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Razorwind Keyblade

Do you think PS Vita can be jailbroken/hacked?

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Around the Vita's release, Sony was bragging about how protected the Vita is and that it can't be hacked. Most people thought someone would find out how to crack it in a few weeks. Now it's been a bit over half a year since it's release in December 2011, Japan. Unless I'm mistaken, the PS Vita has not been cracked yet.


It would seem as though Sony was right when they were bragging about how hack-proof the Vita is. I think their just trying to piss of hackers because they know it's a matter of time until someone hacks the PS Vita. Anything is possible. I don't believe there is any firmware Sony can make for the Vita that can't be hacked. Look at all the firmwares they made for PSP? None of them prevented or stopped coding in anyway.


Unless I'm mistaken, Sony said the PSP can't be hacked around it's launch in 2005 right? If they did say this then they're stupid. Hacking a PSP is like taking candy from a baby. There were so many reasons to hack a PSP beyond piracy. This is one of the reasons why the PSP is dead in the U.S. and why many developers won't waste their time making quality games.


You put all these factors together and it would look like the PS Vita could be cracked by someone eventually. But them again, the Vita is a handheld system with console capabilities. Look at how long it took people to hack a PS3. Those people only got caught and banned because they bragged about it. Suppose the same thing were to happen to the Vita and it takes 4 years for it to be hacked? They did say it would be protected for quite some time.


Sony also has it all wrong in my opinion. Most hackers didn't hack their PSP for malicious intent. A lot of hackers just wanted to see how far they can take their system to the next limits. Whether they do it for malicious intent or not, developers will not waste their time making quality games when they can easily be pirated and cracked.


As I stated before, there were many reasons to hack a PSP beyond piracy. It was so easy that someone whose new at hacking can hack into a games server that's supported by PSN. On SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo 3 it's assumed that some hacker named Fusion cracked into the games server to test something out and ended up firetrucking it up and making it lag. In the process of doing this, everyone's PSP(hundreds of people) froze when they entered the games lobby and stats for players were all wrong and messed up. There was very little PSN could do about this and just about every cheating engine had a hack were you could corrupt your PSN ID after or before they ban you. I'm not sure how much you could do this because I've never been banned or attempted it before.


If the PS Vita is hacked then it might possibly be the best mobile device on the market, in my opinion. If it is hacked that also means Vita was a failure and Sony would lose a lot of money, as developers would just stop making games at all or make shitty games. Whether or not the PlayStation Vita is hacked depends on the quality of the hacker and how much experience they have.


Do you think the PS Vita will be jailbroken soon? If so when? Feel happy to prove anything I said wrong.

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Sony may have said they have fixed this with the Vita but at the end of the day everything is hackable in one way or another so I am sure if it isn't done now then it will be done in the future.

Though the DS was pretty bad with the R4 cards and I haven't any knowledge on whether or not the 3DS can use an R4 card of any sorts... yet.

I won't support the hacking of the Vita or exploit mine in any way but it will be jailbroken eventually if it hasn't already been done.

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tutti frutti. For the most part, I'm pretty sure that a large number of people that have the equipment and knowledge to do so would be able to hack the Vita if they were determined to do so. It's only a matter of time before someone does so, if not already.

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Whether the device is, it's bound to be hacked. Even the "unhackable" ps3 was hacked. Vita, 3ds, Wii U, and every other electronic devIce will be fully hacked someday. I don't hack my game consoles, because I think the few game series I play are well worth my money. However, I do like to jailbreak mobile devices... Hell, I'm typing this post on my jailbroken third-gen iPad. =D

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I hope its hackable, all the more reason for me to keep the unopened vita sitting in my bro's room, if there was a hack that enabled it to play games say likee BBS that would be cool, but that's just a wish I guess :/


That's possible but it wouldn't improve anything at all.

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That's possible but it wouldn't improve anything at all.


I don't think I was really looking at the improvement side of it I was kinda just looking at the "if this happened it would be cool because then it would cater to my own needs" side of the issue.

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Like everyone else said, its only a matter of time until hacking the Vita and 3DS is readily accessible to everyone with a connection to the internet. The only thing that has been a problem with hacking lately is hardware updates and using wifi to brick. These problems are usually easily avoided, though. And if anyone told Oishii she could play Japanese games on her 3DS if it was hacked, she would have it hacked next week.

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I hope its hackable, all the more reason for me to keep the unopened vita sitting in my bro's room, if there was a hack that enabled it to play games say likee BBS that would be cool, but that's just a wish I guess :/


Pretty sure that wouldn't be hard at all. The Vita can already play PSP games, you just need to get BBS off the disk...

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