Queen Tery 4,591 Posted July 6, 2012 (edited) WARNING: Language and Violence CHAPTER 1: Powerless INT. DUCANSVILLE, PA-AFTERNOON(A young boy is running down the street, drenched in sweat. Three young boys are chasing after him, not far behind. All four boys look to be about 15 years old.) Lead bully: Come on, Bruce! Where’s your little boyfriend now, huh? He’s not here to fight your battles, so naturally you run away like a little pussy! (Bruce doesn’t stop or look back, undeterred by the other young boy’s words. He rounds a corner, using the nearby fence to block the view of the three young boys. Suddenly, the arm of a young black boy reaches out from behind the fence, and clotheslines the lead bully. The bully does a back-flip and lands on his stomach, busting his chin off the concrete. The bullies’ two friends take a few steps back, surprised by the sudden attack. The young black boy rushes toward the other two boys, causing them to get scared and run away. Bruce puts his hands on his knees and tries to slow his breathing down. Bruce’s friend picks up a rock and throws it at one of the bullies, hitting him in the back of the head.) Bruce’s friend: Yeah you keep running, assholes!Bruce: Thanks, Jim. (Bruce and Jim high-five and bring it in, patting each other on the back.) Jim: No problem, but seriously bro, you really ought to think about learning how to fight! I might not always be here to watch your back. (Bruce and Jim walk away, leaving the lead bully passed out on the sidewalk. Bruce: Yeah, I know. I just don’t think I’d be any good at it.Jim: Anyone can be good at fighting, bro! It’s all about patience. Fighting ain’t something you’re born with, it’s something you learn. (Jim begins swinging his fists at the air, as he walks next to Bruce.) INT. BRUCE’S ROOM(Bruce is lying on his bed, reading a Shonen Jump Magazine. The front cover has a picture of Naruto in Nine-tails form and a quote on the cover says, “Printed Shonen Jump is back, we realized that everyone hated Alpha and we got our shit together!” Bruce’s room is filled with many things: Football posters, Call of Duty posters, Assassins Creed posters, Kingdom Hearts statues, books and manga plague his shelf, and a small flat screen TV sits in front of his bed. Suddenly, his door swings open and his father walks in. Bruce quickly tries to hide the magazine, but his father walks in too fast.) Father: Dammit, what the hell are you doing reading that when you have a test to study for?!?!Bruce: I’m sorry; I was just taking a break!Father: There are no breaks in life, pal! Do you understand how important it is for you to study?!? Do you realize that if you don’t get your shit together now, that college will be a living hell for you?!?Bruce: …Father: Answer me, when I…Bruce: I don’t know what you want me to say!Father: I just want you to tell me what you plan on doing with your life!Bruce: I don’t know!Father: Well, you need to figure that out! (Bruce’s father grabs the Shonen Jump issue out of his hand.) Father: This isn’t going to help you with that. (Bruce’s dad walks out of his room and shuts the door. Bruce sighs and gathers up his homework.) INT. BRUCE’S KITCHEN(Bruce and his father are eating steak, mashed potatoes, and corn. There are many pictures on the wall of Bruce, his father, his mother, and his older sister. Some of the pictures include the whole family, while others are only of Bruce’s parents, he and his sister, his sister’s graduation photos, etc. Bruce and his father are eating in silence, both of them seemingly depressed.) Father: …Did you finish your homework?Bruce: Yeah, dad.Father: Are you ready for your test on Monday?Bruce: Yeah.Father: …You want to go see a movie, later? They got that new Michael Cera movie you wanted to see?Bruce: No thanks, I’m not exactly feeling up to it.Father: Why? What’s wrong?Bruce: May I be excused?Father: …Yeah, whatever. (Bruce gets up and takes the remainder of his food to the trash.) INT. BRUCE’S ROOM(Bruce is lying in his bed, staring at the fan. He overhears his dad on the phone with his sister.) Father: That’s amazing, sweetheart! Your mother would be so proud of you! I know I am! Yeah, of course, I’ll let you get back to studying. Love you, bye.INT. JIM’S HOUSE-AFTERNOON (Jim and Bruce are sitting on Jim’s couch, eating pizza. Jim’s mom walks out the front door, leaving the boys alone to watch TV. Jim gently sighs and continues to eat his pizza.) Bruce: Where’d your mom go?Jim: I don’t know. She never tells me what she’s doing.INT. EUROPEAN RESEARCH FACILITY (A group of scientists are rushing around the facility, preparing for a test of their latest invention/discovery. They appear to be excited, yet nervous. At the center of the facility is a massive and high-tech device. Many of the scientists are working on it and the many monitors that are sitting in the same room. An elderly scientist walks into the room and takes a deep breath, letting out a bright smile.) Lead Scientist: Alright, everyone, how are things looking?Assistant: Not too bad, things should be ready for a test run in a couple of hours. (That smile quickly leaves the lead scientist’s face.) Lead Scientist: A couple hours?! But, the board of directors is already here!Assistant: I’m sorry, sir, but it just won’t be ready for another couple of hours. (The lead scientist leans closer to his assistant and whispers his next few words.) Lead Scientist: How about you shut up and do your damn job? Okay? (The lead scientist smiles and pats his assistant on the back. Suddenly, the board of directors walks into the room, looking around with hopeful looks on each of their faces. The lead scientist turns around and shakes each of their hands, laughing and smiling.) Director: So, what do you have for us today?Lead Scientist: My esteemed colleagues and I have created a device that has enough power to create a sun.Director: That is quite the accomplishment. Please show us how it works.Lead Scientist: Of course. This will be our first time testing it, so it is possible that the sun will be a bit small. With more funding and better equipment, I’m sure that we could make even bigger suns, eventually being able to create entire solar systems. (The directors each smile and wait for the presentation. The lead scientist nods to his assistant. His assistant sighs and reluctantly makes his way to the device. He enters in a series of codes and pulls on a nearby lever. The roof of the facility opens up and a large pointed object comes out of the top of the device. The assistant continues to enter in a series of codes. Everyone in the room puts on a pair of goggles and watches as the pointed object glows with a green aura. The object emits a massive green ray into space, slowly creating a small sun. But, out of nowhere, the ray dies down and the created sun breaks down, emitting a green aura that surrounds Earth. The lead scientist watches in horror, as his device fails at what it was invented to do. The board of directors removes their glasses and glare at the lead scientist.) INT. JIM’S HOUSE(Jim and Bruce are watching cartoons and eating pizza, when the green aura passes through the house. They look around, wondering what that green light could’ve been.) IF YOU ENJOYED IT SO FAR, PLEASE FOLLOW AT THE TOP SO THAT YOU WILL BE NOTIFIED WHEN I POST ANOTHER CHAPTER!!! Edited July 6, 2012 by Ertyx 4 VanitasisKirby, Kirie, Col.Random and 1 other reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Master Aqua 42 Posted July 6, 2012 It's pretty good so far. 1 Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theultimatesorafan 685 Posted July 6, 2012 cool 1 Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarLea Quinn 26,501 Posted July 6, 2012 Start of another good story ... 4 Queen Tery, luka, Robbie the Wise and 1 other reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Static15 90 Posted July 7, 2012 You got me reading...during the SUMMER...heheh, but seriously it looks goods so far... 1 Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted July 7, 2012 (edited) It's pretty good so far. cool Start of another good story ... You got me reading...during the SUMMER...heheh, but seriously it looks goods so far... IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE UPDATED WHEN I POST ANOTHER CHAPTER PLEASE CLICK THE FOLLOW TOPIC BUTTON. AFTER THIS CHAPTER, I WILL NO LONGER QUOTE ANY POSTS TO LET YOU KNOW WHEN ANOTHER CHAPTER WILL BE POSTED. CHAPTER 2: INT. JIM’S HOUSE-NEXT MORNING (Bruce slowly wakes up, sitting up from sleeping on Jim’s bedroom floor. He cracks his neck and looks up at Jim’s bed, noticing that Jim is already awake.) Jim: GGGYYYEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!! (Bruce leaps off of the floor and rushes into the bathroom. Jim is clutching his right arm with his left hand. He is holding his right arm up to the mirror, in order to get a better look at his wrist. Bruce walks over and takes a look at Jim’s wrist, wondering what the problem is. Jim’s wrist has become the host of a large green power symbol tattoo. The symbol is glowing, ever so slightly, giving off a dark green aura. Jim’s arms are both shaking, showing that Jim is not exactly thrilled about his first tattoo.) Bruce: What the hell happened to your wrist? Jim: Man, I don’t know! I woke up and it was like this! But, I ain’t bleeding and it only hurts when it lets out that green light! Bruce: Green light? What about that green light we saw last night? When we were watching TV! (Jim looks at Bruce, instantly thinking that they may have a connection. Bruce looks at his arm, but sees nothing.) Jim: But, if that were the case, wouldn’t you have a tattoo? Bruce: I guess. Jim: This shit seems like something straight out of comic book, or something. Bruce: What should we do? Jim: I don’t know, man. I’m freaking out, right now. Bruce: Maybe, we should tell your mom. She’ll take you to the hospital and… Jim: Dude, my mom ain’t home. She hardly ever is. If I’m gonna go get this checked out then we’ll have to do it ourselves. Bruce: Are you sure? Maybe, we can get my dad to take us, or something… Jim: Why do we need to get our parents involved? I’m sure that we can figure something out on our own. If not we’ll think of something else. INT. LOCAL HOSPITAL (Jim and Bruce walk up to the front counter and wait for the receptionist to notice them. The receptionist looks up.) Receptionist: Can I help you? Jim: Yeah, can you tell me what the hell this is? (Jim puts his arm on the counter and the lady glances down at the tattoo. Her face remains unchanged and she picks up a form, handing it to Jim. Jim takes the form and sits in the lobby. Bruce follows him and sits down in the empty seat next to him. Jim looks over the form and then sets it down on the nearby desk.) Jim: Come on, they need insurance information and there’s no way I’m getting that without my mom. (The tattoo begins to glow. Jim clutches his wrist, trying to hold back his screams and tears.) Bruce: We got to do something! Jim: Let’s just go to the store and pick up some ice. Maybe that’ll help stop the pain. (Jim and Bruce get up and leave the hospital.) INT. BRUCE’S HOUSE-AFTERNOON (Bruce walks into his house and sees his dad on the phone. His dad is smiling and talking to his sister. Bruce smiles and walks up, sitting down on the couch.) Father: Uh huh… Hey, Bruce just walked in do you want to talk to him? …Oh. Alright, I understand. Okay, love you! Bye. (Bruce’s dad hangs up the phone. Bruce frowns and gets up, heading up to his room.) Father: Hey… (Bruce stops and turns around, facing his dad.) Father: I know you wanted to talk to her, but she’s been busy. You understand that, right? She’s got a lot to deal with, between work and classes. Bruce: Yeah, I get it. (Bruce turns around and rushes up the stairs.) INT. CENTRAL HIGH (Bruce walks into the school. He looks around at all the other students, noticing that many of them are showing off their wrists to each other. Some of the students appear to have the same tattoo as Jim. Bruce walks through the hallway, glancing at all of the students, checking to see who has a tattoo and who doesn’t. Jim rushes up, smiling at Bruce.) Jim: Dude, I’m not the only one with this weird tattoo! Bruce: Yeah, I’m starting to see that. But, did you figure out why? Jim: I don’t know, man, but that’s not important! What’s important is what this tattoo lets me do! Bruce: Let’s you do? Jim: Yeah, come on, man, I’ll show you! (Jim and Bruce rush through the hallways, exiting through the back of the school. The two boys stop in the back parking lot.) Bruce: What are you doing, we got to get to class? Jim: Come on, man, we’ll skip a few minutes! No big deal. But, you have got to see this! Lead bully: Hey, you little turds! How’s it hanging? Bruce: Shit… Jim: Hey, Turk. (Turk and four other guys are walking up to greet Jim and Bruce. Turk’s chin is still messed up from his last “fight” with Jim.) Jim: What I didn’t kick your ass hard enough last time? Turk: Oh, you think you’re funny, do you? How funny do you think you’ll be when me and my boys break your face?! Jim: It’s so flattering to know that you need four other guys with you, just to face me. (Turk rears his right fist back and goes to punch Jim in the face. Oddly enough, Jim disappears and Turk stumbles forward, surprised. The six boys look around, wondering where Jim went. Jim reappears behind Turk. He kicks him in the back, knocking him to the ground. Jim disappears again, while Turk quickly rises to his feet.) Turk: What the hell’s going on?!?! Where are you?!?! (Jim reappears in the air, above two of the bullies. He drops on their backs, slamming them into the ground. Turk stumbles back, shocked at Jim’s sudden display of teleportation. Turk turns and runs away, followed by his conscious friends.) Turk: You better stay the hell away from me, you freak!!! (Bruce starts laughing, completely overcome with disbelief. Jim just smiles and watches Turk and his friends run in fear.) Bruce: How did you do that?! I mean what is going on here?! Jim: It’s this tattoo, man! (Jim holds out his wrist and points at his tattoo.) Jim: Everyone that got it got some kind of amazing power: Telekinesis, pyrokenesis, mind reading, flying… time travel. (Jim smiles at Bruce. Bruce slowly catches on and stares at Jim in awe.) Bruce: …You can time travel?!?! Jim: You got that right! (Bruce and Jim high five and burst into an excited laugh.) Jim: So, I was thinking. How about we ditch class, use this new power of mine, and then we’ll come back right where we left and no one would be the wiser? Bruce: Sounds good to me! But, where should we go? (Jim and Bruce think for a minute, trying to come up with a point in time they should visit. Jim snaps his fingers and points at Bruce, signaling that he’s come up with an idea.) Jim: I got it! Let’s go like a hundred years into the future! You know, we can learn about the past anytime in history class, or at the library, but we can go to the future and check things out, right now! Bruce: Let’s do this! (Jim and Bruce high-five and suddenly, Jim transports them to the future. They’re standing outside their school, which appears to be closed down. The sky is covered in thick dark clouds and heavy rain is crashing against the street. Jim and Bruce look around.) Jim: Hey, man, let’s go somewhere else and get out of this rain. Bruce: Alright. (Suddenly, a group of thugs rush up and grab Jim and Bruce. They quickly pull the two away from each other, leaving them no chance at leaving this point in time, together. The thugs each check Jim and Bruce’s wrists.) Bruce’s captor: This one’s good! Jim’s captor: This one’s one of them! (The thug holding onto Jim quickly pulls out a gun and shoots Jim in the side of the head. Bruce screams out to his friend, as his tears mix with the rain on his face. The thug tosses Jim to the ground and leaves Bruce alone. The thugs quickly rush off, as if running from someone. Bruce drops to the ground and leans over his friend’s dead body, crying and filled with fear.) Edited September 26, 2012 by Ertyx 2 Sandra_Nedelcheva1998 and Kirie reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
theultimatesorafan 685 Posted July 7, 2012 Nice!!! 1 Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarLea Quinn 26,501 Posted July 7, 2012 Moar! 4 Robbie the Wise, Queen Tery, Demyx. and 1 other reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted July 8, 2012 Nice!!! Moar! Thank you! I can't wait to post some more! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Master Aqua 42 Posted July 8, 2012 Can't wait for the next chapter. 1 Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted July 8, 2012 CHAPTER 3: INT. BRUCE’S APARTMENT-MORNING-25 YEARS AFTER JIM’S DEATH (Bruce, now 40 years old, is working out in his apartment. It would seem that he does this every day, according to his physique. Bruce is bald and ripped. He has a light brown goatee and looks a lot like Jason Statham. Oddly enough, he has a green power symbol on his wrist. Currently, Bruce is doing crunches, pumping out one after the other, with relative ease.) Bruce (narration): Yeah, that’s right. I’ve been in this future shithole for 25 years, with no way to get the hell out of here. It hasn’t been easy. They say I’m a terrorist. They’re just afraid of what they don’t understand. (Bruce rolls over and gets started on a set of push-ups.) Bruce (narration): 125 years ago a few select people acquired super-human abilities. A research facility in Europe had created a device that harnessed a massive amount of energy, in the hopes of creating a second sun. But, the device failed and instead the energy was released and it awakened these abilities in people who happened to have the right genes. It was mostly kids under the age of 15, but there were plenty of adults that received powers, as well. But, with that kind of power in the hands of mere children, things went horribly wrong. (Bruce gets up and grabs onto the nearby bar, beginning a set of chin-ups.) Bruce (narration): These beings of power began to break the law and bypass the consequences with their newfound power. For a while, things were still kept under control, but these people began to reproduce and the world became the host of more and more of these super-beings. Eventually, the government collapsed and anarchy ruled. But, one of these super-beings rose up and took control. He brought the government back and filled it with super-beings. He began to work toward the goal of killing everyone without super-powers. (Bruce lets go of the bar and stretches out, grabbing a quick drink of water. He walks back over to the bar and leaps up, grabbing the bar with his feet. He then works on his abs some more.) Bruce (narration): These people had no way to defend themselves, other than firearms, which they had to obtain illegally. Those without powers were forced to flee for their lives. Some of them decided that if they killed any super-humans that crossed their paths, they might eventually wipe them out. That’s why they killed Jim. But, in the end the super-humans won. They killed off everyone without powers and they have become the dominant species of the planet. If wasn’t long after I got here, that that I became the last one. (Bruce lets go of the bar and slows his breathing. He grabs a drink of water, as an elderly scientist walks into the room.) Scientist: It’s just about that time. Bruce: Yeah, yeah, I’m coming. I’m surprised there’s still more you want to know. Scientist: Your kind intrigues me. You are the last one left, of course. (Bruce rolls his eyes, as he walks past the scientist and out of the room.) Bruce (narration): This is Dr. Miyazaki. He has super-intelligence, but obviously he’s not intelligent enough to stop it from getting the better of him. He lets his mind rule his life, but never lets his heart or emotions in on what his mind is thinking. But, if there’s one good thing that comes out of this, it would be the fact that his intelligence leads him to his interest in beings without super-powers. He has been experimenting on me for the last 25 years, trying to figure out why I didn’t receive powers and to possibly create a serum that would give or take away powers. In return, he gives me a place to stay and hide from the government’s dogs. Not just that, but I want him to make this serum. I want him to give me the power to time travel and I want to go home. I want to go back and make sure that this shithole never happens. Most of all… I want my life back and I want my friend back. 2 Kirie and Master Aqua reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarLea Quinn 26,501 Posted July 8, 2012 Fascinating .. Sort of reminds me of Xmen Which i love ! 3 luka, Demyx. and Robbie the Wise reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted July 8, 2012 Fascinating .. Sort of reminds me of Xmen Which i love ! lol A lot of stories like to have a few people with super-powers, but hardly anyone else has them. So, I thought it would be cool to have a story where everyone has super-powers and they're hunting this one guy who doesn't. Also, it would make the main character a total badass to have to deal with this. ;P Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarLea Quinn 26,501 Posted July 8, 2012 lol A lot of stories like to have a few people with super-powers, but hardly anyone else has them. So, I thought it would be cool to have a story where everyone has super-powers and they're hunting this one guy who doesn't. Also, it would make the main character a total badass to have to deal with this. ;P you act like what i said is a bad thing ..I said i love it 3 Robbie the Wise, Demyx. and luka reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted July 8, 2012 you act like what i said is a bad thing ..I said i love it lol No! I didn't mean it like that. I was just giving a response as to how I came up with it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
StarStruck 78 Posted July 9, 2012 Great job!! I like it. 1 Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted July 15, 2012 (edited) CHAPTER 4: INT. DR. MIYAZAKI’S LAB (Bruce is lying on a sleek metallic table, attached to many wires. A group of devices are hovering over him, running multiple tests. Some of the devices are emitting bright lights, while others are calculating, and scanning. Suddenly, all of the devices stop and hover away from Bruce, becoming inanimate. Dr. Miyazaki enters a few things into the nearby monitor and then unlocks the shackles over Bruce’s wrists, guiding him back to his feet. Bruce stands up and puts his shirt back on.) Bruce: Anything new? Dr. Miyazaki: Not much. I still can’t isolate what makes your DNA so much different from ours. What allows us to have powers, but prevents you from obtaining them? I’m baffled that even with my power and how far science has come that we still do not know nor understand these things. Bruce: Well, you know I’ll do whatever it takes to figure out how to give someone like me powers. Dr. Miyazaki: How’s your tattoo look? Anyone tell that it’s a fake? Bruce: Not yet, but no one’s gotten a close look at it. (Bruce looks at the large TV on the other side of the room. It appears that a government press conference is about to begin. A pale man steps out of the front door to the white house and walks up to the nearby podium. He has a “holier than thou” disposition and long dark hair that is combed and longer on one side. He is wearing a fine, pressed suit, signifying his higher societal stature. The man smiles at the large crowd of people, as they take his picture. Bruce shakes his head and walks over to the TV, trying to get a better view. Dr. Miyazaki grabs the nearby remote control and turns the volume up.) Suited man: I would like to take this moment, before we get started, to thank you all for coming today. We are here today to address the progress that has been made toward the arrest and execution of the terrorist known as “Extremus.” Bruce (narration): He’s talking about me… for those of you who were wondering. Reporter: Mr. President, what sort of progress have you made? The world has known about this terrorist for 10 years and we know nothing about him. President: Yes, he has had quite the run hasn’t he? But, he will be caught. We’ve already narrowed down which state he is in. (Bruce steps closer to the TV, generally interested in hearing what he has to say.) President: He is in the state of Pennsylvania. Our trackers believe that he may be in Pittsburgh. Bruce: Dammit! Dr. Miyazaki: It’s alright, Bruce. He may have found which state we are in, but he has not figured out the correct city. Bruce: That doesn’t matter! It won’t be long before his trackers use their abilities to narrow it down. They’ll be knocking at our door any day now! Dr. Miyazaki: Bruce, you need to remain calm. If they find you then we’ll deal with it when the time comes. For now, we need to stay focused on my experiments. President: “Extremus,” if you can hear me then I want you to know that we will find you, we will arrest you, and we will kill you. This world is not a place for your kind, nor will it ever be. Thank you, citizens of the world. I greatly appreciate your patience as we work to protect you from “Extremus…” (Dr. Miyazaki shuts the TV off and hands Bruce a list.) Dr. Miyazaki: I need you to pick up a few things from the convenience store. We’re out of milk… Bruce: Yeah, because having a supply of milk is such a major importance. Dr. Miyazaki: Hey, it’s not the only thing on the list! Bruce: Cocoa Crispies? Dr. Miyazaki: Just go. (Dr. Miyazaki hands him some money.) Dr. Miyazaki: There’s a little extra in there if you want to get something for yourself. Bruce: Oh, no, I’m sure that Cocoa Crispies will more than hit the spot. (Bruce rolls his eyes and walks past Dr. Miyazaki.) EXT. DR. MIYAZAKI’S APARTMENT (Bruce steps out the front door and walks onto the sidewalk. He takes a moment to look around him, noticing all of the super-powered entities going about their business. A nearby business man is walking toward his vehicle as the door automatically swings open, allowing him entrance into his car. Another group of people exit their houses and ascend into the sky, flying off into the distance. Some people are running down the road, using their super-speed to dodge traffic. Bruce walks down the sidewalk, shaking his head at how much life has changed.) Edited July 15, 2012 by Ertyx 2 Master Aqua and Kirie reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Master Aqua 42 Posted July 16, 2012 This was a really good chapter. 1 Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted July 22, 2012 CHAPTER 5: EXT. LOCAL CONVENIENCE STORE (Bruce walks up the street and finally sees the convenience store a few blocks away. Along the way, he continues to watch as people use their abilities to fix everyday problems. One man’s car battery has died and he uses his electricity manipulation to jump start his vehicle. Another man walks by, holding a cold sub. He places his hands around the sub and heats it with his pyrokenesis. A woman steps out of a nearby payphone and teleports away. Bruce watches as a man makes his way down the street, by stretching his legs to cover great distances. He sees a woman leap from rooftop to rooftop with ease. Bruce reaches the front door of the convenience store and opens the door, entering the building. He looks around the store, grabbing the few items on the list: 2 boxes of Cocoa Crispies, one gallon of milk, a pack of 8 rolls of toilet paper, a pack of cheese, a loaf of bread, a pack of ham, and a pack of turkey. He walks up to the counter and nods to the clerk, as he sets the items down. The clerk finishes ringing him up and sighs.) Clerk: Sir, because of the belief that the terrorist known as “Extremus” is hiding in Pennsylvania, I am required to check your wrist. (Bruce rolls his eyes and then lifts up his sleeve. He puts his arm out, waiting for the clerk to finish his “inspection.” The clerk stares at the tattoo for a moment and then leans away, signaling the end of the inspection. Bruce pulls his wrist away and rolls down his sleeve.) Clerk: That’ll be $167.78. (Bruce nods in approval as he rifles through his cash.) Bruce: Not bad. It’s a bit cheaper than usual. (The clerk smiles and opens the drawer. He gives Bruce his change and bags up the items. Suddenly, a heavily clothed Caucasian man walks into the store. He has a five-o-clock shadow and is blind in his left eye. He walks up to the cashier and shoves Bruce out of the way. He lifts up his hands and they ignite on fire.) Pyrokinetic: Give me all the money in the drawer! (The cashier opens his mouth and unleashes a burst of water, knocking the man off his feet. Bruce grabs his stuff and hurries for the exit. But, another man quickly walks in and extends his arm, hitting Bruce’s chest. Bruce is sent flying across the room and into the wall. The man hurries up to the cashier and punches him in the face, knocking him through the cigarette wall behind him. The cashier lands in the outside alleyway and falls unconscious. Bruce slowly gets up and reaches for his gun. He gets up and aims for the super-strong thug raiding the cash register. But, the pyrokinetic quickly reacts and knocks the gun out of his hand by slinging a fireball at it. The super-strong thug looks away from the drawer and sees the gun fly out of Bruce’s hand. He begins to laugh and slowly walks toward Bruce.) Super thug: So, you carrying a gun around, eh? You know what that tells me? (Bruce goes to punch the man in the face, but he puts up his hand and stops Bruce’s fist. He shoves Bruce’s hand aside and grabs his throat using only one hand. He lifts Bruce off of the ground and smiles.) Super thug: Whatever your power is. It ain’t gonna hurt me. (The thug tosses Bruce through the wall, sending him crashing into the nearby apartment building. Bruce struggles to get up. He reaches up and clutches his head, trying to fight through his new pounding headache. He hurries back toward the broken convenience store. He sees the two thugs finishing up with the drawer. Bruce sneaks through the hole and picks up his gun. He quickly takes aim and pumps the super-strong thug full of lead. But, the thug stays on his feet, barely feeling the pain. He grunts, causing all of the bullets to pop out of his back and fall to the ground. He turns around and cracks his fingers, as he walks toward Bruce. Bruce hurries out the hole in the wall and continues to fire a steady stream of bullets at the thug. But, the thug continues to walk toward Bruce, fighting through the minor injuries. Bruce sees a nearby crowbar and picks it up. He quickly swings it at the thug, landing a direct hit to his neck. The crowbar bends around the man’s neck. He takes it from Bruce and snaps it in half using only one hand. He tosses both halves aside and Bruce quickly rushes down the road, trying to put some distance between the thug and himself. The thug continues to walk slowly toward his prey. Bruce rushes into the front door of the convenience store. The other thug lets out a burst of fire in Bruce’s direction. Bruce quickly rolls out of the way, dodging the flames. With the thug’s attention averted, the few customers in the store make a break for the hole in the wall. The thug turns and tries to stop them, but Bruce puts a bullet in his extended hand. Bruce runs toward the door. The thug angrily extends his uninjured hand and tries to hit Bruce with a fireball. But, Bruce ducks and the fireball hits the super-strong thug, as he makes his way back into the store. The super-strong thug stumbles to the ground, rolling around in an attempt to put out the fire. Bruce puts a bullet in the pyrokinetic’s other hand, and then shoots him in the chest, finishing him. He turns to the other thug, currently caught on fire. He puts a few bullets in the man’s head, while he is distracted. The combined effort of the bullets and the fire brings down the man’s super-defense and he slowly stops moving, dying at Bruce’s feet. Bruce looks around and sees many people moving toward the convenience store. He quickly puts his gun away and flees the store, not wanting to be questioned by the police.) 3 Sandra_Nedelcheva1998, Kirie and Master Aqua reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Master Aqua 42 Posted July 22, 2012 Another great chapter. 1 Queen Tery reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kirie 3,489 Posted July 22, 2012 I read all chapters in one day This story is... FIRETRUCKING AWESOME! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted July 22, 2012 I read all chapters in one day This story is... FIRETRUCKING AWESOME! Thank you! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kirie 3,489 Posted July 22, 2012 Thank you! YOU'RE WELCOME! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Queen Tery 4,591 Posted July 22, 2012 (edited) CHAPTER 6: INT. THE OVAL OFFICE (The president is sitting at his desk, reading through some paperwork. Suddenly, an agent bursts into the room and stops a few feet from his desk.) Agent: Mr. President, we have possible Intel on the whereabouts of “Extremus.” President: Please, enlighten me. (The president leans back in his chair, taking a break from his paperwork.) Agent: An attempted burglary took place in Philadelphia. Two individuals, one a pyrokinetic and another of enhanced strength, tried to rob a local convenience store. They were murdered by one man. This one man used a gun, instead of powers, to kill them. It is possible that his power was not the type of power that would be useful in a fight or… President: …Or he could be the one known as “Extremus.” (The president slowly rises from his chair and strokes his chin, as he paces around the room.) President: I want half of the investigation team relocated to Philadelphia. Start with the convenience store. Get any information you can on the gunman and go from there. Understood? Agent: Of course, Mr. President. (The agent salutes the president and then exits the room.) INT. DR. MIYAZAKI’S LAB-AFTERNOON (Dr. Miyazaki is looking over his research notes, seemingly working on some sort of concoction. Bruce walks in and quickly makes his way over to the sink, in order to clean up his wounds. Dr. Miyazaki turns and stares at Bruce, confused. Bruce looks up from the running water and stares back at Dr. Miyazaki.) Dr. Miyazaki: You forgot my Cocoa Crispies, didn’t you? Bruce: Yeah, I kind of got sidetracked by the guy that threw me through a damn convenience store wall. Dr. Miyazaki: Sadly, these things happen. (The doctor returns to his work and Bruce soon finishes cleaning the blood off his face. Bruce turns off the sink and grabs the nearby towel, wiping his face. He turns to see what the doctor is working on.) Dr. Miyazaki: I have some excellent news! Bruce: Yeah, what would that be? Dr. Miyazaki: I believe that I may have finally created a concoction that can give you powers. After studying your genes and the genes of those with super-powers… Bruce: Cut to the chase, doc. You know I don’t give a shit about any of that stuff. (The doctor sighs and picks up a test tube filled with a green and foamy liquid. He hands it to Bruce.) Dr. Miyazaki: Just drink this and if it works then by tomorrow morning your powers will have manifested. Bruce: What power will I get? Dr. Miyazaki: I’m not 100% sure. But, once the power has manifested I can begin more tests and possibly isolate what causes the manifestation of these abilities. From there, I may be able to force a certain power upon an individual. I could force your body to acquire the ability to time travel. Bruce: If that’s the case then bottoms up. (Bruce chugs down the contents of the glass and then sets it down. He begins to cough, clearly unhappy with the taste of it.) Bruce: That shit is disgusting! Dr. Miyazaki: Yes, well there is pig’s blood in it. (Bruce begins to gag and hurries out of the lab.) Edited July 23, 2012 by Ertyx 2 Snow and Kirie reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kirie 3,489 Posted July 22, 2012 I wonder if he'll get back in his time I'm so excited!! Next chapter please! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites