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Nobodies do have hearts [children of the dark]

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"Oh my,that's why leader didn't do anything."said Xuffie after reading the research"I have to go to lexa"Xuffie oppened a portal to Lexa's room and got in.

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"well,it said that there are two manners of breaking the curse one is exorcismn,but it could lead both,the werewolf and the one who's doing it,to death.And the other one is to kill the werewolf that cursed the others.I think that's why leader never tried to turn you back."said Xuffie

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"I'll take care of Roxas and Xemnas,they're causing enough trouble already,I was just wondering where could I find them."said Xuffi*yes,excpt that Xuffie isn't in the organization anymore*

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