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KH3D UK pre-order bonus, or not?

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Okay, I know all about the NA pre-order bonuses, and the French ones (the keychains/AR cards).

But does anyone know of any UK bonuses? I'm aware that DChiuch labelled two announcements as EUROPEAN bonuses, but they only seemed to be French(/Germany?) ones as there's been no news or proof of them anywhere else.

So I was just wondering if anyone knows of an online store or somewhere similar in the UK that's confirmed to have any type of bonus?


I've been holding out for a long time to pre-order now, and if there's no bonus for us in the UK then I'm just gonna go pre-order it later today anyway.



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I'm pretty sure he meant UK will contain ar cards too, although he didn't know if they would be the same as NA's or not.

Edited by VIIth angel

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Well I'm sure he meant that but there's still no proof in any UK retailers of AR card bonuses. He just titled it as a European bonus when I've seen no evidence that it's anywhere else but France. None of the UK sites I've been to have any type of pre-order listed. :

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A previous thread mentioned these sites, and as you can see, it shows the sticker talking about the AR cards on the case. :3


Oh yeah, that's the thread that made me ask. ^^; I can see the sticker on it, but I've yet to find anywhere in the UK that is actually confirmed to be selling the pre-order bonus. Do those two sites actually give the bonus with the game or is it just the picture they're using? 'Cause I really don't wanna get it hoping for the AR cards only for it to turn out it was just a display picture. xD

Edited by Xalaru

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I have heard nothing, I even keep asking my local gamestop and they said they have nothing listed. I actually am beginning to wonder if the AR cards are just packed with the game itself and are not actually anything specially put there, they were in the Japanese version and America is getting them as well. If people consider the AR cards as something worth the name of a bonus then ok good for you but the fact that every version is getting them (though I know we are hit and miss on the European version so far) I think it isn't a bonus. After all, my 3DS and Vita came with AR cards and that is just because they used them. Kid Icarus was the same they were in the box because the game used them not because they were some sort of pre-order bonus or anything.

I am not even trying to sound like a negative Nancy on the whole matter but I think the AR cards are just going to be bundled with every version and not considered a special bonus if you pre-order the game.

And at this point I have given up on SE Europe even announcing any special edition or anything, it is far too late to announce anything given that the release date is in uh... *scrolls up* 23 days and 3hrs. They could still do it and I have my copy pre-ordered and ready if they do but I am not sure.

I do have one question though because I can't remember but how many Dream Eaters do the AR cards unlock? o.O

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Oh yeah, that's the thread that made me ask. ^^; I can see the sticker on it, but I've yet to find anywhere in the UK that is actually confirmed to be selling the pre-order bonus. Do those two sites actually give the bonus with the game or is it just the picture they're using? 'Cause I really don't wanna get it hoping for the AR cards only for it to turn out it was just a display picture. xD



It'd be pretty stupid of them to lead their customers on like that if that's the case; I don't think they'd show it unless they really were to have the AR bonus, and all the others have been in French or German, this is the first one that's written in Englishso I'm pretty sure it's legit. owo


I do have one question though because I can't remember but how many Dream Eaters do the AR cards unlock? o.O


2! R & R Seal, and a random pick of either Meowjesty, Ursa Circus, or SudoNeku. : D


...Though now that you have me thinking about it, I wonder if they'll be bundling Frootz Cat and Kab Kannon along with the others. >.>

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It'd be pretty stupid of them to lead their customers on like that if that's the case; I don't think they'd show it unless they really were to have the AR bonus, and all the others have been in French or German, this is the first one that's written in Englishso I'm pretty sure it's legit. owo


Alright, thanks. :3 I might just go pre-order from one of those sites, then.


I have heard nothing, I even keep asking my local gamestop and they said they have nothing listed. I actually am beginning to wonder if the AR cards are just packed with the game itself and are not actually anything specially put there, they were in the Japanese version and America is getting them as well. If people consider the AR cards as something worth the name of a bonus then ok good for you but the fact that every version is getting them (though I know we are hit and miss on the European version so far) I think it isn't a bonus. After all, my 3DS and Vita came with AR cards and that is just because they used them. Kid Icarus was the same they were in the box because the game used them not because they were some sort of pre-order bonus or anything.

I am not even trying to sound like a negative Nancy on the whole matter but I think the AR cards are just going to be bundled with every version and not considered a special bonus if you pre-order the game.

And at this point I have given up on SE Europe even announcing any special edition or anything, it is far too late to announce anything given that the release date is in uh... *scrolls up* 23 days and 3hrs. They could still do it and I have my copy pre-ordered and ready if they do but I am not sure.

I do have one question though because I can't remember but how many Dream Eaters do the AR cards unlock? o.O


Your local gamestop? o_O I thought only America had gamestop lol. UK has GAME and Gamestation. Unless you live in another European country and have gamestops there, I dunno. xD And yeah I don't really consider it a special pre-order bonus, something like the MoM would be much better (or even the keychains the French are getting), but at least the AR cards are something. Although you think they're bundled with every game, I'd love to agree with you but I'm in the mindset that I need solid proof before I get my hopes up for these things. xD And the fact that not every site or KH3D case has the 'Exclusive AR cards' sticker/notice, I'm not putting too much faith into that idea.

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Your local gamestop? o_O I thought only America had gamestop lol. UK has GAME and Gamestation. Unless you live in another European country and have gamestops there, I dunno. xD And yeah I don't really consider it a special pre-order bonus, something like the MoM would be much better (or even the keychains the French are getting), but at least the AR cards are something. Although you think they're bundled with every game, I'd love to agree with you but I'm in the mindset that I need solid proof before I get my hopes up for these things. xD And the fact that not every site or KH3D case has the 'Exclusive AR cards' sticker/notice, I'm not putting too much faith into that idea.


Oh yes, we have Gamestop here in Ireland, there are also GAME retailers but none in my area and well I'm glad cause man are they super expensive, I think I've bought like 2 games ever inside there and that was when I was on holiday in England and thought "omg £8 for a new DS game? Take my money" xD Oh yes I am not even angry that we are getting the AR cards because hey at least it's something right xD The thing that annoys me the most though is SE themselves won't announce anything, we are only finding out because sites are listing them and people spot them when they randomly go into the shop. Oh well.



2! R & R Seal, and a random pick of either Meowjesty, Ursa Circus, or SudoNeku. : D


...Though now that you have me thinking about it, I wonder if they'll be bundling Frootz Cat and Kab Kannon along with the others. >.>


Ah they'll be cool regardless xD The only one that I keep thinking of is the one with the similar style to Sora's clothes, (is that SudoNeku?) Any others and I'm like, ok then O.o

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Ah they'll be cool regardless xD The only one that I keep thinking of is the one with the similar style to Sora's clothes, (is that SudoNeku?) Any others and I'm like, ok then O.o



Sora's clothes? Are you talking about Meow Wow in black and red with the crown? Cuz that's supposed to mimic Mickey's colors or something. xD

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Sora's clothes? Are you talking about Meow Wow in black and red with the crown? Cuz that's supposed to mimic Mickey's colors or something. xD


Yeah that was it, oh yeah I know it was to mimic Mickey but because of Sora's new outfit my brain always associates it with that xD


Edit: Ok now that I looked at the picture more closely you are right it's just Mickey's red pants and the black from his colour, how did I even miss that xD

Edited by KHSoraKeyBlade

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Sora's clothes? Are you talking about Meow Wow in black and red with the crown? Cuz that's supposed to mimic Mickey's colors or something. xD


You mean Meowjesty? xD At least I think it's called that lol. That's the one I really want, it looks awesome. 3:


Oh yes, we have Gamestop here in Ireland, there are also GAME retailers but none in my area and well I'm glad cause man are they super expensive, I think I've bought like 2 games ever inside there and that was when I was on holiday in England and thought "omg £8 for a new DS game? Take my money" xD Oh yes I am not even angry that we are getting the AR cards because hey at least it's something right xD The thing that annoys me the most though is SE themselves won't announce anything, we are only finding out because sites are listing them and people spot them when they randomly go into the shop. Oh well.


£8?! Nice. xD

Yeah, I hope UK definitely do have the AR cards, it'd be nice to get SOMETHING along with the game.

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