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Nobodies do have hearts [children of the dark]

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I teleported back to my room. "Hmm? W-where's my research?!" I said looking around. I almost got into a fit of rage but I calmed down. "hmph, the traitors. I can smell her, she was here." I said, smelling the objects around me, tracking Xuffie. "She is still trying to break the curse, there is no way. Its a 50-50 chance by exorcism, and if I die its a safe way for them to lose their curse. Why hasn't anyone killed her yet?!" I said slamming my fist onto a table, cracking it in half. "Fine. Looks like I have to kill them myself..." I said going to the training room.

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"none at all Vaxin. I just need to track the scent of that traitor Xuffie. I belive she's been in here lately." I said sniffing the air as I walked about. Then with a sigh I asked: "Have you two seen her?"

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"WHAT?! She entered the mansion again and no one tried to kill her?! (i'm trying very hard to stay calm...sometimes just plain anger can unleash a werewolf without a moon) I have no care for Roxas, but it seems to me that Xuffie, Saiix and Xemnas are mine to kill now. Anyone willing to help me may help...I shall be going now." I said teleporting to where Xuffie is.

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Nyx was in his room writing in his journal:

Things are falling apart in the Org... we have supposed Traitors, treachery...

I dont know how much longer things can hang on this broken thread...

Time to take things into my own hands...

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Xuffie go search for Xemnas and Roxas"Probably leader will come after me because I stole his research,but he don't understand,I'm not a traitor,I was just trying to help.Well,if he try to destroy me,he will see what I can really do."

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(finds Xuffie) look at you tearing organzation piece at little piece the leader wants to kill you and you are "trailor to organzation" and all you want to help how sad

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"Yeah,I know,but leader won't destroy me,he just don't understand,he thinks that everything must be the way he thinks.And if I were you i'd take care,if leader finds you here,no one knows what he'd do."

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"Why don't anyone see?Our leader isn't so good anymore,he just thinks that everything must be his way,i'm not there from the beginning but was he the way he is now?"

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"I don't know anymore how to help the org,there're so many things that I'm trying to help in,but at the organization I couldn't because of the leader,and now out of it I'm being thought as a traitor,but I shall try,maybe sometime everyone might understand and help each other."

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"So one more to my group,I agree with you,the org is getting worse and worse.We have to do things on our own.But leader don't understand he thinks that things stay as they were."

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"Well,I'll continue searching for a way to breack the curse and i'm going to take care of Xemnas and Roxas,by the way here's leader's research,give it back to him,but don't say I agev you,say you found it somewhere."said Xuffie giving the research to Kaxdre

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