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The Transcendent Key

KH2 Kingdom Hearts 2: An epic game with many awesome moments

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Hiya everyone, I just wanted to talk about Kingdom Hearts 2. Wow, what is not to like about this game. I mean seriously, this game packs an epic punch, and it's a game I hold dear to me, since it's the first Kingdom Hearts game that I ever played. I really love the improved combat of this game. The combat evolved a lot since Kingdom Hearts 1, and I really like all the epic combos you could dish out. The thing I like the most about the combat is being able to use different forms, something I wish that will return in Kingdom Hearts 3. Nothing says "Die Heartless!" like dishing out freakishly awesome combos in Final Form. Also, I really loved the story, because the story was one of the most longest in my opinion. Sora dealing with Organization XIII and finding Riku was an epic quest, and I loved the fact that all the worlds had more than one story, something that I also wish that can return in Kingdom Hearts 3. The story was heartwarming and emotional, but I gotta say, the most awkward moment in my opinion is when Sora got on his knees crying when he found Riku. I mean, I know he's his best friend, but good lord God, he didn't show that same emotion when he found Kairi! LOL x3 My favorite battles would have to be when I fight against the army of Heartless, and when I fight against Sephiroth, because it made me feel like a badass, and as for favorite moments, I can't decide because there are so many epic moments! So guys, what do you think of this game? And what are your favorite battles or moments of this game? :)

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Favorite Battle in KH2: Xemnas Final Boss

Favorite Song: Timeless River

Favorite Moment: Trying to lvl up to lvl 66 and beating Sephiroth just so I wouldn't die a lot in the game and getting the second or first best keyblade of Kingdom Hearts 2. And my second favorite was getting the Ultima Weapon but realizing its to late because I was a lvl 99 by now. HAHAHA

Kingdom Hearts is the best game ver because it has Disney, I love the graphics and design of the game, I love how they twist the Disney Movies and put Sora in the stages/movies. Also if there was no Kingdom Hearts game then I wouldnt be here and we wouldnt be able to talk about the most awesomest games in the world!!!!

Kingdom Hearts IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I love KH2.

It was really amazing when i played it. ~ ^W^

My favorite moment has to be when i was playing in Halloween town/Christmas town. *meow* ^w^

I just love Halloween town because of the keyblade and also because of the cute little heartless that thinks they are all tuff but also the Boss as well. ^w^ *meow* ~

And also same here Father *meow* I also loved fighting the army of Heartless. *meow* *W* ~

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Favorite things about the game:


Favorite battles: The Battle of a Thousand Heartless, Sephiroth Battle

Favorite Worlds: The World That Never Was, Space Paranoids

Favorite Moment: When Axel saves Sora's life in the DTD and dies.

Hardest Boss: Xemnas, Xigbar

Favorite Keyblade: Ultima Weapon.

Edited by Xoleon

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Wanna know how many time I've played it?





... I know what your thinkin, "this chics lying. fuk her"

ITS NOT A JOKE. i counted my memory card slots for just THIS GAME:

6 memory cards completly filled, on my 7 one now!



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I agree^^

What is not to love? Especially in KH2FM.

Favorite Boss: Every single one.

Favorite Moment: Every SECOND of this game!

This is the best game ever!!!!!(imo). But we'll have to see about that later when KH3D comes out :P

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Favorite Boss: Xemnas Final,Roxas(FM),1000 heartless,the quarted final fantasy,all org members

Sad moments: Axel death,Roxas meets Sora,"Farewell Ansem the Wise!",Roxas vs Sora

Favorite/Funny moments: Cloud and Sephiroth,meeting of the organization(FM),Sora finds Riku,"Barley?"(funny moment),Sora meeting EVERYONE of the organization :P


This is the best Kingdom Hearts of all!Until Kingdom Hearts 3 http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohmy.png

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i love when sora is thinking about dancing with kiari at halloween town and she is her kingdom hearts 1 form haha its funny sora doesnt even realize that she could have aged just like him

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me loves this game!!! :3

favorite battles: 1000 heartless, xemnas final, and sephiroth

those battles were just too epic! at first with the xemnas battle, when he does the super fast laser attack, i didnt get that you had to press both x and triangle so i kept gettin hit DX soooo i turned the system off and went aaaall the way back and fought him again just to get the sequence right X3 okay... i didnt exactly beat sephiroth yet...im only on level 60 and i get sooo close. always when he has like 3 bars of health left i die (nooooooooo) the 1000 heartless battle was too much fun! 8D


the ending to me was really sad yet happy. i cried soooooo much T_T when they showed roxas and namine....tears ran down my face (i cry too easily http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/smiley-confuse.png) it was sooo happy because everyone was back together (im still sorta crying) (even though i beat the game like 2 years ago)


I love this game!!!!!!!!!!!

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My favorite Keyblade is: Oblivion tied with Oathkeeper.

My favorite boss in KH2: Saix and Demyx (both fights)

My favorite Moment: Every Organization scene! (Me likey Organization 13.)

My favorite world: The World That Never Was. (I love original worlds more than Disney worlds.)

My favorite song: The Organization's theme song.

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i liked how you got Oathkeeper earlier and the 1000 Heartless battle a lot. I also liked how the worlds had multiple stories and how there were forms

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Alright, let see if I can gather all of this in my head...


My favorite battle was facing the Dark Thorn. My favorite Keyblade....probably Decisive Pumpkin, I have to say, since I rarely changed from the standard Kingdom Key (don't judge me, I didn't grasp the concept of different Keyblades then...or Abilities...until I beat the game.) Favorite moment would be...Sora making faces at Riku and making him laugh. Never gets old. :P (It's nice to see two males in a game have fun like this and NOT involve yaoi.)

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