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Just Some Questions

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Who knows, maybe they've already been answered in other forums.


1. Axel talks of being turned into a Dusk if he fails his mission. How is this possible? If a body has enough willpower/spirit/whatever to keep their shape when they become a Nobody, then they shouldn't be able to be transformed (demoted), should they? Also, does this mean that lesser Nobodys can be "promoted"?



Could the voice that Sora hears in his Awakening be Ven? After all, he accepted Ven's heart at the end of KH: BBS, so that could make sense, right?



3. When Aqua is walking through the Realm of Darkness, she is confronted by some Darksides. If a Heartless is created when a heart is devoured by darkness, and there hadn't been any Heartless up til that point, how could the Darksides have manifested?

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1. I think they meant to destroy him or something. And who knows, maybe Xemnas has some kind of special ability.


2. Yeah that could make sense. Maybe Ven awakened from his sleep. Ven is somehow half of Sora heart. So yeah...


3. Darksides are known as "pure bloods" their're born from the darkness. Together with Shadows and Neo Shadows. Well all heartless who have the black color skin. Heartless did exist at that time, but was to weak to be able to get to the realm of light.

All other Heartless are on a way "created" when a person loses his heart. Stronger the darkness, stronger the heartless


Hope it helps, and just ask if you didn't understand a thing. X

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