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Nobodies do have hearts [children of the dark]

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It was night at Destiny Islands and I could feel the moon brightly full above us. Under the intense moments I grabbed my blindfold I had tied around my arm and tied it about my eyes for everyone's safetly. Over in the distance I could hear footsteps coming louder towards us. I sniffed the air and I smelt moisture in the clouds. i kept the portal behind Xai open as planned. "Be on your guard." i said while forming my giganticly oversized broadsword from the beach sands.

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Noxel ate the ice-cream, then she felt a cold wind, she got up.... a HUGE heartless was there, bigger than any building "Holy f$%k"

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(me wither, i am just making my person about to go into an epic battle, she is about to enter something WAY over her head, the secret to Dark.)

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It was night at Destiny Islands and I could feel the moon brightly full above us. Under the intense moments I grabbed my blindfold I had tied around my arm and tied it about my eyes for everyone's safetly. Over in the distance I could hear footsteps coming louder towards us. I sniffed the air and I smelt moisture in the clouds. i kept the portal behind Xai open as planned. "Be on your guard." i said while forming my giganticly oversized broadsword from the beach sands.


Xai nodded and listened to the air "he's here"


Roxas: Xai I'm glad you could make it.

Sora: so thats the girl we need to get everything back to normal?

Roxas nodds and holds his hand out to Xai "Come we must bring you with us".


Xai shakes her head and grips tighter to her guards "I'm staying with my family" she yelled. Roxas' face scrunched up and he sighed "Xai you have to come with us"

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(Uhhhhhh, Me, Xai and Lexa are going to confront Sora and Roxas in Destiny Islands, other people are doing other things...uhhhhhh i guess thats it...)

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I growled out of better judgement at them and clutched my sword with both hands ready to strike when needed. "We have no need of giving you a member of ours. Just tell us what you need and we shall leave." I said.

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Xai grabs his arm "Lexa not yet they havent made a move yet" she smiles at him and grips his weapon.


Sora: Looks like she brought Guards

Roxas: as planed

Sora: What?!? you had a plan?

Roxas: Of corse I did.


Roxas Walks up to Vienxs and smiles "We came to take the child back to the others. she belongs on the side of light not on your side of dark little leader now hand over the child and we'll be on our way. Don't worry we'll take care of her" Sora walks over to the small group and smiles holding out his hand "C'mon Xai" She shakes her head again "No"

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