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KH2 Did Saix and Xigbar Feel Like 'Major' Villains in KH2 to You?

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Honestly, to me they didn't. They felt like higher up grunts to Xemnas, who didn't really know what was going on. They really don't seem to mesh with how they are portrayed afterwards at all. Especially Xigbar, who gave no hintsa about actually being important in that game.

Just seemed a little odd to me.

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That's the best part about it. It was unexpected, but at the same time believable. But, there was a small hint. Xigbar had said early on in Kingdom Hearts 2 that he had faced Keyblade wielders in the past. Then when you see the secret ending of Kingdom Hearts 2 and you could possibly figure out that maybe Xigbar faced them, which he did.

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think of it all that KH just has expanded way to much

first they had KH1, then came days and com, then KH2, the suddenly a prequel called BBS, then a sequel called coded and the again a sequel called 3D( probably put wrong)

it is impossible to let everything flow together perfect at this point

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think of it all that KH just has expanded way to much

first they had KH1, then came days and com, then KH2, the suddenly a prequel called BBS, then a sequel called coded and the again a sequel called 3D( probably put wrong)

it is impossible to let everything flow together perfect at this point



They released KH1, then a sequel, CoM, then a sequel, KH2, then Days, a game that covered that time between KH1 adn 2 from another perspective. Then BBS was released, a prequel to that. Then a sequel, Coded. And now another sequel, Dream Drop Distance.

Seems pretty straightforward to me. It's basically a bunch of sequels except BBS and Days jumped backwards in time to explain some stuff vital to the next games.

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Honestly, to me they didn't. They felt like higher up grunts to Xemnas, who didn't really know what was going on. They really don't seem to mesh with how they are portrayed afterwards at all. Especially Xigbar, who gave no hintsa about actually being important in that game.

Just seemed a little odd to me.


Actually in kh2 xigbar seemed to know a hell of a lot more then any of the other org members

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Ya actually Xigbar was one of the only ones with yellow eyes and he said- "But maaaan did it pick a dud this time (speaking of the keyblade

)You dont look like half the hero the others were" hinting at others.


Yes, he hinted at others.


He doesn't feel like a major villain.

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Yes, he hinted at others.


He doesn't feel like a major villain.


The truth is, He wasn't, He didn't do anything worth that of a major villain in KH2. And its not surprising since he did enough in the other games to make up for it. My point was that he said enough to make it clear that he was cut above the other organization members.

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Actually, the first time I played through, I thought Saix was more of a main villain than Xemnas, if only because he has more camera time and seems to be more proactive in the plot. Xigbar, not so much.

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They released KH1, then a sequel, CoM, then a sequel, KH2, then Days, a game that covered that time between KH1 adn 2 from another perspective. Then BBS was released, a prequel to that. Then a sequel, Coded. And now another sequel, Dream Drop Distance.

Seems pretty straightforward to me. It's basically a bunch of sequels except BBS and Days jumped backwards in time to explain some stuff vital to the next games.


so you try to say that a sequel can't go wrong?

with the overuse of sequels there now are tremendous plot holes..

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so you try to say that a sequel can't go wrong?

with the overuse of sequels there now are tremendous plot holes..


I can;t think of a single plot hole in KH, to be honest.

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I can;t think of a single plot hole in KH, to be honest.


the whole thing with xehanorts new plan is a plot hole in my opinion,

the fact he tried making the x-blade with knowing it was useless is a plot hole

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