HarLea Quinn 26,501 Posted July 22, 2012 OMG I love this new story ! What a scary society to live in though . 3 Demyx., Robbie the Wise and luka reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted July 22, 2012 I wonder if he'll get back in his time I'm so excited!! Next chapter please! OMG I love this new story ! What a scary society to live in though . Thank you! Yeah, it would suck to live in a place where most people have a lethal and natural weapon on them at all times. lol Bruce is in for a hell of a ride. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted July 23, 2012 (edited) CHAPTER 7: INT. BRUCE’S APARTMENT-MORNING (Bruce wakes up and sits up, while rubbing his eyes. He looks down at his wrist and sees his fake tattoo. He stands up and hurries out of his room.) INT. DR. MIYAZAKI’S LAB (Bruce is sitting in a chair, while Dr. Miyazaki uses a small spray-can to remove his tattoo. He sprays a green mist over Bruce’s wrist, causing the fake tattoo to disappear. Unfortunately, there is no tattoo beneath it, signaling that Bruce did not acquire any powers.) Bruce: Dammit! (Bruce stands up and begins pacing, annoyed with the results.) Dr. Miyazaki: Perhaps, my concoction gave you powers, but since you did not receive them the same way that the rest of us did, you did not receive a tattoo! (Dr. Miyazaki stands and begins to think of the possibilities.) Bruce: But, how would we figure out whether or not I have one? Dr. Miyazaki: I’m not sure. I suppose, you would just have to try and use it. Bruce: But, how? How do you guys use your powers? Dr. Miyazaki: I guess we just sort of focus. It’s become second nature, so I’m not really sure how to explain it. Especially, since my power is constantly under use, unlike pyrokenesis or super-speed. Hmmmm… I suppose I could run some tests, but I can’t guarantee that will tell me whether or not you have a power or even what that power might be. You’ll have to give me some time to set things up, though. Bruce: Alright, I’m going for a walk. (Bruce picks up the spray-can and sprays in on his arm, re-applying his fake tattoo on his wrist. He sets the can down and exits the lab.) EXT. THE LOCAL CONVENIENCE STORE (A group of agents are investigating the remains of the store and talking to the local officers, trying to find out what happened. An older African American officer and a young Caucasian woman are walking around the building, talking about the investigation.) Man: So, based on the information we’ve gathered where do you think “Extremus” is hiding? Woman: Probably in plain sight. Obviously, he would blend right in with the rest of us. Man: Except that he wouldn’t have the tattoo. Woman: He might. Man: Why would you say that? Woman: Well, if he would want to blend in, he would find a way to replicate the tattoo. Man: Yes, of course. But… that’s where you come in. Am I right? (The man and woman stop walking and look at each other. The woman smiles at him.) Woman: That’s why I was hired. Interrogation and tracking are my specialties. Man: Hehehehe! I wouldn’t call it interrogation. Interrogation would imply that you might not find the truth. But, reading someone’s mind, there would be no way that you couldn’t find the truth. Agent: Agent Dodson, we’ve found out that “Extremus” fled the scene on foot, indicating that he may be hiding even closer than we thought. He fled south of here. Agent Dodson: Excellent work. You’re dismissed. Doesn’t Miyazaki live down that way? Woman: I think you’re right. Do you think he could be involved in this? Agent Dodson: I wouldn’t put it past him. That bastard would put his research over every life on this planet, any day at any time. Woman: How is he not in jail after what he did 25 years ago? He kidnapped over sixty people and performed horrendous experiments on them and their abilities! Agent Dodson: Allegedly. He’s intelligent, Ms. Warner. He can weasel his way out of just about anything. He convinced the authorities that he did nothing of the sort and there wasn’t enough evidence to pin it to him. Ms. Warner: But, how? How could he get past the mind-readers?! Agent Dodson: Like I said, he’s highly intelligent. It’s his forte, his ability. I wouldn’t be surprised if that included being able to alter his thought pattern and memories. But, there is no evidence proving that this is true. Either way, he has now become a prime suspect in our investigation and I suggest… (Suddenly, Ms. Warner becomes distracted as she watches Bruce walk down the side-walk across the street. She watches him in confusion, as she slowly blocks out the voices around her. She watches him as he slowly makes his way around the corner and out of her sight.) Agent Dodson: Ms. Warner? Ms. Warner? Ms. Warner: Huh? Agent Dodson: What’s the matter with you? Ms. Warner: That man… (Agent Dodson turns and looks to see nothing.) Agent Dodson: What man? Ms. Warner: He just walked around that corner, but… I couldn’t read him. His mind, I mean. Agent Dodson: Why? Ms. Warner: I don’t know. That’s never happened to me before. Agent Dodson: …Ms. Warner, if there’s something you need to tell me, before you begin this investigation then you’d better come out with it, immediately. I will not have you ruin everything we’ve worked for, simply because of a flaw in your abilities. Do I make myself clear? Ms. Warner: …Yes, of course. Agent Dodson: Good. Now, I will work on getting a warrant to search Miyazaki’s place. Until then, I want you to find the clerk that was working yesterday morning and… “Interrogate” him. Ms. Warner: Yes, sir. Edited July 23, 2012 by Ertyx 3 Kirie, Master Aqua and Snow reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarLea Quinn 26,501 Posted July 23, 2012 Moar! 4 Demyx., Queen Tery, luka and 1 other reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robbie the Wise 5,050 Posted July 23, 2012 Really great story ertyx can't wai for the next chapter. 2 HarLea Quinn and Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted July 25, 2012 (edited) CHAPTER 8: INT. DR. MIYAZAKI’S LAB-MORNING (Bruce re-enters the lab and sees Dr. Miyazaki working on his computer.) Dr. Miyazaki: Alright, everything should be in order. Just sit down in the chair and we’ll begin. (Bruce takes his shirt off and sits down, waiting for the tests to begin. The doctor enters a few keystrokes into his keyboard and a large x-ray machine descends from the ceiling.) Bruce: So, I was thinking. Dr. Miyazaki: That’s unusual. Bruce: Haha, very funny. Anyway, I was thinking that it’s already been 25 years and it would seem that your research hasn’t found a way to give people powers. Dr. Miyazaki: Yet. Of course, it’s really quite possible that you have already obtained powers from my recent concoction. Bruce: But, what if I haven’t? Dr. Miyazaki: Then we’ll try again. Bruce: I don’t have time for this! (The flash on the X-ray goes off and then ascends back into the ceiling. Dr. Miyazaki takes a deep breath and then sticks Bruce’s wrist with a needle, drawing blood.) Dr. Miyazaki: What do you have in mind then? Bruce: I don’t mind continuing the research. But, I need a backup plan. I need to start looking for someone that can time travel and convince them to help me. (The doctor removes the needle and walks back over to his computer.) Dr. Miyazaki: Hahahaha! You can’t be serious? You do realize that time travelers would be the hardest people in the world to track down. Not only could they be anywhere, but they could also be in any time period! It’s possible that every time traveler that is supposed to exist in this point in time doesn’t! Bruce: So? It’s still worth a shot. There are over 5 billion people on this planet and you’re telling me that it’s not possible that at least one of them is a time traveler? Dr. Miyazaki: And you want to search through all 5 billion of them?!?! (Bruce quickly rises from the chair.) Bruce: Well what else am I supposed to do?! Huh?! I don’t have a life here! I shouldn’t be here and I don’t want to be here! But, the only way I’m going home is if I can time travel or I get someone else who can time travel to help me! Whether you help me or not, I’m going to do this! The least you could do is speed up your research, before I find someone else who can help me. (Bruce grabs his shirt and storms out of the room.) INT. BRUCE’S ROOM (Bruce is doing crunches, when Dr. Miyazaki suddenly walks in. Bruce looks up, while Dr. Miyazaki tosses a packet on the ground next to him. Bruce sits up and picks it up.) Bruce: *Huff, huff, huff,* What’s this? Dr. Miyazaki: A list of every time traveler on the planet. Bruce: How did you get this? Dr. Miyazaki: I hacked into the government’s databases. They have records of everyone and their abilities. Everyone except you, of course. But, I just narrowed the search to everyone with the ability to time-travel and this is what I found. Check the second page, fifth name from the bottom. (Bruce flips to the next page and runs his finger down the page.) Bruce: Robert Maguire? What about him? Dr. Miyazaki: I did a little research. He lives in town. Now, I’m not saying that he hasn’t gone and teleported himself back to the stone age or something, but if he has a home here… there’s a good chance that he’ll return if he hasn't already. Edited July 25, 2012 by Ertyx 3 Master Aqua, Snow and Kirie reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Master Aqua 42 Posted July 25, 2012 Can't wait to find out more about Robert Maguire. 1 Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarLea Quinn 26,501 Posted July 25, 2012 Keep it comin' 4 luka, Queen Tery, Demyx. and 1 other reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted July 25, 2012 CHAPTER 9: EXT. THE CONVENIENCE STORE CLERK’S HOME-AFTERNOON (Ms. Warner walks up to the door and knocks a few times. She waits a moment and then the door suddenly opens. The clerk steps into the threshold. He has a few cuts on his face and his arm is in a sling.) Clerk: Uh, hello ma’am. How can I help you? Ms. Warner: Is your name Jack Dittmer? Jack: Uh, yes, what’s this about? Ms. Warner: My name is Olivia Warner and I’m here on behalf of the Government. I would just like to ask you a few questions about what happened at the convenience store, yesterday. Erm, may I come in? Jack: Yes, of course! (Olivia follows Jack inside. Jack closes the door behind her, as she steps inside and looks around.) Jack: Sorry, my place is kind of a mess. I’ve been busy. Jack’s thoughts: Ugh, I’m just too lazy to clean this shithole up. (Olivia chuckles under her breath as she follows him into the next room. Jack walks over to the fridge, as she looks around his kitchen.) Jack: Can I get you something to drink? I’ve got root beer, orange juice, sweet tea…? Olivia: No thank you, I’m fine. Jack’s thoughts: Good call. I drink from the jug. (Jack opens the fridge and pours himself a glass of orange juice. Olivia sits down at the table and waits for Jack. Jack soon walks over, sipping his orange juice. He sits down across from Olivia and sighs.) Jack: So, what would you like to know? Olivia: I want you to tell me everything you know about the attempted robbery. The two thieves were murdered by someone using a gun. In order to track down this man, we need your help identifying him. Did he have any defining traits that would help with our investigation? Jack: To be honest with you, I was unconscious most of the time. I was ringing up someone, when a man suddenly walked in and ordered me to give him all the money in my drawer. His hands lit on fire and I quickly used my hydrokinesis to put out the flames and knock him off his feet. The man I was ringing up attempted to flee the store, but another man walked in and knocked him into the wall on the opposite end of the store. The super-strong man walked up to the register and sent me through the wall behind me. I landed in the alleyway and blacked out. Next thing I remember is waking up in the hospital with a few injuries. Olivia: …The customer that you were ringing up, when he hit the wall on the other side of the store, did he black out, as well? Jack: I’m not sure. He didn’t hit the wall too hard, so I guess it’s possible that he was still conscious. But, I was hit before I could see whether or not he got back up. Olivia: I see. Just in case, could you describe the customer? Jack: Um, sure. He was a bit of a regular. He came in every so often and would buy a few things and leave. He wasn’t much of a talker. He looks like he’s probably in his late 30s, white, bald, and he’s got a goatee. Olivia: …Is that it? Jack: Yeah, pretty much. Olivia: Did he have a Power tattoo? Jack: Yeah, I checked him just before he was about to pay. Olivia: Ugh, he sounds pretty generic. There’s not much to go off of. Alright, it seems like you’re telling me the truth. (Olivia stands up and takes a card out of her pocket. She holds it out and Jack takes it.) Olivia: If you remember anything else about the incident, don’t hesitate to call me. Jack: Yeah, no problem. Olivia: Thank you for your time, Mr. Dittmer. (Olivia exits the kitchen.) INT. EXTREMUS INVESTIGATION HEADQUARTERS-EVENING (Olivia enters Agent Dodson’s office. He is sitting at his desk typing away at his laptop.) Dodson: Ms. Warner, please sit down. (Olivia sits down on the chair in front of his desk.) Dodson: So, what do you have for me? Olivia: Unfortunately, not much. The clerk was unconscious during most of the robbery. The closest thing we have to a lead is one of the customers, but the description he gave me isn’t much to go off of. Dodson: Dammit! Dodson’s thoughts: This is what I get for assigning a woman to this case. Olivia: Excuse me?! Dodson: Just do your job, Ms. Warner, or you won’t make it far. I can assure you of that. Go home and get some rest. Be here at nine tomorrow morning and I’ll brief you on the next portion of your assignment. Do I make myself clear? (Olivia grits her teeth, not wanting to get into a fight with her boss. She stands up and stares at him.) Olivia: …Crystal clear, sir. (Olivia exits the office, angrier than ever.) 3 Kirie, Master Aqua and Snow reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarLea Quinn 26,501 Posted July 25, 2012 Cant wait to see where this goes ... 4 Demyx., Queen Tery, Robbie the Wise and 1 other reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted July 25, 2012 Cant wait to see where this goes ... Damn, you read that fast! lol Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarLea Quinn 26,501 Posted July 25, 2012 Damn, you read that fast! lol Ertyx you dont know who you are dealing with . I skipped two grades and was in the gifted classes XDDDD I read hella fast . 4 Robbie the Wise, Queen Tery, luka and 1 other reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted July 25, 2012 Ertyx you dont know who you are dealing with . I skipped two grades and was in the gifted classes XDDDD I read hella fast . LOL Nice. I posted the chapter and barely a minute later you're liking it and barely a minute after that you're replying, I was like: "Holy shit, what the hell is going on?!" lmao Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Master Aqua 42 Posted July 25, 2012 How interesting. 1 Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kirie 3,489 Posted July 25, 2012 Keep writing! you have customers waiting!! 2 The Transcendent Key and Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted July 25, 2012 Keep writing! you have customers waiting!! Customers? lol I suppose you guys are paying me..... in likes and compliments. lmao 1 Kirie reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kirie 3,489 Posted July 25, 2012 Customers? lol I suppose you guys are paying me..... in likes and compliments. lmao Quit your whining and write, so far this story should be the top of the list in this site. 2 Queen Tery and The Transcendent Key reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robbie the Wise 5,050 Posted July 25, 2012 Ertyx I love your stories keep them coming 2 Queen Tery and HarLea Quinn reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted July 26, 2012 CHAPTER 10: EXT. ROBERT MAGUIRE’S HOME-EVENING (Bruce walks up to the front door and takes a deep breath. He lifts up his hand, shaking with uncertainty. He knocks on the door and then… waits. Suddenly, the door swings open and Bruce is greeted by a young man with long blonde hair. The man has a thin beard and is wearing a collared red and white striped t-shirt.) Man: Hey, what can I do for you? Bruce: Hi, my name’s Bruce Johnson and I have a favor to ask of you. You’re Robert Maguire, right? Robert: Yeah, what’s this about? Bruce: If you don’t mind, I think it would be better if we discussed this inside. Robert: You’re kidding, right? I don’t even know you and you want me to let you into my house, this late at night? Woman: Honey? Who’s at the door? (Robert turns to see a young woman standing behind him. She has short light brown hair and a petite body.) Robert: It’s alright, babe. You can go back to bed, I’ll handle it. Bruce: Please, I’m begging you! Just hear me out. (Robert sighs and ponders the situation.) Bruce: I desperately need your help! Robert: …Come on in. Bruce: Thank you so much! (Bruce follows Robert into the house.) Robert: Shoes off at the door. (Bruce quickly kicks his shoes off and follows Robert into the living room. Robert sits down on the couch, snuggled up next to the brown haired woman.) Robert: This is my wife, Brianna. This is Bruce Johnson. Apparently, he has a favor to ask of me. (Bruce extends his hand and the woman nervously shakes his hand.) Brianna: It’s nice to meet you, Bruce. Bruce: The pleasure is all mine, Mrs. Maguire. Robert: So, what’s this about? Bruce: I’m going to cut right to the chase. I know that you’re a time traveler and I want you to transport me 125 years into the past. (Robert appears perturbed by Bruce’s request. He sighs and then shakes his head.) Robert: No, absolutely not. Bruce: …May I ask why not? Robert: Permission denied. (Robert quickly gets up and hurries out of the room, clearly angered by something Bruce said. Brianna sighs and slowly stands up.) Brianna: I’m sorry, but Robert doesn’t use his powers… ever. Bruce: I can’t believe this. (Bruce sighs and massages the bridge of his nose, becoming annoyed.) Bruce: I apologize for intruding. I’ll just be on my way. (Bruce shakes his head and exits the Maguire household. He slowly walks down the steps and onto the sidewalk. He shoves his hands into his pocket and shakes his head, angrily.) INT. DR. MIYAZAKI’S LAB (Bruce enters the lab and sees Miyazaki working at his computer.) Miyazaki: How’d it go? Bruce: Not well. Not well at all. (Bruce walks out of the laboratory and heads up to his room.) Miyazaki: This is not going according to plan. (Miyazaki sighs and then gets up. He puts his coat on and grabs an odd shaped gun. He thrusts the gun into his coat pocket and exits his lab.) EXT. THE MAGUIRE HOUSEHOLD (The doctor walks up the street and pulls out his gun. He pulls the trigger and zaps each of the nearby streetlights, putting them out. He walks up to the front door and knocks on it, repeatedly. Miyazaki suddenly sees an eye peer through the peephole. Robert opens the door and looks at the doctor, in confusion.) Robert: What can I do for you? (Miyazaki whips out the gun and pulls the trigger. An orb of electricity shoots out of the gun and zaps Robert, knocking him unconscious. Miyazaki grabs a hold of Robert and hoists him over his shoulders. He quickly makes his way away from the house, attempting not to be seen using the cover of the night to sneak back to his lab.) 1 Kirie reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarLea Quinn 26,501 Posted July 26, 2012 I think this might be my favorite story of yours yet. 5 Queen Tery, luka, Master Aqua and 2 others reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted July 26, 2012 I think this might be my favorite story of yours yet. Really? Thank you. lol Personally, I think it's one of my weaker ones, but that definitely means a lot! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarLea Quinn 26,501 Posted July 26, 2012 Really? Thank you. lol Personally, I think it's one of my weaker ones, but that definitely means a lot! I'm serious .It is 4 Demyx., Robbie the Wise, Queen Tery and 1 other reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Master Aqua 42 Posted July 26, 2012 I agree with Flaming Lea, this story is getting better with each chapter. 2 Queen Tery and HarLea Quinn reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted July 26, 2012 CHAPTER 11: INT. THE MAGUIRE HOUSEHOLD-MORNING (Brianna Maguire is crying on her couch, as government agents scour the home. Agent Dodson sits down across from her and sighs.) Agent Dodson: Let’s start from the beginning, shall we? What exactly happened last night? Brianna: I… was watching TV with my husband, shortly before we were going to go to bed. There was a knock at the door and Robert got up to answer. The man introduced himself as a Bruce Johnson. (Agent Dodson writes this down and continues to listen to Brianna’s retelling of the previous night.) Brianna: After a brief conversation, Robert allowed Mr. Johnson inside. Agent Dodson: Now, did your husband or you know this, Bruce, before last night? Brianna: Not that I know of. I had never met him, anyway. I doubt that Robert has, otherwise he would’ve told me. Agent Dodson: I see. (Dodson continues to jot down information on his notepad.) Agent Dodson: Please… continue. Brianna: Anyway, Bruce came in and asked my husband to transport him 125 years into the past. My husband is a time traveler, you see. But, he doesn’t like using his abilities, so he refused to help this stranger. Robert stormed out of the room and Bruce left, without an argument. About an hour later, there was another knock at the door. I was brushing my teeth and Robert went to see who it was. I finished up brushing my teeth and waited a few minutes, but… he never came back up! I went down to check on him and the door was wide open, but he was nowhere to be found. (Brianna breaks down and covers her face, crying into her hands. Agent Dodson rolls his eyes.) Agent Dodson: Could you describe what Bruce Johnson looked like? (Brianna slowly lifts her face up, slows her breathing, and tries to stop crying.) Brianna: He was bald, Caucasian, and he had a goatee. He’s about average height for a male, maybe a bit on the tall side. (Agent Dodson smiles at this description. He quickly realizes that this could be the same man they’re already looking for.) Agent Dodson: Are you familiar with the term “Extremus,” ma’am? Brianna: Um, sort of. Isn’t it the codename of the world’s most wanted criminal? Agent Dodson: Yes, it is. That description you gave me, although vague as it may be, matches our currently assumed description of “Extremus.” You have just put us a step closer toward finding him, ma’am, and I thank you for that. (Agent Dodson stands up.) Brianna: That’s all well and good, but what about my husband? Agent Dodson: We’ll do what we can. Luckily, it would seem that if we find “Extremus” we should find your husband. (Agent Dodson puts on a fake smile, hoping to end Brianna’s questions. Brianna looks away, unhappy with the current results of the investigation. Agent Dodson hands her a card from his pocket.) Agent Dodson: If you remember anything at all, don’t hesitate to call me. (Brianna takes the card and sets it on the table, trying to keep calm. Suddenly, Olivia walks into the house and looks around. She sees Agent Dodson and makes her way over to him.) Olivia: What’s going on here? Dodson: Ms. Warner, you’re timing is impeccable. (Agent Dodson and Olivia make their way out of the house, as they talk about the investigation.) Dodson: Robert Maguire, the owner of this home, has seemingly been kidnapped. Based on the description he could be the same man that murdered our buddies down at the convenience store. Olivia: So, you think that “Extremus” kidnapped this man? Dodson: Based on the description, I do. Of course, it is a pretty generic description. The suspect for Robert’s kidnapping is a man by the name of Bruce Johnson. Anyway, I want you to go talk to Dr. Miyazaki. I wasn’t able to get a warrant, so be discreet. If he allows you into his home then by all means go. If he doesn’t then back off. But, I implore you to use your powers and get as much out of him as you can. Olivia: I’m on it. INT. MIYAZAKI’S LAB-MORNING (Bruce enters the lab, yawning. He rubs his eyes and then blinks a few times. He looks to his left and sees Robert chained to a chair and an odd device strapped to his chest. Dr. Miyazaki is typing on his computer, as if nothing is wrong. Bruce takes a few steps forward, baffled to say the least.) Bruce: …What the hell is going on here?! (Miyazaki turns and rises from his chair.) Miyazaki: You’re awake! Excellent, we begin testing, soon. Bruce: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Answer my damn question! What the hell is going on? Why is he strapped to that chair? Miyazaki: So he doesn’t try to escape, of course. Come now, Bruce, we need to take the necessary precautions. Bruce: Necessary precautions?! Maybe a good one might’ve been to not kidnap him in the first place! Miyazaki: I’m trying to help you, do you get that? Bruce: You’re not helping me by kidnapping someone and possibly bringing the government’s attention to me! Robert just teleport out of here, I had nothing to do with this. Miyazaki: He can’t. Bruce: What do you mean, he can’t? (Miyazaki steps toward Robert and puts his hand on the device strapped to Robert’s chest.) Miyazaki: This device is designed to react to the use of the wearer’s powers. If Robert tries to teleport or time travel the device will go off and electrocute him, rendering his ability useless. Robert: It’s not like I’d use my power in the first place. Miyazaki: Yes, well I can’t take that risk. Bruce: What were you thinking? Miyazaki: I was trying to help you, Bruce. If you didn’t get this guy to help you then you might leave and start searching all around the world. Then I’d lose you. My most prized research subject. Bruce: How flattering. (Bruce walks toward Robert. Miyazaki tries to get in his way, but Bruce thrusts his palm into Miyazaki’s chest, shoving him aside. Bruce takes off the chains and allows Robert to get out of the chair. Bruce wipes the sweat off his mouth and forehead and tries to calm down.) Bruce: Alright look. I had nothing to do with this. I’m gonna be straight with you. I can’t have the government knocking on my door. Look, I can’t let you go and tell anyone about this. I just can’t. Please, please, please just transport me back 125 years into the past and I’ll let you go. I promise. Robert: I won’t do it. (Robert leaps out of the chair and tries to rush past Bruce. Bruce quickly turns and grabs Robert’s shoulder. He thrusts him back into the chair.) Bruce: Dammit! This is not good, this is not good! (Suddenly, the three hear a knock at the door.) Robert: HELP! HELP ME! I’M TRAPPED BY THESE CRAZY LUNATICS! Miyazaki: Oh quit your whining. The room’s soundproof. No one can hear you. Take him up to your room and I’ll get the door. (Bruce grabs Robert and shoves him toward the door on the opposite end of the room. He quickly guides Robert out of the lab, while Miyazaki makes his way toward the door. Miyazaki opens the door, ever so slightly and peers out to see who it is.) Olivia: Dr. Miyazaki? My name is Olivia Warner and I was wondering if I could have a minute of your time. Miyazaki: I’m sorry, but I’m really quite busy at the moment. (Miyazaki goes to shut the door, but Olivia puts her hand out stopping it.) Olivia: Please, I promise it will only take a moment! (Miyazaki flings the door open, causing Olivia to stumble forward. She gathers herself up and takes a deep breath.) Miyazaki’s thoughts: Research…… the human genome…. Dad’s birthday…. I’m getting kind of hungry, perhaps I’ll fix some lunch…. (Olivia becomes confused at the random and confusing thoughts running through Miyazaki’s mind.) Olivia: Um, I’m here on behalf of the Government to inquire about a man named Bruce Johnson… Miyazaki: I don’t know anyone by that name. Do you have a warrant? Olivia: Um, no… Miyazaki: Then get the hell off my property. (Miyazaki slams the door shut, leaving Olivia to ponder why his thoughts were so messy.) INT. THE INVESTIGATION HEADQUARTERS (Dodson is on his laptop, searching the Government databases for a list of powerless individuals. The list comes up and every one’s name has DECEASED written next to it. He enters “Bruce Johnson” into the search bar. A few names come up, but all of them have DECEASED written next to them. None of their pictures match the description of “Extremus.” Dodson leans back in his chair, unhappy with the results.) 2 Kirie and Robbie the Wise reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarLea Quinn 26,501 Posted July 26, 2012 Entertaining as always .Moar! 3 luka, Robbie the Wise and Demyx. reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites