HarLea Quinn 26,501 Posted July 30, 2012 Dun Dun Dun ...lolz 3 Queen Tery, Demyx. and Robbie the Wise reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kirie 3,489 Posted July 30, 2012 MOAR 2 The Transcendent Key and Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted July 31, 2012 CHAPTER 15: INT. THE WHITE HOUSE DINING ROOM-MORNING (The President is sitting at the dinner table with his daughter and son. His daughter is a 15 year old girl with long dark hair lying on her face. She has purple lipstick and pale skin. Her right eye is covered by her hair and she appears to be in a bad mood, as she is hardly eating anything. The President’s son is a six year old boy, wearing a black vest over top of a gray long-sleeved shirt. He has light brown hair which is combed and gelled off his face. He has dark bags under his eyes and he seems quite calm and serious for a six year old boy. Unlike his sister he is calmly eating his meal in silence. The President goes to take a bite of his food when he looks at his daughter and sees that she is not eating. He slowly lowers his fork and continues to stare at his daughter.) President: Melissa, why aren’t you eating? Melissa: Because the food sucks. President: How would you know? You haven’t even taken a damn bite. Melissa: I don’t have to. I know it sucks. President: How have you come to this conclusion? Please enlighten me. (The president folds his arms and leans back in his chair.) Melissa: Because the food always sucks. What’s so different about today? It smells like it sucks, the cooks suck, this house sucks, and suffice to say… everything just sucks. (Melissa gets out of her chair, but is quickly thrust back into it by an unknown force. Her chair automatically straightens itself and her fork floats off the table, picks up some of the food and forces the food into her mouth. The President smiles, as she glares at her little brother.) Melissa: Let me go, you little creep! (Her brother looks up from his food, giving her a blank and emotionless stare.) President: He just wants you to eat. It’s very important to make sure that you don’t starve. Melissa: I’m surrounded by idiots. (Melissa reaches down and picks up a piece of her bread. She throws it at her brother, hitting him in the side of the head. Surprisingly enough he doesn’t use his telekinesis and instead takes the hit. Melissa rises from her chair and storms out of the room. The President smiles at his son, who appears to be uncaring to the fact that his sister just threw a piece of bread at him. Suddenly, an agent walks into the room and stops at the side of the table.) Agent: Mr. President, we’ve just received word that the terrorist known as “Extremus” has been apprehended. (The President quickly looks away from his son, as a menacing smile appears on his face.) President: Have the terrorist escorted here. I want to meet the man that has eluded my clutches for so long. (The Agent salutes and then exits the room. The President picks up his napkin and wipes off his mouth.) President: Alright, Tommy. I’m going to have to go deal with the terrorist, soon. But, as soon as I’m finished with that we’ll continue your training. (The President rises from his seat and walks to the other end where his son is seated. He pats him on the shoulder and then exits the room. His son continues to eat, almost as if he doesn’t notice his father’s absence.) INT. THE INVESTIGATION HEADQUARTERS-MORNING (Dodson is sitting in his office, face to face with Robert Maguire.) Dodson: How is it that you’ve managed to elude our databases for so long? Robert: I’m telling you, I’m not “Extremus!” Dodson: You expect me to believe that bullshit? You match his description, you have no tattoo, or powers… Robert: The guy you’re looking for… it’s Bruce Johnson! He kidnapped me! I’m Robert Maguire! Dodson: How the hell do you know that name? Only the investigation team should know about Robert Maguire’s kidnapping or the name Bruce Johnson. You’re just making this worse and worse on yourself, pal. (Robert’s breathing becomes more rapid, as he tries to figure a way out of this. An agent enters the room and salutes Agent Dodson.) Agent: Sir, the President has requested that “Extremus” be sent to D.C. to meet with him, personally. Dodson: Understood. I want you to have our new friend here teleported over to D.C. so he can meet the President, himself. (Agent Dodson smiles and rises from his seat. He leans toward Robert.) Dodson: You should be honored. I know I am. (Dodson laughs on his way out the door. The Agent behind Robert puts his hand on his shoulder and teleports him to the White House.) INT. MIYAZAKI’S LAB-MORNING (Bruce enters the lab and sees Miyazaki typing away at his keyboard. Bruce looks around the room and quickly becomes confused.) Bruce: Where’s Robert? Miyazaki: I took care of him. Bruce: …You…? What the hell is that supposed to mean?!?! (Miyazaki turns and picks up the remote. He turns up the volume on the TV, catching Bruce’s attention. Bruce walks toward the TV, a bit nervous as to what he might see. On the TV the news is broadcasting outside of the White House.) President: Citizens of the world! I am proud to let you know that the one known as “Extremus” has been caught! (Bruce sees Robert chained down beneath a guillotine. Robert is crying and sputtering, but the broadcasting is barely picking it up.) President: Today begins an era of peace and prosperity for our world… beginning with the death of this horrible man! Robert: Please! It’s not me! I didn’t do anything! You have to believe me! (Suddenly, the blade drops and Robert’s head falls clean off.) 2 Kirie and Master Aqua reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kirie 3,489 Posted July 31, 2012 Am I the only one who's reading this? Its the best story evar 2 Queen Tery and The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarLea Quinn 26,501 Posted July 31, 2012 Ummm No you arent Inori ? What made you think that? .lol . On topic: Moar ! Great story ! 4 Demyx., Kirie, Queen Tery and 1 other reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted August 24, 2012 CHAPTER 16: President: AND THAT… IS THE END OF “EXTREMUS’” REIGN OF TERROR!!! (The crowd cheers out in happiness at the death of an innocent man. Bruce slowly walks up to the TV and turns it off. He turns around, barely able to speak.) Bruce: How could you do that? Miyazaki: Do what? Go out of my way to save your life? Tie up the one loose end that could lead to your capture and eventual execution? How dare I do something so thoughtful! Bruce: Yes, but at the cost of his life. But it doesn’t seem that you gave that a second thought. Miyazaki: No, I didn’t. I didn’t need to think about it, because I already knew that I had to do it if we are to continue the experiments. I’m so close; I’ve just taken a great step toward… Bruce: I’m done. Miyazaki: …Um, what? Bruce: Enough is enough. This is where I draw the line. (Bruce walks past Miyazaki, heading for his room.) Miyazaki: You can’t be serious! (Miyazaki follows Bruce through the door and up the stairs. He enters the room and sees Bruce quickly packing his things.) Miyazaki: Where do you plan on going, hm? You have nothing, you have no one, and you sure as hell don’t have anywhere to go! Bruce: I guess I’ll just have to figure that one out after I leave. (Bruce puts his coat on, ignoring eye-contact with Miyazaki.) Miyazaki: …If you leave then I’ll alert the authorities and you won’t make it out of town without a bullet in your back. (Bruce stops and looks at Miyazaki. He closes his suitcase and takes a few steps toward him.) Bruce: Alright. How about you tell them how you know who I am. How about you tell them that you’ve been hiding me from them for the last 20 years! Or you could tell them how you made them think that they had captured me, when in fact they captured AN INNOCENT MAN! How about that? Either way, I won’t be around when you tell them. (Bruce brushes Miyazaki aside and hurries down the steps. Miyazaki takes a deep breath and follows him down the stairs. Bruce nearly reaches the door, but is stopped by the sound of Miyazaki picking up one of his tazer guns. Bruce stops and quickly reaches into his coat pocket, pulling out a handgun. He whips around and shots Miyazaki in the arm, causing him to drop the tazer. Miyazaki stumbles backwards, writhing in pain.) Bruce: For someone so smart… that was pretty damn stupid. (Bruce turns and opens the door, stepping out into the streets of a world that knows not that he exists… a world that loathes and fears him… and a world that he fears, as well. Bruce reaches into his pocket and pulls out the list of time travelers. He looks over the list and comes across one name in particular. He puts the list back in his pocket and steps out onto the sidewalk, just as it begins to drizzle. Suddenly Jim, along with his top-hat, walks up from behind Bruce. Bruce looks to his left and sees Jim strolling beside him as if they were the best of friends. Bruce stops and stares at him for a moment.) Bruce: …Is your name really Jim? Top-hat man: Of course not. Bruce: …Then why did you say it was. Top-hat man: Because humans have to put labels on everything in order to fully understand who or what they’re dealing with. Bruce: Why wouldn’t you just give me your real name? And why did you pick the name Jim. Top-hat man: Because I don’t have a name. As to why I picked Jim… it should be obvious. I picked it because it was the name of your best friend. (Bruce grabs Jim’s collar and slams him against the brick wall of the nearby house.) Bruce: How do you know that?!?! (The man smiles, while an extra arm appears on his right shoulder. This extra arm reaches up and adjusts his hat. Bruce backs off, freaked out by the appearance of this third arm.) Top-hat man: I explained this already! I know everything there is to know. (Bruce and the top-hat man begin walking down the street, once more. The top-hat man’s third arm itches his cheek and then disappears.) Bruce: And this has to do with your ability? Top-hat man: Precisely. Bruce: Then why are you here? You know I need help, yet you won’t help me? Top-hat man: I do have a mind of my own, Bruce. Just because I have the power to help you doesn’t mean that I will. I must say… I am intrigued that you have survived this long in a society that fears your kind. I’m interested to see how you fair now that you are on your own for the first time. Bruce: I can handle myself. Top-hat man: How admirable. Even in this kind of situation you still retain such confidence. Let’s see how long that lasts! (The top-hat man disappears and Bruce suddenly realizes that he is no longer on the streets of Philadelphia. He looks around him, confused and frightened by the open highway that he is now standing on. He steps onto the side of the road and looks both ways, trying to decide which way to go. He looks to his right and sees a sign that says “Pittsburgh 2 miles.” He pulls his list of time travelers out and looks it over. He smiles and then puts the list away, making his way toward Pittsburgh.) 1 Kirie reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarLea Quinn 26,501 Posted August 24, 2012 The mysterious man continues to be mysterious ..Also Damn you quota ! 2 Robbie the Wise and Demyx. reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kirie 3,489 Posted August 24, 2012 Nice story Ertyx the mysterious man is indeed very mysterious Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted August 24, 2012 The mysterious man continues to be mysterious ..Also Damn you quota ! Nice story Ertyx the mysterious man is indeed very mysterious Thank you for returning even after I took a well-deserved hiatus. lol I may not be posting chapters too often, but it definitely won't take me over a month this time. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kirie 3,489 Posted August 24, 2012 Thank you for returning even after I took a well-deserved hiatus. lol I may not be posting chapters too often, but it definitely won't take me over a month this time. You better post chapters every hour or so because I get bored lol Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted August 25, 2012 You better post chapters every hour or so because I get bored lol LOL Not happening. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kirie 3,489 Posted August 25, 2012 LOL Not happening. Lol You're mean Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted September 21, 2012 The mysterious man continues to be mysterious ..Also Damn you quota ! IIIIIIIIIIIIIII'MMMMMMMM BAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKK Welcome back, Flaming Lea. CHAPTER 17: INT. INVESTIGATION HQ-MORNING (Agent Dodson enters his office. Olivia is sitting in the chair in front of the desk, waiting for him.) Dodson: Ms. Warner, as you probably know… (Dodson walks over and sits down at his desk, getting comfortable.) Dodson: …”Extremus” has been apprehended and is no longer a threat. I would like to thank you for all your hard work and dedication. You are relieved from your post and you may return home, until further notice. (Dodson looks down at his desk and begins filling out paperwork.) Olivia: …You’re kidding, right? (Dodson looks up at Olivia, confused.) Dodson: Excuse me? Olivia: You actually think this case is closed? Dodson: And why wouldn’t it be? Olivia: Why would “Extremus” just drive himself right into our hands? Tied up and ready to go at that? It doesn’t make any sense. He has to have had an accomplice or something… Dodson: Or a concerned citizen apprehended him and that was their way of turning him in? (Olivia quickly rises from her chair.) Olivia: You’re out of your mind! Even if they did, they vandalized our headquarters to do so! There’s more to this case and… (Dodson quickly stands up and leans toward Olivia.) Dodson: “Extremus” is finished. That’s all this case was about and that’s all it was ever about. Now get your head out of your ass and get out of my office. Case closed. (Olivia leans away, on the edge of attacking Dodson right there in his office. She bites her tongue and turns away. She makes her way to the door and opens it, ever so slightly. She turns back around and glares at Dodson, who is slowly sitting back down in his chair.) Olivia: …When this case opens back up… don’t come asking me to be a part of it. (Olivia storms out of the office, infuriated.) EXT. PITTSBURG-AFTERNOON (Olivia is driving down an open-highway, still pretty depressed about how the case ended. Suddenly, she sees a man walking along the side of the road. She leans forward and squints. Bruce turns around and looks at the incoming headlights. Olivia realizes who he is and quickly stops the car. She rolls her window down, as Bruce stops and looks at her vehicle, confused. He quickly shoves the list of time travelers into his jacket pocket, before walking over and looking into the window.) Olivia: It’s a surprise seeing you here, what are you doing so far from Philly? Bruce: Um… uh… Olivia: …Never mind. You don’t have to tell me. You heading toward Pittsburgh? I’m on my way home; I can give you a ride if you want? Bruce: Uhhh… (Bruce looks down the road and then back at Olivia.) Bruce: Yeah, sure. (Bruce opens the door and gets into the passenger seat. He buckles his seatbelt and calms his breathing.) Bruce: Thanks. Olivia: Anytime. (Olivia slams on the gas and takes off, much to Bruce’s surprise. Bruce adjusts his posture, trying to get comfortable.) Olivia: So how have you been? Your injuries, I mean. Bruce: Uh, it’s all good. I barely notice it, honestly. Olivia: That’s good. (Olivia glances back and forth between the road and Bruce’s injuries.) Olivia: They look a little better… but it’s kind of hard to tell… Bruce: Yeah, maybe you should keep your eyes on the road. Olivia: Hey, I can multi-task! Bruce: I never said you couldn’t. Olivia: You implied it. Bruce: You inferred it. (Bruce smiles at Olivia and she smiles back.) Olivia: Touche, Jim. INT. PITTSBURGH-AFTERNOON (Olivia races into her driveway and quickly halts.) Olivia: So… where do you plan on going next? Bruce: Uh… I’m not really sure. Olivia: You were just wandering down the road and you don’t even know where you’re going? Bruce: Uh, not really. You see… back in Philly I was staying with a friend, but he died in that incident with the shape shifter. So now I don’t have a place to stay, a ride, or anything. I just figured I’d head for Pittsburgh to try and find a job. Olivia: Do you need a place to stay? I have a guest room… Bruce: Are you sure? I don’t want to impose or any… Olivia: Oh no! Of course not! You wouldn’t be imposing. Just come on in whenever you’re ready. I’ll get the room set up. (Olivia gets out of the car and heads inside. Bruce gets out and looks around, taking in the fresh air. He shuts the car door and slowly makes his way into the house. Once inside he takes everything in, slowly strolling toward the stairs. He looks at the walls and sees mostly paintings, but no portraits of her, her family, or anyone or anything for that matter. Bruce makes his way to the stairs and slowly walks up to the second floor. He turns and looks into the closest room to see the bed has been made. He slowly walks in and looks around. The room is fairly plain, with a few boxes lying around, randomly placed around the room. Bruce steps toward the bed, just before Olivia enters the room carrying two pillows.) Olivia: Oh, hey. Is this room alright? Bruce: Yeah, it’s perfect. Olivia: Good, because otherwise it would’ve been the couch. (Olivia smiles as she hands Bruce the two pillows.) Olivia: Hey, since you’re probably going to be staying here for a while… do you want to maybe go to the Pittsburgh Tri-Ball game this Friday. Bruce: You actually got two tickets? Olivia: Yeah, I ordered them like months ago. Bruce: Why two? Olivia: Just in case. I like to plan ahead. Bruce: …Alright. But I got to warn you I’m not a very big fan. I don’t really know much about it… other than knowing that getting hold of tickets is a nightmare. Olivia: Don’t worry, I’m a huge fan; especially of the Pittsburgh Panthers. I’ll teach you all about it. 1 Kirie reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarLea Quinn 26,501 Posted September 21, 2012 Thanks @ story .. Bruce needs laid ! 2 Demyx. and Robbie the Wise reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted September 21, 2012 Thanks @ story .. Bruce needs laid ! I loled pretty hard. But yeah if you think about it, considering how long he's stayed with Miyazaki, there's a 99.9% chance that he's a 35 year old virgin. 1 Robbie the Wise reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarLea Quinn 26,501 Posted September 21, 2012 I loled pretty hard. But yeah if you think about it, considering how long he's stayed with Miyazaki, there's a 99.9% chance that he's a 35 year old virgin. LOL poor guy 2 Demyx. and Robbie the Wise reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kirie 3,489 Posted September 21, 2012 Nice story http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robbie the Wise 5,050 Posted September 21, 2012 I was wondering when you were going to continue. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted September 21, 2012 (edited) I was wondering when you were going to continue. Yeah, I was busy working on another story and I was really into it and still am, but when Lea came back I figured I should probably give her a welcome back gift. lol I loled pretty hard. But yeah if you think about it, considering how long he's stayed with Miyazaki, there's a 99.9% chance that he's a 35 year old virgin. Nice story http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/happy.png P.S. Everyone look forward to Tri-Ball. I hope that it makes the wait for chapters worth it. Edited September 21, 2012 by Ertyx 1 Robbie the Wise reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted September 21, 2012 (edited) CHAPTER 18: EXT. THE PITTSBURGH TRI-BALL STADIUM-EVENING (The lights within the stadium shine through the top of the dome, signaling the soon to start match. Bruce and Olivia are standing in line, not far from the entrance.) Olivia: Have you ever been here before? Bruce: Yeah, once when I was a kid… my dad and I came here. It was a pretty good day, actually. Olivia: So then you’ve seen a match before? Bruce: Uhh, yeah… but I don’t really remember it very well. I was probably like 8. Olivia: It’s amazing! I’ve been a huge fan for years! Guard: Tickets? (Olivia stops talking and reaches into her jacket pocket. She pulls out the two tickets and hands them to the guard he looks them over and then hands them two forms.) Guard: Please sign these. (He hands Olivia a pen and she begins to sign.) Bruce: What are we signing? Guard: Liability waivers. INT. PITTSBURGH STADIUM (Olivia and Bruce make their way into the packed stands, getting one of the few seats left. In the last 125 years this football stadium has been completely remodeled for its new purpose. The bleachers are pretty much the same, but the stadium appears to have been made a bit bigger to accommodate for the larger fan base. The actual field is where the most noteworthy changes have been made. The grassy field that the football players once played on is no more. It is now a field filled with dirt and sand. On each side of the field sits one massive goal, similar to a soccer goal only bigger. Bruce and Olivia sit down and get comfortable. Olivia pulls out a bottle of Pepsi and hands it to Bruce.) Olivia: Alright, here are the basics. Each team has eight players on the field at all time; three people with super strength a.k.a the muscles, three people who can fly a.k.a the birds, and two people with enhanced reflexes and joints a.k.a the runners. Each goal is guarded by one of these two runners. Throughout the entirety of the game there will be three balls on the field. The players are tasked with getting any of these three balls into the opposing team’s goal. However, because of the goalies being so quick, it’s more ideal that the team’s remaining runner tries to score. The first team to score 30 points wins. (Suddenly, the two teams begin to enter the field from the archways behind the goals. The stadium erupts into a massive cheer, ecstatic for the game to start. A group of people in the front row open their mouths and release a large breath of fire, as the players make their way to the field.) Olivia: It’s starting! (Olivia gets really excited, while Bruce just smiles and takes a drink of his Pepsi. The Pittsburgh Panthers are wearing the black and yellow colors of the original Steelers. Noticeably enough three of the members are clothed in shirts and shorts instead of the yellow and black helmet and padding that the other members are clothed in.) Bruce: How come those three aren’t wearing any protection? Olivia: Those are the muscles. If they were wearing protection it would put them at an unfair advantage. Everyone else… they definitely need protection if they’re going to put up with those guys. (The three muscles are the only members who can actually be seen, since the other members are hidden under their padding and helmets. One of them is a large and muscular bald man with a thin brown beard. The other is a thin, well toned man with long dark hair and no facial hair. The last muscle is a heavy set man with black hair only about a half an inch off of his head and a thick goatee resting just above his triple chin. The crowd, including Olivia, erupts into a chant.) Crowd: JACK! JACK! JACK! JACK! (Olivia sits down.) Olivia: Whhhhoooooooooooo! (Olivia claps and laughs, very excitedly.) Bruce: Which one’s Jack? Olivia: He’s number 22 on the Panther’s team. He’s one of their runners and he has one of the best score/throw ratios in the league. (Jack is an African American, skinny guy with a little bit of muscle tone, but no other real features can be seen beneath his helmet. He raises both of his arms and steps forward, happily taking in the fan’s cheers. The crowd cheers out even louder. Suddenly the announcer’s voice is heard, despite there being no speakers set up anywhere in the stadium.) Announcer: WELCOME ONE AND ALL TO THE FIRST TRI-BALL GAME OF THE SEASON!!!! (Bruce looks around, confused.) Bruce: I don’t see any speakers? Olivia: Hm? Oh, he’s just using his ability. Announcers are always people with the ability to project their voice. It cuts down on having to pay for speakers. Bruce: Ah, makes sense. Announcer: …THE PLAYERS ARE TAKING THEIR POSITIONS! (Olivia reaches down and clutches Bruce’s leg.) Olivia: This is so exciting! (Bruce looks at Olivia and smiles before looking back out on the field. The referee flies down to the field and gets his whistle ready. The three balls come floating down, obviously from the work of a telekinetic. The balls land on the field in between the two team’s players, sitting right on the mid-field dividing line. One of the runners from each of the teams quickly takes their positions in front of their respective goals. The crowd’s cheering dies down and after a brief moment of silence, the referee blows his whistle.) Edited September 22, 2012 by Ertyx 2 HarLea Quinn and Kirie reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarLea Quinn 26,501 Posted September 21, 2012 I would pay to see that game 3 Demyx., Robbie the Wise and Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted September 21, 2012 I would pay to see that game It's a good thing that I waited to start writing again, because I honestly came up with this idea two days ago. ;P Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted September 22, 2012 (edited) CHAPTER 19: (The three birds on each team quickly take to the skies and position themselves in seemingly random spots, making sure to stick close by an opposing team’s bird. Jack and the opposing team’s runner rush past the three muscles on their teams and reach down, picking up one of the balls. Jack quickly slings the ball that he picked up at the New England Tazer’s runner. The ball hits the runner and sends him flying toward the bleachers. The ball that he had flies out of his hand and Jack catches it. Without delay, Jack rushes in and catches the original ball he had in his hand before it has the chance to land on the ground. The second the ball lands in Jack’s free hand, he takes off toward the Tazer’s goal. The Tazer’s runner gets up and rushes after him. The three muscles on each side are rushing toward the ball. One of the Tazer’s reaches the ball and goes to pick it up. But just as his fingers touch the ball, the bald muscle on the Panther’s team lands a devastating uppercut to his chin, causing him to drop the ball and soar into the distance.) Olivia: Oh! That’s important! You can only physically assault a player on the opposing team if they are in possession of one of the balls! (Jack is quickly making his way toward the opposing goal, leaving the Tazer’s runner in the dust. He leaps toward the goalie, easily intimidating him. The goalie’s face is covered in sweat, as he fears for the worst. Jack slings one of the balls toward the runner, he manages to catch it, but just as he does, Jack tosses the other ball at his face. The ball collides with the goalie’s face and then bounces into the goal. The goalie drops the first ball that he had caught and Jack quickly rushes in and catches it, tossing it into the goal for a second point. The two balls telekinetically soar back to the mid-field dividing line, as the stadium bursts into a loud cheer. The Panther’s muscle who is carrying the third ball is hurrying toward the opposing team’s goal. One of the Tazer’s birds glides down to the field and picks up one of their muscles. The bird floats high into the air and soars toward the Panther’s muscle. He glides a little lower, as he gets closer to the muscle. The bird drops the muscle that he is carrying, sending him falling toward the Panther’s muscle. The Tazer’s muscle reaches out and grabs the back of the Panther’s muscle’s head, shoving his chin into the dirt. He does a front flip and fumbles the ball. The Tazer’s runner who was previously chasing Jack rushes in and picks up the ball. Jack quickly rushes toward the Tazer’s runner, chasing him toward the Panther’s goal. The Tazer’s runner reaches down and grabs one of the two balls sitting at the mid-field line. He quickly tosses it into the air, allowing one of the Tazer’s birds to grab a hold of the ball. The two make their way toward the goal, with Jack not far behind. Jack grabs the remaining ball off of the mid-field line, but manages not to slow down as he chases down the two opposing players. Jack looks up and slings the ball at the unsuspecting bird, knocking him out of the sky. The referee flies in and catches the falling bird from the Tazer’s team. The bird drops the ball and Jack leaps into the air, catching it.) Bruce: He’s allowed to knock players out of the sky like that? Olivia: Like I said, only if they have the ball. The referee is supposed to catch them, though, to try and minimize player injury. (The referee lands on the ground and lets go of the bird, helping him stand up. The bird shakes his head, trying to catch his balance. Then he nods to the referee and leaps back into the sky. The opposing runner leaps toward the goal and does side flip, trying to fake out the goalie. Jack lands on the ground, just as the opposing runner slings his ball toward the Panther’s goal. The Panther’s goalie leaps into the air and manages to catch the speedy ball. Before landing back on the ground, the goalie tosses the ball to Jack. Jack turns around, as one of the opposing muscles is running at him. The opposing muscle rears his arm back and goes to punch Jack in the face. Jack does a back flip, dodging the punch. He leaps over the muscle and tosses one of the balls to one of the birds on his team. Jack rushes past the opposing muscles on the other team, dodging their incoming attacks. One of the Panther’s birds swoops in while no one is paying attention and grabs the other ball on the mid-field line. The two birds and Jack make their way toward the Tazer’s goal, easily dodging the Tazer’s opposition. Jack slings the ball toward the goalie. At the last second, the ball curves to the right, much to the goalie’s anger. The goalie reaches out, catches the ball and does a full 360, stumbling back from the force of the ball and spin. One of the Panther’s birds swoops in and tosses the ball at the goal. The Tazer’s goalie tosses his ball at the incoming ball, sending knocking it away from the goal. The other bird swoops in and tosses the ball at the goal. The goalie leaps toward it, does a front flip and catches the ball mid-flip. Jack leaps into the air and catches the ball that the goalie had previously thrown and tosses it into the goal. The goalie watches on in horror, as the ball sails into the goal. He throws the ball he is currently holding on the ground, in anger. One of the Tazer’s birds catches the second ball that had been thrown toward the goal and races toward the Panther’s goal. The game goes on until the Panthers reach 10 points and the Tazers reach 4 points. At this time the three balls are telekinetically pulled to the mid-field dividing line and the players take a break.) Bruce: Intermission? Olivia: Yep, every time a team reaches a 10 point milestone there’s a break. That means time to grab snacks! We’d better hurry; we’ve only got 15 minutes. Bruce: Yeah we’d better! I’m starving. (Bruce, Olivia, and many of the other people get up from the stands and make their way into the outer portion of the stadium to stock up on food and drinks.) Olivia: I got to go use the bathroom, you mind getting me a pretzel? Here’s the money. (Olivia hands him a 10 dollar bill and Bruce takes it, smiling.) Bruce: Any dip? Olivia: Cheese please! (Olivia giggles and then walks off. Bruce heads over to the pretzel shop and gets in line. An Asian man wearing a suit and tie walks by the pretzel shop. He has a long pony-tail and is just getting off his cell phone. He looks around, calm and content, until he notices Bruce. He steps forward and gets a confused look on his face. After a moment of staring at Bruce he makes his way over. He walks up and taps Bruce’s shoulder. Bruce turns around and gives the man a confused look.) Bruce: Can I help you? Man: I’d like to talk to you in private, sir. Bruce: What’s this about? Man: I know who you are. If you don’t follow me away from the crowd then I will inform the authorities. (Bruce becomes quite nervous and looks around shortly before following the man away from the line.) Bruce: Look I don’t know who you are or who you think I am but… Man: You are “Extremus,” are you not? Bruce: …Why do you think I’m “Extremus?” “Extremus” is dead. It was all over the news… Man: Don’t bullshit me. I’m a mind-reader. I can’t read your mind. The only people whose minds cannot be read are people without a power. Listen, I don’t care how you pulled off fooling the government and at the moment I don’t care. (The man reaches into his pocket and pulls out a card. He holds it out and Bruce takes it.) Man: After the game, I want you to call this number. My associate will answer it. Tell him you’re “Extremus.” He will give you an address. Tomorrow go to that address at the time he specifies. If you don’t then I will find you and I will alert the authorities. Do I make myself clear? Bruce: …Yeah. Man: Excellent. Don’t worry. You have nothing to fear as long as you do what you’re told. (The man smiles and then walks away. Bruce stands there for a moment and then looks at the card. The card has a number written on it and nothing else. He looks up and then puts the card in his pocket, before making his way back to the pretzel stand.) Edited September 22, 2012 by Ertyx 1 Kirie reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kirie 3,489 Posted September 22, 2012 wow this might be interesting Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted September 22, 2012 wow this might be interesting I hope it is. lol Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites