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Noby Raghavan

What should be added in or improved in KH3?

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Just a little topic I started addressing what could be "made better" in KH3.

O.K, so...


Storyline: I trust Nomura with this, I just really want...

-Every loose end to be explained. (Explain the X-blade's purpose, clarify the Keyblade War, and generally end everything without any plot holes.)

-Jimminy should talk a little more. xD He's dead silent in most of the games!

-More TWEWY cameo's, and perhaps other Square game cameos other than FF. (I'd like to see Lightning though!)

-Pixar world, please. Also, maybe Tangled? I loved that movie. Plus, I want to see a Lilo and Stitch world. (And not Deep space! I want to see Lilo.)

-Sora and Kairi's relationship needs to go deeper into romance. Also, they should share a paopu fruit!

-There needs to be a really sad and a really tear-jerking part in KH3

-That is then nullified by a perfect and beautiful ending giving EVERYONE a happy ending.



-I really just want Sora's voice actor to lower his pitch to his natural octave. xD He always sounds like he's taking it up and octave too high...Sora's a teenager too ya know?!

-If there is a Tangled, or other Disney movie of that nature added, I'd love to hear them singing their theme. (Not a KH2 Little Mermaid musical disaster, but maybe an acapella of them singing. =D)


Graphics: I want the art style to stay the same, but...

- I want more details, a step towards more new. gen graphics, (keep the character models, but add more details. Make the skin more realistic, make the hair look like strands of hair rather than clumps of hair, things like that.) more natural looking motion and walking, and elimination of generic face talking. (Where their mouth's move but their facial expression doesn't. That robotic face movement thing. xD)

-Fix the turn around and walk thing. In KH, when a character turns around, they shuffle around in spot like a robot, and then turn and walk. People don't move like that! They turn AS they walk. =P

-More moving backgrounds and lighting effects. It'd be cool if occasionally a leaf blew across the background, or a window creaked open in Traverse town, or in Radiant Garden if the sun occasionally flared and shone across the character. (And make the sky look, like a sky! In KH2 if you went to that other mode where you view the field through your character's eyes, if you looked up, the sky looked like...a dome.)

-Make every cut-scene gorgeous, no half crapped stuff. Also, can we eliminate cut-scenes that aren't voice-acted? Every cut-scene should be, only in-field interactions shouldn't be voiced. (Although if they were voiced, it would be awesome.)

-The Disney character's models...some of them look off. In BBS, the dwarfs and Hercules's eyes look strange and flat. Same with some of the aliens in Deep Space, and then again in KH3D (at least in the trailers), Jimminy looks off as well. In KH2, Timon and Pumba looked off as well.

-There should be one place where the background artist's get to go all out, so when you walk in you go, "Holy crap that is beautiful." xD



-Make the lock-on system smart! xD Seriously, make the lock-on system take into consideration enemy distance AND enemy strength. If a enemy a couple a feet away is killing me, please don't lock onto the pot an inch away from me!

-Make the camera omnipresent. Meaning, make it so the camera can see through anything blocking the view between the camera and the character, that way we can always see what's happening!

-Combine the battle system from BBS and KH:3D's flowmotion, and keep the reaction commands from KH2, but make them once in a while things. In KH2, they were really repetitive! I think they'd work better if they popped up only once in a battle or something.

-Assign a whole team to make the mini-games ACTUALLY interesting, (I think they will be in KH3D, but I haven't played it, so I have no idea yet.)

- I actually really loved in Hollow Bastion the puzzle's there. More portions where we actually had to think really hard would be nice, but if people wanted to you could have an in game hint system at that portion.

-In KH, the big climax gameplay wise was Hollow Bastion and End of the Worlds. The gameplay got really fast-paced and the action went up! In KH2, there was no real climax like that. There was the World That Never Was, but only at the very very end of that world did the action escalate. KH3 should have a huge climax like KH1, to keep your heart pumping and your mind racing at the end.


What do you think should be added in KH3?

Edited by Noby Raghavan

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Just a little topic I started addressing what could be "made better" in KH3.

O.K, so...


Storyline: I trust Nomura with this, I just really want...

-Every loose end to be explained.

-Jimminy should talk a little more. xD He's dead silent in most of the games!

-More TWEWY cameo's, and perhaps other Square game cameos other than FF. (I'd like to see Lightning though!)

-Pixar world, please. Also, maybe Tangled? I loved that movie. Plus, I want to see a Lilo and Stitch world. (And not Deep space! I want to see Lilo.)

-Sora and Kairi's relationship needs to go deeper into romance. Also, they should share a paopu fruit!

-There needs to be a really sad and a really tear-jerking part in KH3

-That is then nullified by a perfect and beautiful ending giving EVERYONE a happy ending.



-I really just want Sora's voice actor to lower his pitch to his natural octave. xD He always sounds like he's taking it up and octave too high...Sora's a teenager too ya know?!

-If there is a Tangled, or other Disney movie of that nature added, I'd love to hear them singing their theme. (Not a KH2 Little Mermaid musical disaster, but maybe an acapella of them singing. =D)


Graphics: I want the art style to stay the same, but...

- I want more details, more natural looking motion and walking, and elimination of generic face talking. (Where their mouth's move but their facial expression doesn't. That robotic face movement thing. xD)

-Fix the turn around and walk thing. In KH, when a character turns around, they shuffle around in spot like a robot, and then turn and walk. People don't move like that! They turn AS they walk. =P

-More moving backgrounds and lighting effects. It'd be cool if occasionally a leaf blew across the background, or a window creaked open in Traverse town, or in Radiant Garden if the sun occasionally flared and shone across the character. (And make the sky look, like a sky! In KH2 if you went to that other mode where you view the field through your character's eyes, if you looked up, the sky looked like...a dome.)

-Make every cut-scene gorgeous, no half crapped stuff. Also, can we eliminate cut-scenes that aren't voice-acted? Every cut-scene should be, only in-field interactions shouldn't be voiced. (Although if they were voiced, it would be awesome.)

-The Disney character's models...some of them look off. In BBS, the dwarfs and Hercules's eyes look strange and flat. Same with some of the aliens in Deep Space, and then again in KH3D (at least in the trailers), Jimminy looks off as well. In KH2, Timon and Pumba looked off as well.

-There should be one place where the background artist's get to go all out, so when you walk in you go, "Holy crap that is beautiful." xD



-Make the lock-on system smart! xD Seriously, make the lock-on system take into consideration enemy distance AND enemy strength. If a enemy a couple a feet away is killing me, please don't lock onto the pot an inch away from me!

-Make the camera omnipresent. Meaning, make it so the camera can see through anything blocking the view between the camera and the character, that way we can always see what's happening!

-Combine the battle system from BBS and KH:3D's flowmotion, and keep the reaction commands from KH2, but make them once in a while things. In KH2, they were really repetitive! I think they'd work better if they popped up only once in a battle or something.

-Assign a whole team to make the mini-games ACTUALLY interesting, (I think they will be in KH3D, but I haven't played it, so I have no idea yet.)

- I actually really loved in Hollow Bastion the puzzle's there. More portions where we actually had to think really hard would be nice, but if people wanted to you could have an in game hint system at that portion.

-In KH, the big climax gameplay wise was Hollow Bastion and End of the Worlds. The gameplay got really fast-paced and the action went up! In KH2, there was no real climax like that. There was the World That Never Was, but only at the very very end of that world did the action escalate. KH3 should have a huge climax like KH1, to keep your heart pumping and your mind racing at the end.


What do you think should be added in KH3?


Yes, I agree with every single thing you just said.



I think that as long as they add a 3 after Kingdom Hearts, that will be enough.


They did, then they added a "D" after that.

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All bosses being able to heal and better AI for Donald and Goofy


-winces- Maybe strategical healing? (I have trouble beating the bosses as it is.) (Like, if the boss begins some sort of thing he'll be about to heal unless you somehow break it) But, definitely better AI. They kinda suck. xD Donald refuses to heal me in my tight spots, and Goofy never attacks when I need him to, (Which is when I can't attack for whatever reason and he can.) I'd also like it if some of the party members specific to worlds could replace Donald. All of them were attack-based, and having at least one magic based one would provide a different feel.

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Yes I love the Lilo and stitch world idea I gotta support my under appreciated islander culture (even though I'm Samoan xD) and the very last KH game needs to have intimidating enemies. Not the cartoonish heartless, dream eaters or unversed. Something more like the Nobodies, they were definately my favorite enemies. I like the heartless and stuff in the first games, Sora being very young and all, but I think along with Sora maturing, the last enemies should also mature and be intimidating.

Edited by VIIth angel

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Yes I love the Lilo and stitch world idea I gotta support my under appreciated islander culture (even though I'm Samoan xD) and the very last KH game needs to have intimidating enemies. Not the cartoonish heartless, dream eaters or unversed. Something more like the Nobodies, they were definately my favorite enemies. I like the heartless and stuff in the first games, Sora being very young and all, but I think along with Sora maturing, the last enemies should also mature and be intimidating.


I actually like the Heartless and the Nobodies. xD I agree there should be some new more mature ones, but the original ones bring on a sense of...nostalgia. =P

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I'd like for the ability to use forms again. It's not fair that the frickin awesome forms are only on KH2! I want to get the chance to use the Final Form in KH3! Or maybe an even more powerful form! o_o


They probably will, unless Sora changes his outfit once again. xD

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I just want the MOST BADASS KH GAME OF ALL TIME!!!!!!

Spoiler Alert (Kind of)



But judging from 3Ds ending Donald and Goofy might not be needed in KH3 if you know what i mean.

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i might want a little darker, not deaths, but, as you age it seems like theres alot more drama, problems, you get more responsiblitys the world gets a little harder, riku sora and kairi are growing up alot it would be cool if the series grew with them, and maybe if soras caracter grew a little, i mean, hes always gonna be loveable sora a bit of a goof, but kairi and riku have gotten "makeovers" all soras done is his face has matured hes gotten taller and his hair a bit lighter, it would be intresting if he got a little layers, and with the dark becomes light light becomes dark..i wonder if that will happen, xehanorts a tricky manipulitive bastard, maybe he messes with the darkness in soras heart (hes no ven or princess of heart he does have a little) and hijacks his mark of mastery exam, and through out the game it makes sora realize that he doesnt need a title like master to be a hero a keyblade weilder,....idk what i was thinking thats horrible...its just riku has delt with alot of internal drama, and kairi probably has too she had to realize wateing wasnt good enough , she had to fight too...her caracter grew some as well hopefully will grow more, sora would bounce back fast, but i think he still has alot to grow/...

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