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KH3D *MAJOR SPOILERS* Sora could have...?

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by the means of what YMX said sora could posablie time travle as well he was a waking heart its just kairi gave that heart a shape and he had no body could sora posabley time travile? If so where would he go back to bbs time or back to the time in COM to save ben or aqua?

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by the means of what YMX said sora could posablie time travle as well he was a waking heart its just kairi gave that heart a shape and he had no body could sora posabley time travile? If so where would he go back to bbs time or back to the time in COM to save ben or aqua?


i say BBS because he wouldn't want Aqua to suffer in darkness for 11 years and Ven to be in sleep for 11 years, but if he did that wouldn't it make it so he would have never been able to use synch blade or be saved by vens armor if he didn't have vens heart within him, everything would change

so i will just go with don't confuse yourself by creating a different reality

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By what YMX said about time travel, could Sora possibly have used time travel as well? He only had his heart until Kairi gave it shape (body). Since this fulfills the time travel rules could Sora time travel in this amount of time? If so where would he go back to? Back to a time in BBS to save Ven or Aqua or back to a time in COM?


I was thinking the exact same thing when Young Xehanort first explained the time travel rules. But I think the difference is that Sora would only have the chance to time travel when he was a heartless. It's a small window but it wouldn't be the only time something important happened to him and he almost immediately forgot it. Anyways, after he met up with Kairi again he was completely restored so he wouldn't have the opportunity anymore.


*....I will attempt to edit the top post...*


Also, time travel rules state that you can only go back in time to talk to yourself, your previous self has to be in the timeline, and you will have no memory of whatever you talked about. But Xehanort seems to have found a way around this so there are some possibilities of breaking these rules.

Edited by DG20

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I was thinking the exact same thing when Young Xehanort first explained the time travel rules. But I think the difference is that Sora would only have the chance to time travel when he was a heartless. It's a small window but it wouldn't be the only time something important happened to him and he almost immediately forgot it. Anyways, after he met up with Kairi again he was completely restored so he wouldn't have the opportunity anymore.


*....I will attempt to edit the top post...*


Also, time travel rules state that you can only go back in time to talk to yourself, your previous self has to be in the timeline, and you will have no memory of whatever you talked about. But Xehanort seems to have found a way around this so there are some possibilities of breaking these rules.


When Kairi help him,he don't get completely restored,he is a "pseudo heartless",a heartless with a body?No,a heartless with half of a body,the other half...is with Roxas

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i dont think heartless can time travel since they never gave up their flesh willingly.


But Sora did. It's almost exactly what Xehanort did.


When Kairi help him,he don't get completely restored,he is a "pseudo heartless",a heartless with a body?No,a heartless with half of a body,the other half...is with Roxas


I'm confused the terms since Nobody is just a person without a heart, and a heartless...has a body but no heart? I still think he would have to travel within the short amount of time after he gave up his heart though.

Edited by DG20

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i dont think heartless can time travel since they never gave up their flesh willingly.


Sora willingly turned himself into a heartless

I was thinking the exact same thing when Young Xehanort first explained the time travel rules. But I think the difference is that Sora would only have the chance to time travel when he was a heartless. It's a small window but it wouldn't be the only time something important happened to him and he almost immediately forgot it. Anyways, after he met up with Kairi again he was completely restored so he wouldn't have the opportunity anymore.


*....I will attempt to edit the top post...*


Also, time travel rules state that you can only go back in time to talk to yourself, your previous self has to be in the timeline, and you will have no memory of whatever you talked about. But Xehanort seems to have found a way around this so there are some possibilities of breaking these rules.


i say BBS because he wouldn't want Aqua to suffer in darkness for 11 years and Ven to be in sleep for 11 years, but if he did that wouldn't it make it so he would have never been able to use synch blade or be saved by vens armor if he didn't have vens heart within him, everything would change

so i will just go with don't confuse yourself by creating a different reality





Kairi only created a shell that looked like his old body plus Sora would have to split himself again and even then he is not allowed to alter any events that would disrupt the flow of the time. So Saving Ven, Terra and, Aqua that way wouldn't work.

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what i ment was go back in time to give thime the power to time travle so they can be saved in the pressent like go back to pick up aqua so she can travel to get ven and viseversa


Yeah but that's impossible. Time travel in KH doesn't work like that. At most, someone like Sora or Xehanort could go back to their past self and give them information. It might be enough to change at least one event if they can overcome the amnesia effect.

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