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Oh god, they have kids?!


Haha~ That's funny right there.



and what's THAT supposed to mean :angry: it didn't happen yet...


Hahaha~ Whatcha so mad about?

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It's just, seeing you two with children would mean I would have to go hide up in Nebilim's Crag. It's like two annoyances rolled up into one big ball.



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Oh, and mystical girl with skimpy clothing, you're coming with us. Why? Because I feel like I want another person to experiment on. One can only get so far with five others...


stop talking about her clothes...and don't "experiment" on her,or i'll tell Natalia that you HATE Kimlasca


Edited by MiontheDemon

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(Shrugs) I'm not afraid of Natalia. She already knows that I experiment on any monsters we kill. As if she's going to go up to me and nag at me for an hour.


Well Jade,I think I have heard quite enough of your nonsense!

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(Fixes glasses) Quite. Though I do suggest we actually head off to Grand Chokmah. I have something to report to His Majesty, and you should come. It involves you...in a way.


Please do shut up. *puts hood*

Let's fight!

La vittoria o morte!

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(Fixes glasses) Quite. Though I do suggest we actually head off to Grand Chokmah. I have something to report to His Majesty, and you should come. It involves you...in a way.


i'm scared..i need my Luke...

Please do shut up. *puts hood*

Let's fight!

La vittoria o morte!


I take it that you don't like Jade

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I take it that you don't like Jade


*takes out hidden-blade

Lady, I do not think that you were a part of this. *pushes her away

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Oh, you again. Bah, off with you. You'll get nothing from fighting me....except some serious burns.


You're the kind of resistant person aren't you? I would like to partner up with you. If not I go on my way.




Idiota è stupida! Ti brucerai all'inferno come io ti ammazzo! Sarete arrestati dal vuoto della morte!

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You're the kind of resistant person aren't you? I would like to partner up with you. If not I go on my way.


Idiota è stupida! Ti brucerai all'inferno come io ti ammazzo! Sarete arrestati dal vuoto della morte!


In English then,"You stupid idiot! You'll burn in hell as I kill you! You will be arrested by the emptiness of death!" Get your weak sauce outta here

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In English then,"You stupid idiot! You'll burn in hell as I kill you! You will be arrested by the emptiness of death!" Get your weak sauce outta here


Ah,what the heak happened!

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