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KH3D Bit of News for PAL Territories

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Probably the most contributive thread I've made lately but seems Nintendo and Square Enix signed a deal that involves the sales, marketing and distribution for Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance across Europe, Australia and New Zealand.




Basically Nintendo are wholey in charge of advertising and distributing KH3D in Europe and hopefully it'll be of benefit to Square Enix since I believe it isn't being localised in some languages!

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Germany be gettin' the AR cards aswell. :3


Are they?

Good for them, but damn why can't England get something. >.< That means France and Germany (two of the three European countries the game is being localised in) get something as a pre-order but we don't. :c


Anyway, I'm glad about the whole Nintendo thing. But if KH ever ends up on a Nintendo home console (Wii U. -.-) I won't be happy. :L

Edited by Xalaru

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Are they?

Good for them, but damn why can't England get something. >.< That means France and Germany (two of the three European countries the game is being localised in) get something as a pre-order but we don't. :c


Germany's Amazon page was updated today with the info, so it's a matter of time before they announce it everywhere else. :3

Edited by Kishira

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Germany's Amazon page was updated today with the info, so it's a matter of time before they announce it everywhere else. :3


Fair enough, sounds good. :3 I guess even if England don't get something, it's still good that some Europeans are. But yeah, hoping for the best~

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Germany be gettin' the AR cards aswell. :3


Of course they are, according to Square Enix, the most important people in the world besides the Japanese are English, Fench and German Europeans.

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i think its really interesting that Nintendo is handling the distribution and advertising of KH3D,i think that they have the knowledge to attract a lot of attention to their products and use the media to advertise a JRPG to the western audience :) I hope its beneficial for KH3D

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Are they?

Good for them, but damn why can't England get something. >.< That means France and Germany (two of the three European countries the game is being localised in) get something as a pre-order but we don't. :c


Anyway, I'm glad about the whole Nintendo thing. But if KH ever ends up on a Nintendo home console (Wii U. -.-) I won't be happy. :L


I've been thinking the same thing, Ireland get the same bonuses as the UK and I have already pre-ordered my copy and I was told by the guys in Gamestop that there has been no news of a bonus yet, though they did say I would get it if there was one to be announced before the release date. That and I keep checking Amazon and the only thing that has changed is the price went up by like £5 xD

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So Nintendo is the guilty of the game in Europe. That means it's it fault that there won't be KH 3D in Spanish and Italian. They have spoil my summer :'S

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So Nintendo is the guilty of the game in Europe. That means it's it fault that there won't be KH 3D in Spanish and Italian. They have spoil my summer :'S


But Nintendo isn't doing the translations, right?

It's just marketing and distribution, that means it'll be way cheaper for Square Enix to bring KH3D in europe.

And that way, Nintendo will also do this for KH3 on Wii U, if that happen.

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I think this is a very good thing. Square Enix messed things up royally with the European localization, so hopefully Nintendo will handle things nicely.


And if they - as narrow as this possibility is - decide to do their own localization, then I wouldn't care if the Keyblade is referred to with female pronouns (for the record, considering most things in Italian have gendered pronouns, the Keyblade is canonically referred to as a male).


Nintendo, save this game for everyone who isn't as lucky as KH fans who know English, like me. (Because leaving Theatrhythm and KH3D untranslated, only to give both localized subs AND voice acting to Heroes Of Ruin, is just a shame, hands down.)

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Because leaving Theatrhythm and KH3D untranslated, only to give both localized subs AND voice acting to Heroes Of Ruin, is just a shame, hands down.


What I know is that Theatrhythm HAS Spanish and Italian subs

but I'm angry, too .....KH has no Spanish an Italian subs, but Heroes of Ruin has localized dub (heard it in the demo)


and you can't put all the blame to Nintendo because localization is Square Enix's decision like Kouriozan said

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I didn't mean to blame anything on Nintendo, I was just saying that Heroes Of Ruin got the undeserved shilling that should have been placed on Theatrhythm and KH3D.


About Theatrhythm's lack of localization, by the way, the eShop lists the languages available for it as "English" alone (and "English - German - French" for KH3D).


What I meant was, Nintendo could do something (like releasing a patch) in order to give the game translated text. Didn't blame anything on Nintendo in the first place.

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About Theatrhythm's lack of localization, by the way, the eShop lists the languages available for it as "English" alone (and "English - German - French" for KH3D).

maybe this are the available languages for the demo?

but when I think about SEs localization policy ....Theatrhythm would be English only ....but the need of subs for this game isn't THAT important because the most of time you play the music tracks

but for DDD it's really the worst thing...starting with dub and ends with not even subs

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As I mentioned in the other thread specifically about the localization, while I'm not mad for myself as I can understand English and generally don't care for dubs as I couldn't even think of KH without English voices, I feel awful for anyone who won't even properly understand the tutorial because of his or her lack of knowledge of the language. Also, if Spain and Italy won't, I don't see why Germany and France got localized text in the first place.

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Also, if Spain and Italy won't, I don't see why Germany and France got localized text in the first place.


Ask Square Enix....

but I could ask the same for Chrono Trigger DS (why only French subs), Dissidia 012 (why only localized sub for Story Mode) etc


I'm able to understand English, but for enjoying a game...I prefer at least subs in my language, but It would be better when dub is available or to have the choice between English and Japanese voices


and it felt like a kick in the ass when SE Europe mentioned the "great cast" (English voices of course) of DDD because a lot of people want a dub in their own language and for every new KH game you can read: "dub available?" "I hope there'll be dub" although all should know that it won't be any available

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Alas, all we can hope for now is a patch. After all, given the font and related data is already programmed in, a translation of the script as well as localized text wouldn't take much space, so...

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Nintendo does this with every major third-party game that comes to Europe. If I'm not mistaken, they did this with the two Resident Evil titles and Heroes of Ruin too. Nothing to see here.

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