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Hmph! Look at all of you...acting so free. It ticks me off that you all live so free, and here I am, unwanted.

Umn...geee, I doubt anyone is holding anything against you, man....


At least your not being dressed up by a girl of 5 year old mentality for her own infentile sexual or whatever plessures -.-;

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Umn...geee, I doubt anyone is holding anything against you, man....


At least your not being dressed up by a girl of 5 year old mentality for her own infentile sexual or whatever plessures -.-;


All of Humanity is. They created me, and then left me to rot when they saw I was useless.

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Hmph! Look at all of you...acting so free. It ticks me off that you all live so free, and here I am, unwanted.

Have you meet Roxas, he's my nobody,so he might understand what your going though.

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....Thats kind of weird. O_o;


Hmph. I'm a replica. I'm a clone of some guy named 'Ion', and was supposed to die when they found me weaker than the original was. It's why I hate everyone because when my useability is gone, I'm deemed worthless, and thrown away.

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Hmph. I'm a replica. I'm a clone of some guy named 'Ion', and was supposed to die when they found me weaker than the original was. It's why I hate everyone because when my useability is gone, I'm deemed worthless, and thrown away.

Yup,you remind me more and more of Roxas.

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And just who the heck is this 'Roxas' guy?! If he's another Replica, then I'll kill him! There's no point in having us Replicas around.

Not kill him! Get it memorized?

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