What do you think of our community's competitions that have a free pre-order of KH3D as a prize?
Lu Xun, in Poll of the Week
What do you think of our community's competitions that have a free pre-order of KH3D as a prize?
128 members have voted
1. What do you think of our community's competitions that have a free pre-order of KH3D as a prize?
I love them! I find it to be a nice way to make the members happy and feeling like they're really part of this great community!27
I like them! Although I do not participate, it's a great way to make people interact more.69
I like them a lot! I also try to participate as much as I can, and having KH3D as a prize also makes it better!8
I don't care about any of these competitions...18
They're nice, but I couldn't care less about KH3D..2
Which competitions? KH3D free pre-order?2
Another option? Tell us below!2