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F***ed up people

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so first off ima say sorry if this is in the wrong forum if it is can you move it to the correct one


ok so i was listening to a song on youtube and was looking at the comments and i came across one that really made me feel well sad

I am a girl that is bullied everyday, and when I come home, my mom beats me. I will remain anonymous-- just know if you see someone that looks upset and says to themself, it could be me. reach out a hand, friends

and so i replied back

i hope it gets better for you <3

and as i scrolled down i found another reply to the same comment

you should kill yourself

how firetrucked up do you have to be to go on a anti bullying song and say that to a person going through that?! Edited by FLASH45

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so first off ima say sorry if this is in the wrong forum if it is can you move it to the correct one


ok so i was listening to a song on youtube and was looking at the comments and i came across one that really made me feel well sad


and so i replied back


and as i scrolled down i found another reply to the same comment


how firetrucked up do you have to be to go on a anti bullying song and say that to a person going through that?!


Like, dropped on your head as a child a few times, having parents who don't know what they're doing, high as firetruck. So yeah, exactly like that. People like that make me sick. The world would be better off without them.

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Dear God what the firetruck is up with people these days!? I would never say something that to a person with that bad of a life. I would immediately try to make that person feel better now matter where I am! That person, I don't care if he was joking or not, took it way too far. God, people like that piss me off so much! I wish that person who's suffering gets better soon... Seems like she needs a little luck...

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Wow. People are messed up these days.

We need to throw these people off our planet to keep it from populating with people like this.

Joke or not, saying that is serious.

I love my planet, but we need to seriously get these people off our planet.

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Firetrucking assholes sadly this world is filled with to many of them, ppl like that seriously piss me off, they don't have any sympathy for others nor do they even care, what makes it even more sad is that they get pleasure out of saying stuff like that and enjoy other people's misery. Like Master Aqua said there're just Heartless and The world would be so much better off without them.

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In defense of the troll/cyberbully he may have seen the post comment as one of those annoying ones that seem to spam up YouTube comments that are supposed to be sad but end up being annoying, so he said that.

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