vision. He looks at his savior to see that it is none other than Olivia.) Bruce: Olivia?! What the hell are you doing here? Olivia: You lied to me… to protect me. Jim, is that even your real name?! Bruce: …No. It’s Bruce. Bruce Johnson. Olivia: …I trusted you and you deceived me. Just like everyone else. Even without my power I had to find this out… Bruce: Why did you come here?! You could’ve gotten yourself killed! (While President Parker tries to help his mind-controlled son off of the ground, Melissa teleports into the courtyard, standing between Bruce and her father.) Melissa: Hi, Jim. Let’s get you out of here. Bruce: What? Melissa: I want to help you. Like I said you were the most interesting person at that party. Now I know why. It’s because you don’t have powers; so mainstream. I can get you out of here, Jim. I’m a time traveler. Bruce: You’re really going to help me? President: Melissa, what the hell do you think you’re doing?! (Tommy writhes in pain and releases a telekinetic wave, knocking President Parker back and caving in the ground around them.) Melissa: We have to go now! How far back do you want to go?! Bruce: 125 years! (Melissa rushes at Bruce and puts her hand on his shoulder.) Olivia: Bruce! …I love you. Bruce: I… (The two disappear, right before Olivia’s tear-drenched eyes. Suddenly, Tommy stands up and yells out in anger. Olivia’s body lifts from the ground and begins to tear itself apart.) 3 HarLea Quinn, VanitasisKirby and Weiss reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarLea Quinn 26,501 Posted October 1, 2012 So suspenseful ..Dun Dun Dun! 3 Demyx., Robbie the Wise and Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robbie the Wise 5,050 Posted October 1, 2012 Epic simply epic http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.png 1 Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted October 1, 2012 (edited) CHAPTER 29: INT. WASHINGTON-125 YEARS AGO (Bruce and Melissa appear outside of the White House.) Bruce: Where’s Olivia?! Melissa: I left her there! Bruce: Why the hell would you do that?! Melissa: She’s dead weight, Jim! Bruce: My name is Bruce. Melissa: Alright, Bruce then! She’s dead weight! Don’t worry; we can go back and save her at any time. It’s the beauty of my power. Bruce: …No, we’re not going back to save her. It would only be a waste in the long run. I’ve got a different plan. (Bruce looks around and sees a newspaper stand. He rushes over and reads the date to see that it’s a few days before the European experiment.) Bruce: We did it… WE DID IT!!! How did you know that I needed your help getting back in time? Melissa: …I didn’t? I just figured the only way you’d be safe from my dad is if we pulled you from that point in time. Bruce: Why did you help me? What’s the catch? Melissa: I despise my dad. You know… he killed my mother. She was like you and when he found out he killed her. No one but Tommy and I know. He forced us to watch and Tommy was never the same. He’s an awful person and an awful father. (Melissa becomes choked up, as she tries to gather her words.) Melissa: Any chance I get to screw him over, I’ll gladly take it. Bruce: Well, if you don’t mind… I have a few more favors to ask of you that’ll really hit him where it hurts. Melissa: I’m listening. Bruce: First, I want you to take me to Duncansville, PA, at this point in time. Take me to the Piggly Wiggly parking lot. Melissa: Alright, but I have to warn you. It won’t be long before my dad gets up to his office and drags me back to the future. He put this chip in me, so he could force me to come back at any time. Bruce: Alright, then let’s not waste any time. (Melissa places her hand on Bruce’s shoulder and teleports them to the Piggly Wiggly. Bruce looks toward the front entrance and sees his 15 year old self and Jim exiting the Piggly Wiggly.) Bruce: Alright, if you don’t mind, I’d like a moment alone to handle this myself. Melissa: You got it, tough guy. I’m gonna go get a snow cone. (Melissa walks away and Bruce continues to watch as he and Jim walk toward the back of the parking lot. Jim walks over to the snow cone stand, standing in line behind Melissa. Younger Bruce walks past Older Bruce and sits down on the nearby bench. Older Bruce follows him over and hesitantly sits down on the bench.) Older Bruce: Nice day out… huh? Younger Bruce: Yeah… I guess. Older Bruce: How’d you get that black eye? Younger Bruce: Just some jerks at school… Older Bruce: Hey, I wouldn’t mind seeing the other guy, eh? Hahaha! Younger Bruce: …He’s a mess, but not because of me. My friend Jim knocked him out. Older Bruce: That’s good. It’s good to have friends you can count on. Younger Bruce: Yeah, but he’s always there for me and I can never seem to stand up for myself. Or help him out for that matter. Older Bruce: I know that feeling, all too well, kid. You feel helpless, frustrated, like your hearts about to just rip straight out of your chest. But you’re not helpless. You’re lucky. You’ve got a great friend who cares enough to stick his head on the line to help you and doesn’t expect anything in return. I take it you got a family? Younger Bruce: …My dad… and sister. Older Bruce: Not bad. Some kids your age don’t even have that. Younger Bruce: Yeah, but my sister’s off at college and she never talks to me. Older Bruce: That’s because she’s busy, pal. You ever been to college? (Younger Bruce and Older Bruce smile at his lame attempt at a joke.) Older Bruce: Let me tell you, it’s not easy. She’s just working hard and she wants to set a good example for you. How’s your dad? Younger Bruce: He’s kind of strict. He means well, but it’s just not easy to talk to him. Older Bruce: You got to make it easy, kid. If you talk to him, he’ll listen. Younger Bruce: How can you be so sure? Older Bruce: I grew up with a similar family. But I didn’t realize what I had until I lost it. You know what’s worse than feeling alone? Actually being alone. Remember those words, kid… you’ll be alright. (Older Bruce stands up and begins to walk away.) Younger Bruce: …Hey, I didn’t catch your name? Older Bruce: …Bruce. You? Younger Bruce: Bruce… Older Bruce: Later, Bruce. You’re gonna go far in life… let me tell you. (Older Bruce walks up to Melissa, as Jim walks past him. Jim and Bruce hop on their bikes and leave the parking lot, laughing and eating their snow cones. Bruce smiles at the two kids, happily remembering the good old days.) Melissa: Where to now? Bruce: Europe. The sight of the experiment that gave everyone powers. Not only that, but I need you to take me to the day that it happened. Melissa: I know of it. My dad took us there a few years back on vacation. He loves the place. (Melissa places her hand on Bruce’s shoulder and the two teleport to Europe. Bruce stumbles back, not use to the time travel. Melissa grabs his hand and helps him catch his balance.) Bruce: Alright, there has to be some way to stop this experiment. Top-hat Man: Perhaps, I can be of some assistance. Bruce: Dammit… I thought I was done with you. Top-hat Man: Not quite, my good friend. But before I help you there are a few things you need to know. These things pertain to why I couldn’t help you as much as you would’ve liked. Bruce: Well, hurry it up, I don’t have all day. (The top-hat man smiles and takes a few steps toward Bruce. He reaches over and grabs a hold of his right sleeve. The man pulls his sleeve up and shows Bruce his bare, tattoo-less wrist.) Edited October 1, 2012 by Ertyx 2 VanitasisKirby and Weiss reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robbie the Wise 5,050 Posted October 1, 2012 (edited) Talking to yourself ftw. Edited October 1, 2012 by devereauxr Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted October 1, 2012 Talkin to yourself ftw. Reached my quota ftw 1 Kirie reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robbie the Wise 5,050 Posted October 1, 2012 Reached my quota ftw Ikr :'( Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarLea Quinn 26,501 Posted October 1, 2012 Damn FOREVER QUOTA 2 Demyx. and Robbie the Wise reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted October 1, 2012 CHAPTER 30: Bruce: You… don’t have a tattoo? (Suddenly, Melissa vanishes, leaving Bruce and the top-hat man to themselves.) INT. THE OVAL OFFICE-125 YEARS IN THE FUTURE (Melissa appears in the oval office and is instantly pinned to the wall, by Tommy’s telekinesis. President Parker slaps her across the face, causing her to burst into tears and cry out for help.) President: You worthless little bitch. WHERE DID YOU TAKE HIM?! Melissa: NO! I won’t tell you! (Suddenly, a telekinetic cut appears on Melissa’s cheek, causing her to scream out in agony.) President: This will only get worse for you, darling. I will not let him make a fool of me! TELL ME WHERE HE IS!!! (Melissa sobs to the point of nearly losing her voice.) Melissa: …N…never… (President Parker slaps her across the face with the back of his hand and Tommy begins to twist her arms back. Melissa kicks her legs against the wall and lets out a blood-curdling scream, overwhelmed by a tremendous amount of pain.) EXT. THE EUROPEAN RESEARCH FACILITY Top-hat Man: We have to hurry, before President Parker gets here. Bruce: What?! Top-hat Man: No doubt he’ll use his daughter to find you. Do you remember when Miyazaki injected you with what he thought would give you a power? Bruce: Yeah, but it didn’t work. Top-hat Man: It did work. You just didn’t receive the powers in the same manner as everyone else, so you didn’t get a tattoo. But that was a downside to your power. The tattoo acts as a catalyst to enhance the use of your abilities. Without it, it was more difficult for you to control them. But you’ve grown. A lot of time has passed since then. You’re ready to use your power. INT. THE OVAL OFFICE-125 YEARS IN THE FUTURE Melissa: PLEASE!!! Daddy, STOP!!!! President: TELL ME WHERE HE IS!!! Melissa: OKAY!!! (Melissa falls from the wall and weeps onto the floor.) EXT. EUROPEAN RESEARCH FACILITY Bruce: Then what’s my power? Will it help with stopping this? Top-hat Man: It will. You are an illusionist. You can create illusions and hallucinations. Although, I was born in place of the tattoo in order to help you cope with an ability that your body wasn’t built to hold. So I could only help you activate your powers every so often, otherwise it would have torn you a part. But as you saw earlier, your body has grown and I was able to help you a great deal. Now it’s time to truly put your ability to the test. Bruce: What do you have in mind? INT. THE OVAL OFFICE-125 YEARS IN THE FUTURE (President Parker lifts her head up by her hair and stares into her tear-filled eyes.) President: Take me to him. If you do anything to get in my way, I will pull you to my point in time and I will make you wish you were never born. (Melissa reaches out and places her hand on her father’s hand. The two disappear from the oval office.) EXT. THE EUROPEAN RESEARCH FACILITY (Melissa and President Parker appear before Bruce and the top-hat man. President Parker shoves his daughter to the ground, leaving her to fall unconscious.) President: This is… You mean to ruin everything that I worked so hard to accomplish! Top-hat Man: You stall that jackass and I’ll deal with the experiment. Bruce: My pleasure. 3 Weiss, Kirie and VanitasisKirby reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robbie the Wise 5,050 Posted October 1, 2012 Shits about to go down. 1 Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarLea Quinn 26,501 Posted October 1, 2012 I LOVE THIS STORY DAMMIT 3 Robbie the Wise, Queen Tery and Demyx. reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VanitasisKirby 1,227 Posted October 2, 2012 OHMYGOD, HOW THE HECK DID I NOT GET NOTIFIED FOR THESE?! Oh gosh, no! This is too much! >83 GAAAAH. You need to continue! 1 Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted October 2, 2012 Shits about to go down. I LOVE THIS STORY DAMMIT OHMYGOD, HOW THE HECK DID I NOT GET NOTIFIED FOR THESE?! Oh gosh, no! This is too much! >83 GAAAAH. You need to continue! Alright, folks. Look forward to the next(last) chapter, I will hopefully be able to type it up and post it tomorrow evening after work. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted October 3, 2012 (edited) CHAPTER 31: (The top-hat man waves his arms at President Parker and Bruce, causing them to disappear from public view. The top-hat man then turns and makes his way toward the research facility. President Parker rushes at Bruce. Bruce easily dodges his first punch, aimed at his face, and retaliates with a brutal uppercut to the chin. Bruce reaches out and grabs Parker’s tie, pulling him back in for another attack. Bruce rams his knee in Parker’s stomach, causing him to spit blood onto the ground.) INT. YOUNGER BRUCE’S NEIGHBORHOOD (Bruce and Jim are riding their bikes down the street, when suddenly Turk and his group of friends round the street corner on their bikes. The group parks in the middle of the road, blocking Bruce and Jim. Bruce and Jim come to a halt, as Turk and his friends get off their bikes.) INT. EUROPEAN RESEARCH FACILITY (The man in the top-hat is strolling down the halls of the facility, clearly lost. He walks up to a nearby group of researchers and leans in toward the woman’s ear.) Top-hat Man: Where is the Second Sun project being held? Woman: Hey, what room is the solar project taking place in? Man: B2. If you’re a part of the project you might want to get there quick, it begins in less than 10 minutes. (The woman appears confused as to why she asked such a question. The man in the top-hat looks down the hallway and sees a map of the facility. He rushes over and begins to look it over.) INT. YOUNGER BRUCE’S NEIGHBORHOOD (Turk and his friends slowly walk over to Bruce and Jim, smiling and cracking their knuckles.) Turk: Hey, f**-bag, how’s it hanging? That black eye treating you well? Hahaha! Jim: Get lost, you piece of shit. Bruce didn’t do anything to you. Turk: I need a reason to pound on a wimp? (Bruce gets off his bike and walks toward Turk, who bursts out laughing. Bruce rears his arm back and decks Turk in the jaw, sending him crashing to the ground. Turk’s friends take a few steps back and quickly shut their mouths. Turk rolls onto his stomach and slowly gets up. About halfway to a standing position, Turk leaps at Bruce in an attempt to tackle him to the ground. Bruce plants his feet firmly to the ground and elbows Turk in the back, sending him straight back to the ground. Jim walks up and stands next to Turk, giving the other three a firm glare. The three hop on their bikes and take off. Turk stumbles to his feet and rushes over to his bike, cupping his bleeding nose.) Turk: You got lucky, you little queer! Jim: Hey, no need to get upset! He doesn’t need a reason to beat up on a wimp! Haha! (Turk rides off, subtly wiping away his tears. Jim slaps Bruce on the back, happy for his friend. Bruce scrunches his face and shakes his hand in pain.) Jim: Haha! You’re gonna have to get use to that, man! EXT. EUROPEAN RESEARCH FACILITY (Bruce kicks Parker in the chest, causing him to stumble back. Parker lunges at Bruce and lands a quick jab to his stomach. Bruce quickly recovers and lands a devastating right hook to President Parker’s jaw. Parker barely manages to catch his balance. He grabs his jaw and snaps it back into place, quickly healing up from the damage.) INT. EUROPEAN RESEARCH FACILITY (The man in the top-hat bursts into the room and stares in awe at the ray in the center of the observatory. Suddenly, the lead researcher enters the room and walks through the top-hat man. The researcher puts on a bright smile.) Lead Scientist: Alright, everyone, how are things looking? Assistant: Not too bad, things should be ready for a test run in a couple of hours. (That smile quickly leaves the lead scientist’s face.) Lead Scientist: A couple hours?! But, the board of directors is already here! Assistant: I’m sorry, sir, but it just won’t be ready for another couple of hours. (The top-hat man walks over to the two researchers and leans in. The lead scientist leans closer to his assistant and whispers his next few words.) Lead Scientist: How about you… Top-hat Man: Take an extra 3 hours. In fact take the rest of the day. The board of directors can just sit their asses down and wait. Lead Scientist: Take all the time you need. The board of directors will just have to accept that and wait. Top-hat Man: Man, I was hoping he’d say it word for word. EXT. EUROPEAN RESEARCH FACILITY (Parker lunges at Bruce. Bruce puts up his arms, but is suddenly overcome with fatigue. His arms falter and Parker manages to tackle Bruce to the ground. Parker shakes his head, as if overcome by the same fatigue. But he quickly recovers and punches Bruce in the face.) INT. YOUNGER BRUCE’S NEIGHBORHOOD (Bruce and Jim are riding down the road. Bruce looks down at his bloody knuckles and winces.) Jim: Man, what got into you back there? Bruce: …I just got tired of his shit. Jim: I’m proud of you, man. I’m sure it felt good. Bruce: At the time, yeah. My hand doesn’t exactly agree. Jim: Hahaha! That just means you got him good. Let’s get you home and grab some ice. INT. YOUNGER BRUCE’S HOME (Bruce enters the front door of his house and sees his dad sitting on the couch, talking on the phone.) Bruce’s dad: That’s amazing, sweetie! Hey, Bruce just walked in the door; do you want to talk to him? …No, it’s fine. You just worry about your studies. Alright, bye… (Bruce’s dad hangs up the phone and stands up.) Bruce’s dad: Hey, buddy… What the hell happened to your hand? (Bruce walks up to his dad and hugs him, much to his confusion.) Bruce: I got into a fight. Bruce’s dad: Bruce, what the hell were you thinking? Bruce: I wasn’t thinking. But I’m fine. I just need some ice. But before that I just wanted to thank you. Thank you for dealing with me. I know it hasn’t been easy… since mom died. Bruce’s dad: I feel like I should be the one saying these things… Not my 15 year old son. Bruce: I guess life’s funny that way. (Bruce and his dad hug once more and then Bruce exits the living room, in order to get some ice.) INT. EUROPEAN RESEARCH FACILITY (The board of directors walks into the room.) Director: How’s everything looking? (The directors each shake the lead researcher’s hand.) Top-hat Man: There’s been a change of plans… Lead Researcher: Unfortunately, the ray isn’t quite ready, yet. We’re still working on the bugs. It will be a few hours if that’s okay… Director: A few hours?! Top-hat Man: That would be lovely. I’d hate for anything to go wrong. Director: I suppose that’ll be fine. We don’t want any screw ups. Top-hat Man: Whew, that was easier than I thought and to think these morons don’t even know what they’re saying. EXT. THE EUROPEAN RESEARCH FACILITY (President Parker continues to punch Bruce in the face, drawing quite a bit of blood. Parker is hit with fatigue once again, causing him to hesitate. Bruce takes this moment to wrap his legs around Parker’s torso and sling him overhead, landing on top of him. Bruce punches Parker in the face and then the two seem to blur out of existence. Bruce stumbles back and Parker rolls onto his stomach. Parker looks at Melissa and sees her disappear. Bruce and President Parker slowly begin to fade away, barely even knowing what’s going on. President Parker fades out of existence, as Bruce lies down on his back. Bruce blinks a few times and then sees the man in the top-hat standing over him.) Bruce: Haha… You did it. Top-hat Man: Eh, you helped. (Bruce smiles and then breathes a sigh of relief, before he and the man in the top-hat fade away.) INT. JIM’S HOUSE (Bruce and Jim sit down on the couch as Jim’s mom exits through the front door. Jim turns on the TV and the two begin to enjoy some awesome cartoons.) Edited October 3, 2012 by Ertyx 3 Kirie, HarLea Quinn and Weiss reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VanitasisKirby 1,227 Posted October 3, 2012 ... I think I'm going to cry! ;~; Someone hand me a tissue please. I didn't exactly follow this story since the beginning, but I really enjoyed reading it. Now to go onto the other stories cB 1 Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites