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Razorwind Keyblade

What would you want in a Harry Potter world?

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I actually think it would be awesome if you were able to wander about the entirety of Hogwarts' castle. Not just a room here and there, but the whole thing. The level of explorationpotential would be fantastic.

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No. No, no, no, no, NO! Don't get me wrong, I love Harry Potter, one of my favorite book/movie series of all time, but it just does not belong in KH. No matter how much you like them, some things should just stay separate. Not everything goes together like chocolate and peanut butter. Yes I realize the irony of that statement given that, if not for the idea to mix Final Fantasy with Disney, Kingdom Hearts wouldn't even exist, but that works. This wouldn't.

Edited by Sora_Kuno

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it probably wouldnt work i mean, shure theres magic in kingdom hearts, but blizzard figara curaga areo, that would be funny actually picture this donald and ...uh idk harry, in a wizard duel, and harry is doing spells like impedimente maybe trying to wingardiam leviousa donalds staff from his hands and donalds throwing a fit, trying to cast spells but struggling....funny...but as far as working...also...harrys world may have alot of intresting creatures, but i think a talking dog and duck carrying a staff and shiled with a boy with giant shoes and spikey hair, harry has enough to worry about with the minestry of magic, dementors, death eaters, malfoy, teenage angst, snape,the only family he has being jerks and severus being murdered, along with other freinds, im just not shure sora donald and goofy would even be taken seriously in that world,..i love both this game and that story, dont get me wrong, but it seems like water and oil

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Well, I'm not big Harry Potter fan so I can't say much on this.

It could be cool world to explore and learn magic, but I can't think good plot for world..

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IF a world based on HP was to be aded in the ext KH game, then I want a wolrd based on Star Wars and another on Warhammer or Warhammer 40.000. >3>

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I know its NOt Disney, but seriously, Harry potter would be freaking awsome in KH! I mean:


Dementors are basicly heartless 


Voldemort/Xehanort - similar sounding name and plot/situation plus voldy is simialr to Maleficient 


Magic upgrades 


Similar themes and essence that would make it awsome, as they deal with friendship and light vs. darkness. 


flowmotion up Hogwarts? AWWSSSSSOME! 


I could personally c it working out more than Star Wars. Star Wars would add confusion and would probably mess up KH, no offense Star Wars fans 


PLEASE Disney, BUY HP or at least get the liscene to be in it.  I mean, the first 3 Hps were on Disney Channel broadcasts...  And they WERE gonna do the Wizarding World at Disney originally..... 


They could use graphics from the EA games which are kinda cartoony and i mean Tron looked AWSOME in DDD and Pirates was good too though woudla been  better if Port Royal was in daylight instead of being always night but then again, they needed that for the cursed pirates. It would make Kh MORE popular and do better, fyi! 



I've got tons of ideas for HP to be in KH! 

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ya but i do not get why so many people do not want it in there besides the fact that it is non disney. But fyi Snake in Super smash bros. brawl, and sonic, and those weren't exactly owned by nintendo 

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I don't want it in KH cause then Xehanort and Voldemort can give each other tips on taking over the world.  They have so much in common, they would become fast friends, which would not be good for us.

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I don't want it in KH cause then Xehanort and Voldemort can give each other tips on taking over the world.  They have so much in common, they would become fast friends, which would not be good for us.



I don't want it in KH cause then Xehanort and Voldemort can give each other tips on taking over the world.  They have so much in common, they would become fast friends, which would not be good for us.




that would be awesome!!!  a major crossover team up, a freaking hard boss battle to match up to sephiroth..... 


Two dark lords meeting up would be like the awsomesst thign ever... my life will be complete then! 


besdies hp maybe AFTER Xehanort saga! 

who wouldn't wanna battle them together? it owuld be hard and intense but thats what makes it sooooo awsome and fun! 

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