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KHDays Do you think the final boss was a bit disapointing in terms of dificulty?

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Ok guys.Riku was the best choice for a final boss. Claps at Tetsuya Nomura- However I found Riku to be trollingly disapointing because of the difficulty.I'll explain.Riku is a great boss with great moves and HP bars.However, his defenses are bad and the only thing that can save him is the Brick Shield which he uses when you attack him on the front.So Riku gets his butt shaved from Oathkeeper with a few hits.Dark Aura was a good move but can be avoided even with Dodge Roll.

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tutti frutti. You do have a point. Riku didn't really seem that challenging compared to other final bosses in the series. Yeah, even though Roxas may have been stronger than Riku at that point in the series, I think that we still deserved a bit of a challenge. That Wyvern (can't think of the name) that you have the option to face in the mission with a total of 5 bosses I found to be harder than Riku, Xion as well.

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tutti frutti. You do have a point. Riku didn't really seem that challenging compared to other final bosses in the series. Yeah, even though Roxas may have been stronger than Riku at that point in the series, I think that we still deserved a bit of a challenge. That Wyvern (can't think of the name) that you have the option to face in the mission with a total of 5 bosses I found to be harder than Riku, Xion as well.


I think you are refering to the Dustflier - the optional boss in the mission with 6 bosses actually,making him the 7th if you complete it 100 %

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I think you are refering to the Dustflier - the optional boss in the mission with 6 bosses actually,making him the 7th if you complete it 100 %


tutti frutti. Thanks for that, been forever since I have played the game.

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This is why I only expect hard bosses from the numbered title games(unfortunately, BBS had to be easy)


hey, Xehanort was kind of hard if you aren't very good at blocking...

On Critical Mode level 1


But seriously guys, Roxas had Oathkeeper and was dealing critical hits with every attack.

If you want a challenge, go after him in mission mode at level one, then he's roughly on par with other final bosses in the series.

Xemnas was easier

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hey, Xehanort was kind of hard if you aren't very good at blocking...

On Critical Mode level 1


But seriously guys, Roxas had Oathkeeper and was dealing critical hits with every attack.

If you want a challenge, go after him in mission mode at level one, then he's roughly on par with other final bosses in the series.

Xemnas was easier


Our skill levels are different

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Wow, if you think Xehanort is easy on Critical Mode at level 1, you are very skilled indeed :blink:


Not think.....it's a fact.

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This is why I only expect hard bosses from the numbered title games(unfortunately, BBS had to be easy)


But at least in BBS MF made up for the easy ones? I wouldn't know because I never unlocked him but I'm just assuming.


Anyways come to think of it I never really considered Riku the final boss in Days even though he was, maybe that is attributed to the fact that he was easy to beat.

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But at least in BBS MF made up for the easy ones? I wouldn't know because I never unlocked him but I'm just assuming.


Anyways come to think of it I never really considered Riku the final boss in Days even though he was, maybe that is attributed to the fact that he was easy to beat.


Yes, outside of the story the secret bosses are hard

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No, facts are indisputable. The fact that this is completely subjective makes it a thought as opposed to a fact.


That's debatable

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