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Robbie the Wise

:I What if Xehanort got grounded Spoiler Alert

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he probably shapeshifted into a shadow and sneaked out of the house by phasing into the ground or jumping out the window thentransforming back to ansem SoD!!! yup thats what happened.

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He opened a Dark Portal and threw her in the portal...

Many years after,she escaped from the dark realm,using its technology and wanting revenge.

In KH3,his mother is the Seven Light that will finish him

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isnt xehanort like some creepy old dude? his mother probably died before he was born he was raised by a necrophelac and a pedophile,,,god idk something had to happen to mess him up so much... -shot- -shot- -TRIPPLE SHOT-

Edited by xion---424

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isnt xehanort like some creepy old dude? his mother probably died before he was born he was raised by a necrophelac and a pedophile,,,god idk something had to happen to mess him up so much... -shot- -shot- -TRIPPLE SHOT-



Ummmmm He is talking about YOUNG master xehanort....:P

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