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KHDays I like Saix more than any other character in the game

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thank you for telling us that you like saix more than anyone else.


Look, I asked if it's good to like him.Stop and leave my threads alone.





inb4 it turns into an argument like yesterday


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I don't want to start a fight, but is this topic that bad? I just expressed my opinion.


His name is IsaTheTroll...


GEE, really?


I LOVE Axel/Lea in every game hes in ..Hes one of the most well developed characters in this series in my opinion .


Your username, Lea.Mine, Isa.Lol.

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I like Saix...for now,when i fight with him at critical lvl 1,I WILL HATE HIM MORE THAN ANYTHING(this happen in all bosses),but after,i return to like him. xD

For me,he is the "leader" of org.XIII,he does everything,Xemnas only stay on his firetrucking throne at TWTNW

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I completely agree. Even though the sentiment of the Organization members not being focused on enough does have merit, I think Saix benefitted a great deal from this game. It takes a relatively standard "badguy" character and develops him into something more. You get more backstory on him and his friendship with Axel, indicating that he wasn't always the hardnose that he is now, but that he has thrown it away as he tries to climb the corporate ladder. He seems to have a desperate need to meet Xemnas's approval, indicating that he's greatly insecure on some level. There becomes more to him, rather than just a stock anime villain.

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I like Saix...for now,when i fight with him at critical lvl 1,I WILL HATE HIM MORE THAN ANYTHING(this happen in all bosses),but after,i return to like him. xD

For me,he is the "leader" of org.XIII,he does everything,Xemnas only stay on his firetrucking throne at TWTNW


I beat Saix at level one. GEEZUS.

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It felt so good to be the crap out of Saix in the "escape the castle" level. He is a character that i love to hate.

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