HarLea Quinn 26,501 Posted September 22, 2012 It is fascinating 2 Demyx. and Robbie the Wise reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted September 22, 2012 It is fascinating Thank you! Up next... more people with super-powers beating the shit out of each other for people's entertainment! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VanitasisKirby 1,227 Posted September 26, 2012 I. NEED. MORE. 1 Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted September 27, 2012 (edited) CHAPTER 19: INT. TRI-BALL STADIUM (Bruce and Olivia are once again seated in the stands, enjoying the Tri-ball match. The score has now reached 26-19. Jack and one of the birds manage to sling two of the balls into the Tazer’s goal post, bringing their score to 28. Meanwhile, the Tazer’s bird swoops down toward the Panther’s goal and tosses the ball toward it. The Panther’s well-built muscle rushes in from the side and smacks the ball all the way into the bleachers. The ball sails over Olivia and Bruce’s head, crashing into the wall of the stadium. The wall cracks and the ball, telekinetically, makes its way back to the mid-dividing line to sit along with the other two balls. Jack leaps over the four opposing players in his way and lands next to the three balls. He tosses one of the balls into the air, allowing one of the Panther’s birds to catch it. Then he grabs one of the other balls and passes it to the heavy-set muscle, standing near the opposing goal. He takes the last ball and rushes past the incoming players, easily dodging them. The Panther’s bird that is in possession of the ball is diving and weaving out of the way of the opposing team’s birds. The three players who are in possession are each rushing toward the goal, with Jack leaving the other two in the dust. Jack rushes toward the goal and rears his arm back. He slings the ball just over the goalie’s head, forcing him to jump in order to try and block the attempted score. The goalie jumps up and easily grabs the ball. The Panther’s bird swoops in and tosses the ball toward the goalie. The goalie rears his arm back and attempts to throw the ball that he just caught at the incoming ball, as he falls toward the ground. But just as he goes to throw it, the Panther’s muscle slings his at the ball that his teammate just threw. The balls bounce off of each other and the ball that the bird threw ricochets out of the way of the opposing ball, entering the goal and bringing the Panther’s score to 29. Jack leaps into the air and grabs a hold of the ball that the muscle threw. He does a side flip and slings the ball into the goal, before the goalie eve realizes what happened. That brings the Panther’s score to 30, ending the game. The spectators burst into a triumphant roar. The Tazers toss their helmets on the ground and the Panther’s rush toward each other, happy about the turnout of the first game of the season. Bruce and Olivia have risen to their feet and are cheering along with most everyone else.) INT. OLIVIA’S HOUSE-EVENING (Bruce exits his room and peers across the hallway. Olivia’s door is shut and the light off. Bruce creeps downstairs and picks up the phone. He slowly picks it up and pulls the card out of his pocket. He dials the number and then closes his eyes as he lifts it up to his ear. After two rings someone picks up on the other end.) Man: Hello? How can I help you? Bruce: …I was given this number earlier today… I was told to call… Man: Well who the hell are you? Bruce: …I’m “Extremus.” Man: Ah, I see. You must be the one Donny was talking about. Alright, I know he told you that we’d give you an address, but there’s been a slight change of plans. Come to the Pittsburgh Tri-Ball stadium tomorrow at 3 p.m. We’ll have someone pick you up and bring you where we need you. Bruce: I’m not so sure about this… Man: What’s there to be sure about? Just get your ass over to the stadium and wait for us to pick you up. If you’re not there then we’ll turn you over to the pigs. But of course… it’s your choice, shithead. (The man hangs up the phone and Bruce slowly lowers the phone back to the jack.) EXT. TRI-BALL STADIUM-AFTERNOON (Bruce is standing outside the stadium, dressed up in a jacket, pants, and a beanie. He takes in a deep breath and then lets it out, clearly visible from the surrounding cold air. He rubs his hands together and then shoves them into his pockets. Suddenly, a limousine rides up and parks right in front of him. The back window rolls down ever-so-slightly. Bruce hesitantly walks over and stands next to the door. He hears two people conversing inside of the limo. The door swings open and Bruce steps back, so as to not get hit. He steps around the door and peers in. Inside sits two men. One of them is the Asian man that gave Bruce the card and the other man is a thin Italian man with long hair and a thin beard.) Italian man: Come on in, buddy. You’re amongst friends. (Bruce slowly gets into the limo and sits down next to the Italian man and across from the Asian man. Bruce shuts the door behind him and the Asian man puts out his hand and shakes Bruce’s hand as the limo begins to move.) Donny: We met the other day, but I never properly introduced myself. My name is Donny. This is Marcus. (Marcus puts his hand out and shakes Bruce’s hand.) Bruce: …I’m Jim. Jim Morrison. Marcus: Good to meet you, Jimbo. I’m sure that you’re wondering why we’ve called you here. You see… we know of your reputation as “Extremus,” of course. The whole world thinks that you’re dead… except for us. We know the truth. You are a dead man, Jimbo. Or at least that’s what the government thinks. You can’t be tracked, because you don’t exist. That is something we don’t find very often… and we will jump at an opportunity to work with someone such as you. Bruce: You want me to work for you? What exactly do you want me to do? Donny: A variety of things. Your job description won’t be as clear cut as some other jobs are. Your job will range from a number of simple and painless tasks… to things that could eat away at your average Joe’s very soul. But I’m sure you’ve seen your fair share of shit. I’m sure you can handle this. I can see it in your eyes, Jimmy. What do you say? Bruce: What do I say? I don’t even know what you guys want from me?! Marcus: We want you to join us… in the Mafia. Edited September 27, 2012 by Ertyx 3 Kirie, VanitasisKirby and Robbie the Wise reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarLea Quinn 26,501 Posted September 27, 2012 MOAR! Dun Dun Dun.... 3 Demyx., Queen Tery and Robbie the Wise reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robbie the Wise 5,050 Posted September 27, 2012 Another good chapter. 1 Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kirie 3,489 Posted September 27, 2012 Another intresting story from Ertyx 1 Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VanitasisKirby 1,227 Posted September 27, 2012 Dun dun dun!!!!!! Woaahh. @.@ Moar, please!!!!!!!!!! 1 Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted September 28, 2012 CHAPTER 20: Bruce: …Excuse me?! I’m sorry; did I just hear you right? That’s what this is about? Donny: Of course. You’ve got all the right qualities. You can’t be tracked, you’re already a criminal, why not join a “club” of criminals, eh? Hahaha! That way we got your back. Bruce: I’m not some low-life criminal! (Suddenly, the limo stops and Marcus and Donny appear to be overcome by anger at Bruce’s statement. The door beside Bruce swings open. A black man wearing a suit and tie and sporting a pair of sunglasses peers into the limo.) Man: The Don will see you now. (Bruce takes a deep breath and looks back at Marcus and Donny who seem to have put themselves under control. Bruce sighs and gets out of the limo.) Bruce: Look pal, I’m not interested in… (The man turns around and lifts his hand. He motions for Bruce to close his mouth and sure enough Bruce’s mouth closes and he fails to utter a word. He stops and reaches for his lips. Marcus gets out of the limo and shoves him toward the nearby skyscraper. Bruce stumbles forward, looks back at Marcus, shakes his head, and then follows the escort toward the building. The escort leads them to the front entrance and then takes them to the elevator. The escort, Bruce, Marcus, and Donny enter the elevator. The escort hits the B2 button and then removes his sunglasses.) Marcus: Come on, Sammy, why’d you take your glasses off? You know the sun never sets on a badass! (Marcus pats Sammy on the back, causing him to laugh and shake his head. Marcus and Donny laugh, but Bruce remains annoyed. The elevator stops and doors slide open. The four step into the smoke-filled bar. There are men playing cards at one table, a few guys drinking and arm-wrestling at another, and some guys are playing pool on the opposite end of the room. Bruce follows Sammy across the room. Donny and Marcus stop at the bar and order a couple of drinks, while Sammy and Bruce continue to the other side of the room. Sammy opens the door and signals for Bruce to enter. Bruce stops and looks back. He turns and enters the open door. Once inside, he sees a heavy set Italian man sitting at a desk. He is filling out paper-work. Bruce enters the room. The heavy set man looks up and smiles. Sammy walks over to Bruce and gestures for him to open his mouth. Suddenly, Bruce’s mouth swings open and he begins to repeatedly open his mouth, as if in disbelief. He grabs his jaw and slowly stops opening and closing his mouth.) Don: “Extremus,” consider this an honor. I don’t usually meet with new recruits, but yours is a special case. Bruce: Alright, there’s been some kind of mistake. I don’t want… Don: That’s enough out of ya. You will not address me in such a familiar tone. You may be “Extremus,” but that is simply a title. You are still just a weak and pathetic human… without any powers. The only reason and let me make myself clear… the ONLY reason we want you, is because you will easily pass under government radar. We will be able to give you assignments and they won’t be able to identify you. Now, your assignments will mostly be small time stuff, with help from other members. Obviously without an ability you won’t be able to take on anything major. You will be paid by the amount of assignments you complete and you will gain bonuses for outstanding performances. Don’t worry we have the funds to pay you… handsomely. Now, I have an assignment for you. You will go be accompanied by Donny and Sammy. This Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. the Panthers will be practicing for the next big game. Now with a start like the other day, plenty of people will have their money on the Panthers winning the next game. Especially against the team they’re going against. What I want you three to do is “persuade” the Panther’s runner, Jack to throw the match. I have a few other boys ready to handle a few of the other Panthers; just enough to make this a sure thing, you know. Now for future reference I’m the Don, the big cheese around here. You can call me Don DeLeon. (Bruce suddenly seems surprised.) Don: Now, on your way out I want you to tell Marcus to get in here, I want to have a little chat with him. Sammy, you tell Donny about the assignment. “Extremus” I just want you to go home and get some rest until then. (Don DeLeon tosses a cell phone on the table.) Don: Take it. We’ll call you to let you know where to meet up before you take care of the business. You’re dismissed. (Bruce hesitantly takes the phone and then exits the room, followed by Sammy. He walks over to the bar and stops, as Donny and Marcus turn to face him.) Bruce: Marcus… the boss wants to see you inside. (Marcus gets up and Bruce makes his way to the elevator.) EXT. THE MAFIA’S HEADQUARTERS (Bruce steps out the front door and pulls the list of time travelers out of his pocket. He unfolds the list and looks it over, eventually reaching one name in particular. Don Deleon.) INT. OLIVIA’S HOUSE (Bruce enters the front door and sighs before stepping into the kitchen. Inside, Olivia is preparing a steamed casserole.) Olivia: Hey! How’s the job search going? Bruce: Not bad. I put an application in at a few places. Olivia: That’s great! Hey, dinners almost ready if you want to sit down and relax at the table, it won’t be much longer. (Olivia smiles at Bruce and then gets back to cooking the meal. Bruce strolls over to the table and sits down. He rubs his eyes, pondering everything that just happened to him. Olivia looks back and sees that Bruce seems frustrated. She stares at him for a moment.) Olivia: …Hey, Jim? (Bruce looks up and stops rubbing his eyes.) Bruce: Yeah? Olivia: I know we haven’t known each other very long, but I feel the need to ask you something. Bruce: Shoot. Olivia: What’s your power? 2 HarLea Quinn and Robbie the Wise reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarLea Quinn 26,501 Posted September 28, 2012 Another outstanding chapter ! Moar ! 3 Demyx., Queen Tery and Robbie the Wise reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted September 29, 2012 CHAPTER 21: (Fear quickly overwhelms Bruce, although he tries his best not to make it too obvious to Olivia.) Bruce: Um, well… Olivia: Do you mind if I take a guess? (Olivia bites her lip and leans against the counter, awaiting Bruce’s answer.) Bruce: Pfff… be my guest. (Bruce leans back, a little worried.) Olivia: …Mind blocking… or something like that. Am I right? I’ve never actually heard of that power before, but I wouldn’t be surprised that someone out there had it. They’re still discovering new abilities even today. You know… I never told you, but my power allows me to read minds. I’ve been able to get inside of every mind of every person I’ve ever met… but not yours. So your power… it’s got be Mind blocking. Bruce: Uhhh, yeah. That’s a pretty interesting coincidence, you know; us meeting up like this. You can read minds, but my power keeps you from reading mine. (Bruce smiles as Olivia brings two plates of casserole over to the table.) Olivia: It’s kind of nice, actually; a breath of fresh air if you will. (Olivia sits down and the two begin to eat.) Olivia: All my life, I’ve always known exactly what people were thinking. My mom would tell me my hair looked great before school, but I knew that she was only saying it to make me feel better. My dad told me that he would stop drinking, but each time I knew that he was lying just so I’d stop bothering him about it. Every time I’ve ever had friends or I’ve been in a relationship, my power would ruin it before I even had the chance to get to know them the same way that I got to know everyone else. Bruce: Yeah, but wouldn’t you rather know the truth? I mean… Olivia: Jim, I’ve heard the truth a thousand times and I would give anything to never hear it again. People always say they want the truth and they turn around and lie to their family and friends… to protect them. The truth gets old. It’s not something I’m proud to admit. But… Bruce: …It’s true. Olivia: …Yeah. But that’s why I’m glad that I met you. Everything you say or do is a surprise. You could tell me something and I don’t have to know whether or not there’s some kind of hidden truth behind it. I can just take what you say and it can mean whatever I want it to mean. It’s an amazing feeling. Bruce: I’m glad that you feel that way, but… those feelings aren’t real. They’re just an illusion that you created to escape from what is real. Olivia: Well, it seems that I don’t have to read your mind for you to tell me the truth… Bruce: Look… I’m sorry. You’ve put a roof over my head and you’ve helped me out in so many other ways, so if that’s what you want then I won’t say anything else against it. It’s your life and it’s not my place to tell you how to live it. Please forgive me. (Bruce gets back to eating, while Olivia stares at him from her peripherals with a sullen look on her face. She gets back to eating and they remain silent for the rest of the meal.) INT. BRUCE’S ROOM-EVENING (Bruce sits down on his bed and massages the bridge of his nose. He lies down and shuts the lamp off. He lays there in the darkness, attempting to fall asleep. Suddenly, a bright light flickers on from the corner of the room. Bruce shields his eyes and quickly bolts up to a sitting position. He pulls his arm away and looks toward the source of the bright light. The mysterious top-hat man is sitting at the chair in the corner of the room, his entire body emanating with a yellow aura.) Bruce: What the hell do you think you’re doing?! Turn that damn light off! (The top-hat man gets up and turns on the lamp, before putting out his own light. He displays a menacing smile and adjusts his hat.) Top-hat Man: But, I’m really quite terrified of the dark. You never know what might be lurking inside. Bruce: Shhhhh! You’re gonna wake Olivia up! Top-hat Man: Nah, she’ll be fine! She’s a heavy sleeper! Let me just say that you’ve got yourself a good one there, Bruce! I’m proud of you! (The mysterious man puts out his fist, awaiting a bump from Bruce. Bruce sits there, annoyed.) Top-hat Man: Come on? You really gonna leave me hanging? Alrighty then. (The top-hat man pulls his fits away.) Top-hat Man: So you found Don DeLeon? That’s excellent. Your best bet is to just work your way through the ranks and earn his trust. Once you have it, talk him into taking you back. Bruce: Why do you act like you care? If you cared you’d use your powers to help me. Top-hat Man: Believe me, Bruce. I care. I want you to get back to your time and stop this madness. I want you to save the world from turning into this and I want you to save Jim. Bruce: Then why? Why won’t you just take me there, yourself?! Top-hat Man: Because you’re not ready, yet. Bruce: What the hell is that supposed to mean? Top-hat Man: Don’t worry. One day, I will explain everything. But right now is not the time. For now, you need to get a time traveler to take you back to your time. I have faith in you. You’ll make it happen. Bruce: You’re an asshole, you know that? Top-hat Man: Thank you! (The top-hat man disappears and the lamp light flickers out.) 2 Robbie the Wise and HarLea Quinn reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarLea Quinn 26,501 Posted September 29, 2012 If i was bruce i'd want to punch that guy by now ! 3 Demyx., Robbie the Wise and Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted September 29, 2012 If i was bruce i'd want to punch that guy by now ! I won't spoil it for you. But there is a reason he can't help Bruce. Look forward to it! 1 HarLea Quinn reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarLea Quinn 26,501 Posted September 29, 2012 I won't spoil it for you. But there is a reason he can't help Bruce. Look forward to it! It better be good ! 3 Demyx., Robbie the Wise and Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VanitasisKirby 1,227 Posted September 29, 2012 I don't know how I missed chapter 20 ;~; OH GOSH. WHYYYYY. urgh. I would've gone Jackie Chan on him D:< 1 Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted September 29, 2012 CHAPTER 22: EXT. PITTSBURGH STADIUM (Bruce, Sammy, and Donny are standing outside of the stadium. Each of them are wearing suits, even Bruce. Donny is smoking a cigarette, while Sammy and Bruce are just standing there, doing nothing.) Donny: So how’s it feel to be like one of us “low life’s?” (Bruce shakes his head and tries to ignore Donny.) Donny: You can’t ignore me forever, you little shit. We’re gonna be pals for a long time, so get use to it. (Suddenly, Jack and a few other members of the Panthers walk out of the stadium’s front entrance. Jack makes his way toward Bruce and the others, with his view to the ground. He adjusts his duffle bag and looks up, stopping dead in his tracks. Donny tosses the cigarette bud on the ground and smiles.) Donny: Hey, Jackie! How’s it going, buddy? (Jack turns and appears to be ready to make a break for it. But suddenly his legs stop, he turns and begins walking toward the three men, as if possessed.) Donny: Sammy, you keep his mouth shut, I’ll worry about making sure that he follows us. Bruce get your ass moving, we ain’t got time to waste. (Donny, Sammy, Bruce, and Jack begin to make their way around the side of the stadium. They enter an alleyway and stop. Sam puts his hand out and uses his telekinesis to lift Jack off the ground. Jack’s body slams against the wall and his mouth suddenly opens. He lets out a group of quick and heavy breaths.) Donny: It’s time to pay up, Jackie. Jack: I don’t have the money! Donny: Bullshit, you don’t have the money. You’re the star player of the Pittsburgh Panthers! But, either way, you’re in luck. We don’t want your money. We can make a lot more than what you owe us. But in order for that to happen we need a little favor. We need you to win the next two matches, just do your best and kick some ass. Then when you get to the third match from today, throw the game. Jack: You can’t be serious! This is my career! It’s only my second year they wouldn’t think twice about booting me out if I blow this! Donny: Hey! You think that’s my problem? I don’t give a shit! This is what you’re gonna to do… or else there’s gonna be trouble. Listen… if it wasn’t for us you wouldn’t have a damn career to begin with. We got you in here in an attempt to try and help you pay back all that money you owed us. Did you forget about that? Gambling is a risky business, my friend. Now you do this and the Don is willing to forget about all that money you owe him… and if the Panther’s are still willing to keep you afterwards well then hey! That’s a bonus! Hahahaha! Now as you know I can’t use my mind powers to force you to do this, otherwise the Tri-Ball committee would know about our little… arrangement. So I’m gonna trust you on this. One screw up… and you’ll wake up at the bottom of the ocean. You hear me? (Jack begins to sputter and tear up as he nods his head up and down. Donny smiles and claps his hands together. Suddenly, Jack drops from the wall and hits the ground. He coughs and clutches his throat, in pain.) Donny: Come on, boys. We’re done here. (The three begin to leave the alleyway. Bruce looks back and sees Jack’s tears falling to the ground. Bruce closes his eyes and shakes his head, in anger. He continues to follow Donny and Sam out of the alleyway. Donny stops and pulls a cigarette out of his pocket.) Donny: Pull the limo around, pal. (Sam nods and heads off into the parking lot.) Bruce: Is all this really necessary? Donny: What do you mean? (Donny lights his cigarette, takes a puff, and then blows the smoke out.) Bruce: …Like you said, he’s the star player. I’m sure he makes enough money to pay off his debt without going through this. Donny: Yeah, but this was the plan from the beginning. What you think we’re gonna go to that much trouble to “help” him get the money without making sure that we’ll get as much as we can out of this? Get your head out of your ass, Jimbo. Bruce: …Yeah, I guess. So what if someone reads his mind? Jack’s I mean and they find out what’s going on? Donny: Hahaha! Not gonna happen. We tie up all loose ends, buddy. We got this guy out in Philly. I never met the guy, but he’s supposed to be crazy smart. He makes all these crazy gadgets and shit. Well he made this pill that you take and then it jumbles up your thoughts and makes it hard for mind-readers to read your mind. We just have anyone “associated” with our business take one of those and no one will know the difference. Bruce: …What’s this guy’s name? Donny: …Oh, I don’t know Miyazaki or something. We pay him pretty well and he gives us copies of all his stuff. I heard he wasn’t doing too well lately though. He got into some scuffle or some shit. He was pretty tight-lipped about it all, though. Either way, if we got caught we’d get out of it. Bruce: How so? Donny: We got connections, Jimbo. President Parker, himself, lets us roam free and do as we please. Bruce: …He knows?! Donny: Hell yeah, he does. We pay him and in return he turns a “blind eye.” It’s been like this for years. There’s no way we’d get away with all the shit we do without it being this way. (The limo pulls up and Donny gets in. Bruce stands there for a moment, waiting for Donny to get situated.) Bruce: What the hell did I get myself into? (Bruce slowly gets into the limo and shuts the door behind him.) INT. OLIVIA’S HOUSE-EVENING (Olivia and Bruce walk into the house, laughing and chatting away.) Olivia: That was wonderful! I’m stuffed! Oh! The game! (Olivia rushes into the living room and turns on the TV.) Olivia: They won! (Olivia rushes into Bruce’s arms and the two hug, celebrating the Panther’s win. Although, Bruce doesn’t appear too happy with their second win of the season.) 3 VanitasisKirby, HarLea Quinn and Robbie the Wise reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarLea Quinn 26,501 Posted September 29, 2012 Something tells me Bruce hates working for the mafia XDDD 3 Queen Tery, Robbie the Wise and Demyx. reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VanitasisKirby 1,227 Posted September 29, 2012 I kind of wanted to cry when Jack started crying ;~; http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.png Bruce doesn't like being in the Mafia, does he? Moar chapters!!!!~ 1 Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted September 29, 2012 (edited) CHAPTER 23: EXT. JACK’S APARTMENT-MORNING (Bruce walks up to the front door. He takes a quick glance around and then knocks on the door. After a moment, Jack opens the door. Fear overcomes his face and then he looks around, confused.) Jack: You came here alone? Bruce: …Yeah. Jack: What do you want? Here to shake me down some more? Bruce: No. I just want to talk, if that’s okay. Jack: …I guess I don’t really have much of a choice. (Jack steps aside and lets Bruce in.) Jack: If I don’t I’m sure you’ll just get your boys to help beat the shit out of me, eh? Bruce: …I’m sorry. Jack: Excuse me? Bruce: I’m sorry. I don’t want to be a part of this. But I have to. Jack: You’ve got some nerve, asshole. You and your boys threaten me and then you come here and try to apologize?! Bruce: I know it sounds like bullshit, but I’m trying to be honest for once in my goddamn life! Just hear me out. You of all people should understand what it’s like to do something you don’t want to do. Jack: … (Jack walks into the kitchen and Bruce follows.) Jack: That it? Bruce: I want to help you get out of this. Jack: You got a plan? Bruce: Not yet. Jack: Then there is no way out. If there was one, between the two of us we would’ve come up with one by now. (Jack pulls a beer out of his fridge and begins to guzzle it down.) Bruce: There’s got to be something. Jack: No, there isn’t. If we win the match, then I’ll get my ass kicked, you’ll take all my money, and I’ll be out of a job because I’ll be an injured mess. Best case scenario, you guys kill me and put me out of my misery. If I blow it out there then there’s no way they’ll keep me on the team. Best case scenario, I don’t blow it too bad, but I’m still remembered as the “star player” that blew it all in one game. Bruce: Come on, it can’t be that bad! Jack: No, it is. Tri-Ball is a vicious sport. I won’t be able to live it down. My whole career, my whole life will be over just like that. I’ll be right back at rock bottom. Chances are I’ll sink back into depression and start gambling again. Only this time I won’t be able to pay off my debts. Bruce: …Listen. No matter what happens, none of it matters. Trust me. You’re over-thinking things. You’re worried and it’s stressing you out. Things won’t get that bad… I promise. Jack: How can you promise that? Bruce: I just can, okay. Sometimes we need to have a little hope. We need to believe that things are going to be okay. Jack: How the hell did a guy like you end up in the Mafia? It doesn’t suit you. Bruce: I suppose the same way a guy like you ended up in debt to the Mafia. Jack: Point well taken. EXT. JACK’S APARTMENT (Bruce exits Jack’s apartment and stuffs his hands in his jacket pockets. He bounds down the steps and passes by a bench, occupied by the mysterious top-hat man.) Top-hat Man: A criminal with a conscience. Bruce: Don’t you have anything better to do? (The top-hat man leaps off of the bench and follows Bruce down the sidewalk.) Top-hat Man: Not better than this! This might be hard to believe, but I don’t have a very interesting life. It gets lonely, really. Bruce: Oh, cry me a river. Top-hat Man: I could you know! (Bruce rolls his eyes and continues down the street.) Top-hat Man: You know, if you can get back to your time and save your friend this might never happen. That fellow would never have to go through all of this. Bruce: I know. That’s what I’m counting on. Top-hat Man: Then why are you trying to help him? Bruce: What do you mean? Top-hat Man: Well if he blows the match then your assignment was a success. The Don would be sure to reward you and you would be well on your way to looking like a good little lap dog. Eventually, he would be willing to help you out and you could ask him to take you back in time and then you could do whatever it is that you need to do. Bruce: I can’t just let the guy go through this kind of bullshit, just for my own selfish crap. Top-hat Man: Why not? None of that will matter if you can succeed in traveling back in time! Keep up, buddy! (Bruce turns around, but just as soon as he turns around the top-hat man disappears. Bruce shakes his head and then makes his way down the sidewalk.) Bruce: Jackass… INT. OLIVIA’S HOUSE (Bruce enters the living room and sees Olivia on the couch. She appears upset.) Bruce: You alright? Olivia: I guess. I got invited to this banquet celebrating “Extremus’” arrest. Bruce: …So what’s the problem? (Bruce sits down on the couch.) Olivia: I don’t feel comfortable going after the way the case ended. I just feel like there’s more to it. I don’t really want to celebrate something I don’t agree with. Bruce: Then don’t go. What’s the problem? Olivia: There are going to be a lot of important people there and it would really help with future promotions if I got to meet them and I made a good impression. Bruce: Then go. What’s the problem? (Olivia and Bruce start to laugh.) Olivia: Alright, but only if you go too! Bruce: Like as a date? Olivia: …Like as a date. Bruce: …Deal. (Bruce puts out his hand and Olivia shakes it, laughing.) Edited September 29, 2012 by Ertyx 3 Robbie the Wise, VanitasisKirby and HarLea Quinn reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarLea Quinn 26,501 Posted September 29, 2012 Bruce wants laid 3 Queen Tery, Demyx. and Robbie the Wise reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted September 29, 2012 Bruce wants laid Seems to me like Olivia does too. 2 Robbie the Wise and HarLea Quinn reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarLea Quinn 26,501 Posted September 29, 2012 Seems to me like Olivia does too. LOL ! Its prolly a lot easier for Olivia to get laid anytime she wants tho 3 Robbie the Wise, Demyx. and Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted September 29, 2012 LOL ! Its prolly a lot easier for Olivia to get laid anytime she wants tho Ikr, she could just use her mind powers and be like "Do me!" lolololololol Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VanitasisKirby 1,227 Posted September 29, 2012 ...This is going to be interesting! >83 Ohohohohohohoho, now I'm going to die waiting Dx 1 Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted September 30, 2012 CHAPTER 24: INT. PRESIDENTIAL BANQUET-EVENING (Olivia and Bruce enter the banquet, sporting some very fancy attire. Olivia is wearing a fiery red dress and her hair is tied in a bun. Bruce is wearing a simple black tuxedo. They step into the room, arm in arm, smiling at the other guests. Bruce looks across the room and sees President Parker and Don Deleon sitting a table, chatting. Agent Dodson is mingling with some of the other agents that were on the case, much to Olivia’s disgust.) Bruce: I’ll go get us some drinks. Olivia: Alright. (Bruce walks off, leaving Olivia to herself. Agent Dodson looks away from his group and notices Olivia. He takes a sip of his drink and makes his way toward her.) Dodson: Agent Warner, nice of you to join us. Olivia: Agent Dodson… Dodson: I thought for sure after your little “departure” that I’d never have to see your face again. Unfortunately… here you are. (Dodson takes a sip of his drink and Olivia bites her tongue, trying her best not to make a scene.) Olivia: How unfortunate for the both of us. (Just as Dodson goes to reply, Bruce walks up and hands Olivia her drink.) Dodson: Hello. Bruce: Oh, hey, what’s up? (Bruce puts out his hand and shakes Dodson’s hand.) Dodson: Not bad, so who might you be? Bruce: I’m Jim, Jim Morrison. I am Ms. Warner’s date for this evening. (Bruce smiles at the menacing Agent. Dodson takes a sip of his drink.) Dodson: That’s funny, this is the first I’ve heard of you. Bruce: I could say the same of you. Dodson: …So, Mr. Morrison how did the two of you meet? Bruce: Oh, it was at the incident in Philly a few weeks back. You probably heard about it on the news; the shape-shifter that went on that terrible rampage. Dodson: Ah, yes, I was there. Bruce: So was I. I was hit by some stray debris from the attack and Olivia found me, unconscious. She took me back to her place and patched me right up. I’m as good as new! Dodson: That’s an interesting story. What were you doing out during the rampage? Bruce: Well, it’s not like I saw it coming. I was out for a jog, but I’m sure you wouldn’t know much about that, eh? (Bruce glances at Dodson’s stomach and takes a sip of his drink. Dodson bites his tongue, as Olivia tries to hide her laughter behind her glass. Bruce looks across the room and sees Don Deleon signaling him.) Bruce: Um, if you’d excuse us Agent Dobson… Dodson: Dodson. Bruce: Ah, right, mah bad! I have some business to attend to. (Olivia follows Bruce away, as Dodson takes a sip of his drink. Bruce and Olivia make their way up to the President’s table, to greet the seemingly happy Don Deleon.) Don: Jim, how are you today? (Don and Bruce shake hands.) Bruce: Not bad, sir, not bad at all. Don: …And who is this exquisite young lady? Olivia: I am Olivia Warner. President: Ms. Warner was on the task force associated with apprehending “Extremus.” I’ve heard wonderful things. (Don moves over and gestures for Bruce and Olivia to sit down.) Olivia: Um, thank you, Mr. President. That means a lot coming from you. President: I’m sure it does. Melissa: Dad, when are we gonna leave? President: How lovely, I almost forgot you were here… Anyway, these are my “wonderful” children, Melissa and Tommy. Olivia: Hi! Melissa: Hi… Jim was it? (Bruce looks around, confused. He points to himself.) Bruce: Me? Melissa: Yeah, I just want to let you know that you’re probably the most interesting person here. Bruce: Haha, um, thank you. I’m flattered. Melissa: As am I. (Melissa smiles at Bruce, much to his confusion. Suddenly, a pile of mashed potatoes flies out of nowhere and hits Bruce in the face. Bruce sits there for a moment, trying to figure out what just happened. He reaches up and wipes the potatoes away. Melissa begins punching Tommy in the arm, repeatedly, although he doesn’t seem too bothered by it.) Melissa: You little jerk! President: Enough! (Melissa gets one last punch in and then sticks her tongue out at Tommy.) Melissa: Sorry about that, Jim. He can be real pain sometimes. Bruce: It’s cool. Free food’s always nice. (Olivia grabs a napkin and helps Bruce clean his face off.) Don: So, Jimbo, I just wanted to say thank you for all of your hard work so far. It’s truly paying off. I was just telling President Parker about the deal and we both think that we will be making a sizeable profit off of this “business endeavor.” Bruce: …I’m glad I could help. Let me just take the time to thank you for this job. It really means a lot. (Suddenly, a group of people burst into a loud cheer on the other end of the room. Bruce and the group look over to see a group of people watching a large screen TV. The TV depicts the celebration of the Panther’s third victory of the season.) Olivia: Yes! Eeeeehhhhhh! They are doing amazing this year! Bruce: Yeah… they are… (Bruce takes a sip of his drink and watches as the TV camera pans in on Jack as he takes off his helmet and shakes his head, in annoyance.) INT. OLIVIA’S LIVING ROOM-EVENING (Bruce enters the room with two beers, one of which he hands Olivia who is sitting on the couch. Olivia takes it and is about to take a drink when she looks up at Bruce. She bites her lip and then leaps at him, kissing him passionately. Bruce sets his beer aside and just lets it happen. Meanwhile, the game that Jack is supposed to lose is playing on their TV. Jack races toward the goal and leaps over the goalie, planting the game winning ball into the goal. The crowd goes wild, but Bruce and Olivia don’t notice. Jack lands on the ground and takes his helmet off, as if contemplating what he just did.) EXT. PITTSBURGH STADIUM-EVENING (Jack is up against a fence, bleeding heavily. Bruce, Sammy, Donny, and one other random member of the Mafia are standing before him, mercilessly beating him. Sammy and Donny are front and center, dealing out the most damage with Sammy’s telekinesis and Donny’s fists. The other member is lighting up his hands with his pyrokenesis, just itching to get started. Bruce is holding a gun in his right hand, shaking with fear. Donny punches Jack, causing him to spit out a few teeth.) Donny: We had a deal, Jackie. What the hell were you thinking?! Do you realize how much goddamn money we lost on that one match?!?! Jack: …You bastards don’t own me. Donny: Well that’s a load off my back, let me tell you. Jimbo, finish him. (Donny and Sammy step aside, giving Bruce a clear shot at Jack. Bruce’s hand trembles as he takes a step forward. He lifts his gun into the air and points it at Jack. Jack begins to breathe heavily, watching helplessly as he is about to meet his end. Bruce cocks the gun and then shoots Sammy in between the eyes. He turns and puts three bullets in Donny’s chest. The pyrokinetic quickly reacts and releases a wave of intense flames at Bruce. Bruce ducks underneath the fire and puts a bullet in the man’s throat. Bruce tries to calm down as he looks over at Jack.) Bruce: G-go… Get the hell out of here!!! (Jack gets up and nods at Bruce, before rushing away from the docks. Bruce’s hand continues to shake as he turns and runs in the opposite direction.) 3 Robbie the Wise, VanitasisKirby and HarLea Quinn reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites