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Nobodies do have hearts [children of the dark]

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*Just to let everyone know, the place I found when making our new home is not an undeground castle, its the lab where Sora woke up in KH2, the one under the old Mansion in the forest. The hole I dug leads to the tower, but if we go through the doors, we go into the mansion, srry for not articulating :P*


When Xai left my presence I noticed all the rooms were taken, so I had no room, so I stood up and blasted out darkness and earth to form a pod for myself, there I slept in mid-air, i'm a heavy sleeper xD.

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"No He's still alive he's not lost Lexa..I'll find him then we can all go back I'll find shinta and Drake and Eal" xai leans against Lexa for support.


Xai shakes her head "No don't doubt me he's alive so is drake and Shinta" she says


Kaxdre: Yes Eal is still alive and Shinta but Drake is gone

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"AGH!" I startled and my pod exploded due to my awkenness. It turned to sand. I fell down to the floor and looked up to see Flynn with a glare looking down on me. "Good morning Flynn, how may I help this rude awakening?" i asked still on the floor in an akward position.

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"AGH." I germed as Xai jumped up on me. "Don't you mean DOWN here young Xai?" I said correcting the nobody. "There are no 'up stairs' in this lab ha ha." I said teleporting myself upward in front of everyone. "*sigh* ok, so you all want your ranks? Well your going to have to FIGHT for them!" I said. "A sparring match will bew held against every one of us, to see who gets what rank, the winner will have a higher rank while the loser has a lower one. I will be the judge and always Rank #1 since i'm the leader." i said explaining. "Do not worry, No one is supposed to die here, but does anyone have any questions?" i aked *srry guys, I gtg now for the day, see ya'll tommorow! :P*

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"The tournament will start once everyone is here, those that do not show up will be of a lower rank than the loser of the tournament." I said. "Now remind me again, how many members we have at the moment?" I asked, not knowing how many of us there were.


*Woot! Snuck on the computer while no one was looking ROFLMAO! good night everyone!*

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Flynn was now on the run... in the middle of the night, he was awoken, but not in his bed.. he had found himself in a mysterious place with dark creatures cahsing him.. they were not heartless... somehting different entirely...

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