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he`s talking about Tales of the Abyss.



Hmm. I do remember one of the engineers saying it would be finished shortly after our goal would be complete, by his estimates. We should grab Luke on the way.


and still not going~

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(Looks at you, dead in the eyes.) Oh? Is that so? Would you care to find out what happens to those that I don't agree with?


I could always beat him in the head with a pretty stick or transforn. (My sig)


Now wait a minute you two! Jade, she doesn't need to find out! and Sora's Baby,please don't attack him!

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Good. *takes phone* Now to see if I can make a call.

Now wait a minute you two! Jade, she doesn't need to find out! and Sora's Baby,please don't attack him!


Fine,I won't hit.

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