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"I wasn't excpecting you to be afraid of me," Lajixu answered calmly. "Well... I guess I'll go now," she said as she turned around and took a step forward.

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"can't you guys just shut up?" he spoke again, being the rare speaker he was. "Why don't you idiots just sit down, and wait? Take a nap? Play a card game? It's annoying to hear pointless arguing." He looked back down, scratching his nose.

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"I wasn't excpecting you to be afraid of me," Lajixu answered calmly. "Well... I guess I'll go now," she said as she turned around and took a step forward.


(Not you, whoever Rixku's character is) Edited by NightfallXIII

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"OKAY!! I'm NOT going to tolerate any fighting while the tournament isn't going on!!" Rachel yelled, her keyblade appearing in her hand as she held it up at night, and then switching to rixku. "I swear, if you guys try to hurt one another while the tournament isn't going on, I will hit you with my keyblade and you'll be knocked out for two days." Rachel said, growing annoyed.

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"can't you guys just shut up?" he spoke again, being the rare speaker he was. "Why don't you idiots just sit down, and wait? Take a nap? Play a card game? It's annoying to hear pointless arguing." He looked back down, scratching his nose.


Haruhi smiled at this. She knew he was a nice guy, but he did have a temper, none the less. But she liked him anyway. He was a good guy. She continued to sit there quietly.

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"I dont care WHO started it, I just want it to stop!" said Rachel, her keyblade dissappearing. 'what's up with these two? If they fight, I can't bear to them what'll happen!' she thought.

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(It's Ace not Rixku.)

He growled in response obviously not liking any of it. "You'd have to catch me first if you ever could. That and it wouldn't work on me so stay out of it." Silently he glared at Rachel while putting his hand on the middle of his chest. He'd have to armor up soon with the way everything was going on before hearing what Night said. "Oh hell I didn't. You started it and I plan on ending it." Something was going to start up soon. 'I should of brought the medication. Crap this is going to end well.'

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Rachel's keyblade appeared in her hand while she got up. "stop fighting, both of you!!" Rachel yelled as she held up her keyblade at Ace. 'these guys are nuts to argue at me!!' she thought. "and if you don't, I WILL freeze you!!" she said.

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"I dare you. Just try to you'll find out it doesn't work out to well. Not with what I have with me." He glared his eyes seemed to have grown slightly darker before he continued. "I dare you then i'll start getting physical when you've already started it." More annoyed and more ticked off. Today was not his or anyone else's best day ever. Now he just hoped things wouldn't get to out of hand.

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Lajixu stepped back toward the wall. 'I don't want to be involve in this,' she thought. She leaned against the wall, watching to see what'll happen next.

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Rachel turned and stared at Ace, a mad look on her face. "I swear, leave me alone, or else!!" Rachel yelled, growing more and more agitated. 'He's nuts!! Someone get him!!!' she thought.

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"You know nothing about being paranoid do you Night?" He glared at both of them getting ready to shoot someone as his once darkened face turned into a crazy looking smile. "You try rude after you've seen some things that have been done and haven't been to me and then tell me i'm rude. Rachel I believe you should be the one calming down otherwise you'll be the one who starts the fight and i'll have no reason to play mean. Like i'm about to....." His backpack clicked back into place while he waited for a reply to decide what he was going to do.

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Rachel's keyblade disappeared, but she was still angry. She turned and sat down, resting her shoulders on her knees. 'man, he's pretty stupid...' she thought.

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Haruhi was getting irritated. She got up and walked over to the fight and stood in the middle of the fuss, with a blank face.

"Stop." she simply said as she looked at them. "Settle this in the tournament." And at that she walked away.

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"So your life sucks," Night said. "My whole family is dead, so don't you go emo Final Fantasy character on me! I've felwt loss too!" He walked away too.

Edited by NightfallXIII

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He was already walking away before Haruchi came while injecting a blueish liquid into his neck before settling in a spot away from everyone else as his head found it's way to his knees while he rubbed the back of his head. 'I need to remember not to go more than three hours without giving myself a shot next time. It'll probably be closer to two if this continues on. At least it'll give me one advantage. As long as my personality doesn't kill me first.'

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Haruhi walked away still blank faced. She was very tired, Exghausted actually. She took a seat a couple feet from Ragna and put her head on her knees. She wanted to sleep, but she didn't want to miss anything. She she put herself into more thought so she'd stay awake.

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Ragnarok looked over to her, then sighed. "You need to not think so much, otherwise it could cloud your mind, and you wont be able to fight at full potential." He said to Haruhi, walking and leaning against the wall next to her. "It's stressful, and I understand it's painful, but your efforts would be for nothing if you failed here." He wanted to see her cheer up really. He had lost nearly 4 families, and all he could do was watch, for he thought to much, and was weak. He didn't wan't the same thing happening to her, for he knew what would happen.

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Rachel remained where she was. She yawned. 'jeez... It's hard to make friends...' she thought. "it's just because people here get into fights to much..." she whispered to herself.

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Ragnarok looked over to her, then sighed. "You need to not think so much, otherwise it could cloud your mind, and you wont be able to fight at full potential." He said to Haruhi, walking and leaning against the wall next to her. "It's stressful, and I understand it's painful, but your efforts would be for nothing if you failed here." He wanted to see her cheer up really. He had lost nearly 4 families, and all he could do was watch, for he thought to much, and was weak. He didn't wan't the same thing happening to her, for he knew what would happen.


Haruhi looked over at him from the ground.

"I guess you're right...." She said as she got off the ground and leaned against the wall next to him. "Can't fight, can't concentrate, can't win." she said as she smiled.

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Haruhi looked over at him from the ground.

"I guess you're right...." She said as she got off the ground and leaned against the wall next to him. "Can't fight, can't concentrate, can't win." she said as she smiled.


A smile went across his face, for thr first time in years, he smiled feeling happy. "Just keep that in mind, and keep yourself head strong." His darkness patted her head in a form of a hand, showing he can control it well to a point of forming.

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