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Hi guys. This is a forum where you can post your theories about anything kingdom hearts related fron any game. Also, you can post any questions you have about any kingdom hearts game. And last but not least, you can post any information you know about the kingdom hearts series. Awesome posting!!!

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well i have kingdom hearts 2 358 days and chaiin of memories

and my question is how xehanort become a nobody and how lea and isa and the rest became nobodys im confused

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Well as we know, the dilan(xaldin), braig(xigbar), even(vexen), ienzo(zexion), aeleus(lexeaus), and finally xemnes(xanehort-terra). They were apprentices of ansem. They continued to do experiments on hearts when ansem told them to stop. Anyways they kept doing it, until eventually they gave In to darkness, and became nobodies. Xemnes took ansem's name instead of xanehort or terra. So xenmes is a anagram of ansem, but should be an anagram of terra or xanehort. Anyways that's how they became nobodies.


As for isa and lea. All we really know is that lea and isa wanted to take over the organization, so that's why they became nobodies and joined. Roxas we know became one when sora gave his life for kairi and etc. Xion isn't a real nobody. As for luxord, marluxia, demyx, and larxane, we don't really know yet. Hopefully it'll be revealed in future kh games. Thanks for your question

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well i have kingdom hearts 2 358 days and chaiin of memories

and my question is how xehanort become a nobody and how lea and isa and the rest became nobodys im confused


In KH Birth by sleep. In the end,terra is tooken over by MX,thus causing Terra's hair to turn white. Which makes him become Xehanort. in the transformation. Terra's armor turns on. And terranort takes it off.


But terra's soul is still in the Armor! The armor ptus itself together and the last fight begins. When Xehanrot is beaten. He dies and thats how Xehanort in KH 2 is known to be.


for the toher members,they all died inbetween KH BBS and KH1. And they joined Xehanort to form Org 13.


All org 13 members are in KH BBS. But alive. Even Xigbar,as braig. Is a boss battle. And he can still defy space.


I need a life :s

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Well in BBS Secret Ending when kairi gives Sora's lucky charm back. I think he might want to find Aqua, Terra and Roxas(Ven?)in KH3 because they have the same charm but in different colors and then they can open maybe open the door that is in the Destinys island(The door with no Keyhole). Still thinking of some new theory's...

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That's an interesting thory. Like maybe just one or two keyblade masters won't do but they more. Like sora, king mickey, ven, aqua, and terra. But ven is inside sora, so maybe he comes out of him somehow?

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dagey ven came out of sora when he unloked his heat in kh1


I do agree with what you say because i believe that since ven's heart merged with sora then when sora became a nobody it got released in a way because roxas is an exact look a like of ventus. but also roxas had to merge back with sora so i think ven's heart was merged back with sora. but i have some problems with my theory cause if roxas was sora's nobody and also vens released heart then what happened to vens memories? Somewhere along the way when ven and sora's hearts merged together ven must have lost his memories or have them hidden to deep inside sora's heart.


As for Terra, he wouldn't have a body if he came back because his body was taken over by MX and his soul went into his armor which stayed in the keyblade graveyard. Also his body was eventually destroyed when Xehanort lost his heart to the darkness and became the heartless ansem from the first game and the nobody xemnes in the second. and both beings were destroyed by sora so if terra came back he essentially wouldnt have a pysical body anymore.


I also believe that in KH3 whenever they make it, sora and the others are gonna have to learn about what happened in the past somehow and somehow they have to figure out that ven's heart is in his. Which means he'll want to give it back so he'll have to find the hidden chamber of Waking that axel was looking for in castle oblivion cause that's where ven's body was placed after the final battle. Plus they have to somehow free Aqua. All in all it's a very very very confusing plot now lol.

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What if vens heart was never put into sora. What if it was his memories. Because xion. Remember when xigbar sees xion as ven. And xion is soras memories. And those memories that make sora, aren't just soras greatest memories of kairi, but also vens greatest memories of aqua.

Or maybe vens hearts and memories were in sora? And ven can't remember anything in his past, because he got vens heart, (this tells why roxas can feel emotion. Because he really does have a heart. Not his somebodys, but ven) anyways. Roxas got vens heart. And xion got vens memories. This Is why xion looks like ven when xigbar sees her. And xion coild be trying to help ven, not just sora, cause she is part of ven too, this is why she wants to go back to sora, so sora can awaken and go save ven and aqua. This could back up the kh3 plot a lot of people are thinking

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