Jackho 8 Posted June 21, 2012 Final Fantasy XIII really does have no redeeming qualities whatsoever. The characters are poorly designed, idiotic, bland, annoying and completely unoriginal. Sazh is Barret (stereotypical, gun wielding black man who's main inspiration & motive is their child). Snow is Zell but somehow even more obnoxious. Fang is Freya. Lightning is Squall/Cloud (as in the angsty bitch that cloud has become, not the smug badass he originally was). Serah is a Mary Sue. I would say Vanille is Rikku (who, in turn, is Selphie), but it needs to be said that Vanille is by far the worst incarnation of the ditsy annoying bitch archetype I've ever seen. The combat is truly horrendous, one of the worst systems ever conceived, if not THE worst. The summon system sucks. The equipment system sucks. The linearity sucks. The pacing sucks. The crystarium really, really sucks. None of the music has that same energy as the older titles (entirely due to the fact that Nobuo Uematsu wasn't involved). The story isn't the worst, but it's far from capable of carrying the game on it's own. I can go into more detail if you want. Let's start with my most hated aspect; the combat. It plays itself. It's built for god damn idiots. You can only control one character for no real reason, and the game ends if they die. So you'd think the other characters would prioritize your health, right? Well it just so happens that the AI is monumentally really cool. The Medic AI most of all. Medic is possibly the most important role since it's the only one who can really pull you out when shit hits the fan, and it's in the hands of an AI I can't tell what to do. This is a gargantuan defect in the battle system, and to be honest it's really the only one that breaks the game. Most bosses have at least one immensely powerful attack that can send your whole team into critical health. Unless your leader just happens to have the lowest HP you're already firetrucked though, since medics will only ever target the character closest to death and more often than not results in the leader being killed by the next attack. Why the actual firetruck is it programmed this way if you get a game over when the leader dies? Because of that you should ALWAYS have top priority, at least when your health is low enough to be wiped out by any attack. Then there's the raise ability. Why did they even bother? If you die your medic can't revive you, and if he dies well obviously he can't revive himself either. So this ability is only there for this ignorant pansy firetruck of a third character who always gets priority over the one person who actually firetrucking matters: the player. Furthermore they will never even cast raise unless both remaining characters are at 100% health, and it never uses esuna (gets rid of status ailments) unless you're at full health either. So if you're firetrucking poisoned instead of curing you then healing they just firetrucking repeatedly cast cure to no end. Bizarre. Sadly it's not just the medics that are bloody stupid though. When you have another commando they ALWAYS attack whatever I'm not targeting. This is clearly intended and easy to work around, but why the bloody firetruck can't I decide whether to focus fire or spread out? All it would take is one button. The battle system constantly reminds you that you're not allowed to decide how you want to play the game. Ravagers force you to cast Libra to let the AI know how to not be a really cool mess, as they will go through every single spell they have in order to find out which does the most damage before focusing on it. This would be alright if not for the fact that the enemy's weakness is blatantly obvious 90% of the time. If I was in control I wouldn't need to cast Fire on the flame demon 6 times to deduce whether it's effective or not. Even when you do get the enemy staggered the AI still doesn't cease to be firetrucking stupid. I'm obviously going to want to use launch or aeroga(however it's spelt) to render them defenceless, but the AI will outright refuse to do so most of the time, always picking that moment to cast ruin instead of attacking or a different spell. Saboteur is one of the most frustrating. I'm obviously going to want to cast daze or pain whenever they're available, but of course the AI think's it's a better idea to decrease it's attack power rather than disabling it's firetrucking attack entirely. Sabs are also the only class other than commando who can keep the enemy's stagger bar up, so it would be also be nice to use a combination of MED/SYN/SAB or something similar when I'm hurt, to heal, buff and debuff at once while still keeping the enemy's stagger up. Sadly, once the debuffs are all active the Sab decides to sit and do nothing rather than keeping the enemy staggered regardless. Many, many stagger bars were lost thanks to this. I really don't know what the firetruck they were thinking when designing the Synergist, considering it's possibly the easiest class to not firetruck up stupendously. For some unholy reson the Synergist always buffs the 3rd party member first (i.e not you), then the leader, then himself. WHY? It doesn't firetrucking matter if dipshit #3 dies, the game ends if I die and the synergists themselves (Sazh and especially Hope) have by far the lowest HP and die very easily if not buffed. On top of the AI being brain dead every single battle plays out identically, starting with a commando or saboteur with two ravagers, stagger, go all out. Take damage, just switch to medic. Tough enemy? Just buff yourself first. No variety or strategy required beyond the first few bosses. To make it even worse several bosses have millions upon millions of HP and drag on forever. Considering the commando is the only class that moves, that's a long ass time to sit watching a few characters grunt and flail their arms about. Especially when the boss is likely to target your leader with a cheap one-shot-kill attack at any moment. Which happens a lot. The summon system couldn't possibly be any more bland. Why not keep FFX's system? X's was superior in just about every way, X's Aeons were directly controlled by the player and had their own abilities, limit breaks and improvable levels/stats. Each new Aeon felt like a new character and a valuable asset to the team. XIII's eidolons are almost useless entirely and were barely explained (story-wise). They provided little more than an annoying boss battle. Plus the transforming vehicle thing was really, really firetrucking dumb. The equipment system. In the other games it was just a case of getting the next best weapon(although in X weapons were defined by their special abilities and had identical damage output for the most part, another reason they should have kept X's formula), but the armor you found generally had unique uses and would aid you against specific enemies. In XIII the vast majority of accessories are completely useless, and each character's starting weapon was their best as it was generally the most balanced and focused on the characters main strengths, whereas the rest of the weapons focused on one area and was severely crippled in others making it pretty damn useless if you actually plan on getting anywhere. The upgrade system was dull, why not just level the weapon I'm using instead of making me collect and convert materials to do the same thing? Not a huge problem, but a problem nonetheless. Oh god the Linearity. When FFX came out it was the most linear game in the series, but it still had splitting paths, open areas and varied environments with the (beautiful) scenery changing every couple of hours at least. XIII on the other hand is a single, straight path from A to B in the same repetitive, grey hallways with the odd "hidden" chest here and there. It's not just the poor level design either, the monsters you face and the battles themselves are already set in stone, even the crystarium is linear and limits how strong you can get in an attempt to stay challenging. What the hell kind of RPG has a linear skill tree? For most of the game you aren't even allowed to choose your party. The Crystarium offered so little choice it may as well not even be there, we would be better off with just a notification every now and then saying you have unlocked such and such an ability. Setting up materia was one of the better things of VII, and customization is pretty much a requirement of RPGs. As much as I disliked the sphere grid it at least let you develop your characters however you want. Also it shouldn't have been 3D, it just made what was practically a straight line needlessly hard to navigate No towns or NPCs either. A lot of people say "Well they're on the run, the couldn't walk through a town" but that's bullshit. Part of VI and disc 1 on IX had you on the run, but you could still explore towns because they characters weren't firetrucking stupid and stayed subtle. If XIII's cast of twats didn't insist on displaying their L'Cie brands so prominently they could have easily explored some villages and the residents would be none the wiser. They could have even turned it into a sort of minigame with a dialogue system where you can be found out by asking the NPCs shitty questions or something. The pacing. So much time is spent endlessly slaughtering the same soldiers over and over. The first ~25 hours consist of running down the same hallways and hardly anything substantial happens plot-wise until you fight Barthandelus, and afterwards there's a little under 10 hours of the characters being unsure of what to do next and end up just wandering about and not doing anything in particular. The characters actions and motives never have any weight behind them. One early part in a forest with Lightning & Hope in particular made me want to bang my head against the wall. The same copy/pasted level just went on and on with several cutscenes explaining that Hope is an angsty bitch and Lightning is indecisive. I don't give a bloody firetruck, just do something already. Hope absolutely refused to confront Snow about his mother's death for no reason other than to pad out the game. Constantly collapsing to the ground to whine and moan. I somehow forgot to mention him before, but Hope is an irredeemably bad character, easily one of the worst in the series. Now that I think about it, all 6 main characters have little to no backstory either. It flashed back to the 13 days way too often and tried too hard to build up an overall uninteresting coincidence(all characters being in the same place 13 days prior to meeting) with needlessly long and complex cutscenes. It would have been infinitely better if the cutscenes were implemented into the gameplay somehow, as they are they're dull, monotonous, always needlessly long and rarely actually meaningful or important. Most of the villains are thrown in from out of the blue too, why the hell weren't these people introduced a few hours ago when absolutely nothing was happening? They could've at least tried harder to give us some direction. So yeah, Final Fantasy XIII is a horrible game in every aspect. Rant over. 5 Isaix, P50L, DG20 and 2 others reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Khrulesbbs 574 Posted June 21, 2012 Cool story i read the title got bored and i just thought i should tell u how boring it was 13 SinHeartlessAngel, HarLea Quinn, joku760 and 10 others reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CjmonXIII 110 Posted June 21, 2012 (edited) you mad bro? Edited June 21, 2012 by CjmonXIII 1 esumsoraroxas reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HarLea Quinn 26,501 Posted June 21, 2012 Cool story i read the title got bored and i just thought i should tell u how boring it was I lol'd at this 2 Robbie the Wise and Khrulesbbs reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CrownKeeper13 688 Posted June 21, 2012 (edited) You must be high. I have the game and i love it. IMO, it's pretty damn good. Edited June 21, 2012 by CrownKeeper13 4 XIIISwords, Keyblade Master Xoncron, Queen Tery and 1 other reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wally 18 Posted June 21, 2012 "This game made me so angry I wrote an essay about why it made me angry." This made me lol. It's absolutely hilarious how much strife this game creates between its fans. I've played through Final Fantasy XIII myself. Wasn't great, but wasn't that bad either. I've played many games that have elicited that reaction from me. If I don't like a game, I'll know it within the first few hours of playing and simply stop playing. 3 lizzie1238, esumsoraroxas and TheApprenticeofKingMickey reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darklunatic 81 Posted June 21, 2012 (edited) lol i feel the same as you on points but thats becous im so used to the orginal FF games i didint like all teh tech and such they added into ff13 Edited June 21, 2012 by darklunatic Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WakingDawn96 1,166 Posted June 21, 2012 This is my response to anyone who doesnt think Final Fantasy XIII is a good game : file:///C:/Users/Sherri/Videos/New%20folder%20(7.2)/tumblr_m4yxxuKrJn1r5rnpr[1].gif Final Fantasy XIII is the first game that I played that was Final Fantasy and got me into the game series. I finally just defeated the boss I was stuck on and I am so happy about it because it took two months. I am going to finish this game for the plot, and Leona Lewis is just a reward for finishing it. 1 XIIISwords reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jackho 8 Posted June 21, 2012 (edited) Cool story i read the title got bored and i just thought i should tell u how boring it was Much like the game, amiright? Whatever man, nice yaoi signature. You must be high. I have the game and i love it. If you ask me, it's one of the best games ever made. And what exactly did you like about it? You're free to like the game of course, I've just been a huge FF fan all my life and am merely comparing it to the previous installments which I believe are vastly superior in every way and are much more deserving of XIII's praise, success and sequels. Edited June 21, 2012 by Jackho Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xXVentusfanXx 33 Posted June 21, 2012 well its wayy better than sonic 06 cant get much worse than that Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CrownKeeper13 688 Posted June 21, 2012 well its wayy better than sonic 06 cant get much worse than that Superman 64. Nuff said. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tails 6,692 Posted June 21, 2012 Guys, quite bashing on the guy. it's his opinion. he's entitled to say what he thinks about the game. it shouldn't affect how you all view the game. 2 axele and esumsoraroxas reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Leaxel 178 Posted June 21, 2012 Tops Sonic 06 and Duke Nukem forever, THOSE ARE THE WORST GAMES EVER MADE. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Khrulesbbs 574 Posted June 21, 2012 im not bashing him its his opinion i just got bored cuz there soo much to read Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wondermeow523 161 Posted June 21, 2012 did you really write this whole thing just to bash a game -__- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jackho 8 Posted June 21, 2012 Guys, quite bashing on the guy. it's his opinion. he's entitled to say what he thinks about the game. it shouldn't affect how you all view the game. Let them be, this is hardly "bashing". As of yet I haven't even received anything close to a counter argument. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tails 6,692 Posted June 21, 2012 did you really write this whole thing just to bash a game -__- Well, I would hardly call it "bashing" the game. it's more like stating opinions of what he thinks of the game. He's just pointing out the pros and cons of the game. The AI are just mindless and plain idiotic. the gameplay is itself is like Mario bros. you just move forward and just hit enemies along the way. it gets really dull and repetititve after a while. I have played the game and I got bored of it really fast because of this. Everything in it was just...terrible gamelay wise. the story on the other hand is great in my opinion. I find the story to be much better than FF X-2, and XII's stories. Which to me were just boring and uninteresting. Especially XII's story. Though I have to admit, this feels more like a review than a rant to tell you the truth. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rob 5,571 Posted June 21, 2012 I hate FF 13-2 for numerous reasons. 3 XIIISwords, DG20 and Xail reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nic2134 54 Posted June 21, 2012 Final Fantasy XIII really does have no redeeming qualities whatsoever. The characters are poorly designed, idiotic, bland, annoying and completely unoriginal. Sazh is Barret (stereotypical, gun wielding black man who's main inspiration & motive is their child). Snow is Zell but somehow even more obnoxious. Fang is Freya. Lightning is Squall/Cloud (as in the angsty bitch that cloud has become, not the smug badass he originally was). Serah is a Mary Sue. I would say Vanille is Rikku (who, in turn, is Selphie), but it needs to be said that Vanille is by far the worst incarnation of the ditsy annoying bitch archetype I've ever seen. The combat is truly horrendous, one of the worst systems ever conceived, if not THE worst. The summon system sucks. The equipment system sucks. The linearity sucks. The pacing sucks. The crystarium really, really sucks. None of the music has that same energy as the older titles (entirely due to the fact that Nobuo Uematsu wasn't involved). The story isn't the worst, but it's far from capable of carrying the game on it's own. I can go into more detail if you want. Let's start with my most hated aspect; the combat. It plays itself. It's built for god damn retards. You can only control one character for no real reason, and the game ends if they die. So you'd think the other characters would prioritize your health, right? Well it just so happens that the AI is monumentally awesome. The Medic AI most of all. Medic is possibly the most important role since it's the only one who can really pull you out when shit hits the fan, and it's in the hands of an AI I can't tell what to do. This is a gargantuan defect in the battle system, and to be honest it's really the only one that breaks the game. Most bosses have at least one immensely powerful attack that can send your whole team into critical health. Unless your leader just happens to have the lowest HP you're already firetrucked though, since medics will only ever target the character closest to death and more often than not results in the leader being killed by the next attack. Why the actual firetruck is it programmed this way if you get a game over when the leader dies? Because of that you should ALWAYS have top priority, at least when your health is low enough to be wiped out by any attack. Then there's the raise ability. Why did they even bother? If you die your medic can't revive you, and if he dies well obviously he can't revive himself either. So this ability is only there for this ignorant pansy firetruck of a third character who always gets priority over the one person who actually firetrucking matters: the player. Furthermore they will never even cast raise unless both remaining characters are at 100% health, and it never uses esuna (gets rid of status ailments) unless you're at full health either. So if you're firetrucking poisoned instead of curing you then healing they just firetrucking repeatedly cast cure to no end. Bizarre. Sadly it's not just the medics that are bloody stupid though. When you have another commando they ALWAYS attack whatever I'm not targeting. This is clearly intended and easy to work around, but why the bloody firetruck can't I decide whether to focus fire or spread out? All it would take is one button. The battle system constantly reminds you that you're not allowed to decide how you want to play the game. Ravagers force you to cast Libra to let the AI know how to not be a awesome mess, as they will go through every single spell they have in order to find out which does the most damage before focusing on it. This would be alright if not for the fact that the enemy's weakness is blatantly obvious 90% of the time. If I was in control I wouldn't need to cast Fire on the flame demon 6 times to deduce whether it's effective or not. Even when you do get the enemy staggered the AI still doesn't cease to be firetrucking stupid. I'm obviously going to want to use launch or aeroga(however it's spelt) to render them defenceless, but the AI will outright refuse to do so most of the time, always picking that moment to cast ruin instead of attacking or a different spell. Saboteur is one of the most frustrating. I'm obviously going to want to cast daze or pain whenever they're available, but of course the AI think's it's a better idea to decrease it's attack power rather than disabling it's firetrucking attack entirely. Sabs are also the only class other than commando who can keep the enemy's stagger bar up, so it would be also be nice to use a combination of MED/SYN/SAB or something similar when I'm hurt, to heal, buff and debuff at once while still keeping the enemy's stagger up. Sadly, once the debuffs are all active the Sab decides to sit and do nothing rather than keeping the enemy staggered regardless. Many, many stagger bars were lost thanks to this. I really don't know what the firetruck they were thinking when designing the Synergist, considering it's possibly the easiest class to not firetruck up stupendously. For some unholy reson the Synergist always buffs the 3rd party member first (i.e not you), then the leader, then himself. WHY? It doesn't firetrucking matter if dipshit #3 dies, the game ends if I die and the synergists themselves (Sazh and especially Hope) have by far the lowest HP and die very easily if not buffed. On top of the AI being brain dead every single battle plays out identically, starting with a commando or saboteur with two ravagers, stagger, go all out. Take damage, just switch to medic. Tough enemy? Just buff yourself first. No variety or strategy required beyond the first few bosses. To make it even worse several bosses have millions upon millions of HP and drag on forever. Considering the commando is the only class that moves, that's a long ass time to sit watching a few characters grunt and flail their arms about. Especially when the boss is likely to target your leader with a cheap one-shot-kill attack at any moment. Which happens a lot. The summon system couldn't possibly be any more bland. Why not keep FFX's system? X's was superior in just about every way, X's Aeons were directly controlled by the player and had their own abilities, limit breaks and improvable levels/stats. Each new Aeon felt like a new character and a valuable asset to the team. XIII's eidolons are almost useless entirely and were barely explained (story-wise). They provided little more than an annoying boss battle. Plus the transforming vehicle thing was really, really firetrucking dumb. The equipment system. In the other games it was just a case of getting the next best weapon(although in X weapons were defined by their special abilities and had identical damage output for the most part, another reason they should have kept X's formula), but the armor you found generally had unique uses and would aid you against specific enemies. In XIII the vast majority of accessories are completely useless, and each character's starting weapon was their best as it was generally the most balanced and focused on the characters main strengths, whereas the rest of the weapons focused on one area and was severely crippled in others making it pretty damn useless if you actually plan on getting anywhere. The upgrade system was dull, why not just level the weapon I'm using instead of making me collect and convert materials to do the same thing? Not a huge problem, but a problem nonetheless. Oh god the Linearity. When FFX came out it was the most linear game in the series, but it still had splitting paths, open areas and varied environments with the (beautiful) scenery changing every couple of hours at least. XIII on the other hand is a single, straight path from A to B in the same repetitive, grey hallways with the odd "hidden" chest here and there. It's not just the poor level design either, the monsters you face and the battles themselves are already set in stone, even the crystarium is linear and limits how strong you can get in an attempt to stay challenging. What the hell kind of RPG has a linear skill tree? For most of the game you aren't even allowed to choose your party. The Crystarium offered so little choice it may as well not even be there, we would be better off with just a notification every now and then saying you have unlocked such and such an ability. Setting up materia was one of the better things of VII, and customization is pretty much a requirement of RPGs. As much as I disliked the sphere grid it at least let you develop your characters however you want. Also it shouldn't have been 3D, it just made what was practically a straight line needlessly hard to navigate No towns or NPCs either. A lot of people say "Well they're on the run, the couldn't walk through a town" but that's bullshit. Part of VI and disc 1 on IX had you on the run, but you could still explore towns because they characters weren't firetrucking stupid and stayed subtle. If XIII's cast of twats didn't insist on displaying their L'Cie brands so prominently they could have easily explored some villages and the residents would be none the wiser. They could have even turned it into a sort of minigame with a dialogue system where you can be found out by asking the NPCs shitty questions or something. The pacing. So much time is spent endlessly slaughtering the same soldiers over and over. The first ~25 hours consist of running down the same hallways and hardly anything substantial happens plot-wise until you fight Barthandelus, and afterwards there's a little under 10 hours of the characters being unsure of what to do next and end up just wandering about and not doing anything in particular. The characters actions and motives never have any weight behind them. One early part in a forest with Lightning & Hope in particular made me want to bang my head against the wall. The same copy/pasted level just went on and on with several cutscenes explaining that Hope is an angsty bitch and Lightning is indecisive. I don't give a bloody firetruck, just do something already. Hope absolutely refused to confront Snow about his mother's death for no reason other than to pad out the game. Constantly collapsing to the ground to whine and moan. I somehow forgot to mention him before, but Hope is an irredeemably bad character, easily one of the worst in the series. Now that I think about it, all 6 main characters have little to no backstory either. It flashed back to the 13 days way too often and tried too hard to build up an overall uninteresting coincidence(all characters being in the same place 13 days prior to meeting) with needlessly long and complex cutscenes. It would have been infinitely better if the cutscenes were implemented into the gameplay somehow, as they are they're dull, monotonous, always needlessly long and rarely actually meaningful or important. Most of the villains are thrown in from out of the blue too, why the hell weren't these people introduced a few hours ago when absolutely nothing was happening? They could've at least tried harder to give us some direction. So yeah, Final Fantasy XIII is a horrible game in every aspect. Rant over. While you are allowed your opinion and I respect that you didnt like it, I dissagree with you entierly, every FF on a new system starts off in a different direction then its predassesor. I have come to find that most who dislike the combat system was becuase they were unable to grasp it and use it enjoyingly. I completely disagree with your character analysis. Lightning is not Cloud or Squall, the reason being is she doesn't whine half as much as Cloud does, nor is she as Emo as Squall was, and she would Kick both of there asses without breaking a sweat. 10x's the soldier either of them were. While Snow is anoying, with his ego and positive out look on everything, his character was ment to contradict that of Lightnings more serious and realistic demenor, which was very successfull. Whil I was never particularly fond of Sazh, he did not have the confidence and strenth and courage that Baret had. He was a man with a goal but unsure how to enact it and even more so he teneded to run from it. Hope was meant to live up to his name. A teenage boy thrown into a situation that I am sure that you at his age would not have been able to remove yourself from the corner in the fetal position wetting your pants and crying for your mommy. Think of what you would do were you thrown into a rebelion and you watched your mother fall to her death.... Fang was just ment to be the bitch itching for a fight. And she fulfilled that there really wasnt any other side to her. Vanille while I agree was also very anoying, was probably more indepth than you realize. She was the typical young girl who wanted everyone to like her so she lied and diseaved the others, and all we saw was the peppy perky positive lets have fun side, and we only got to glimps a tiny bit of the battle she must have been facing when she was prepared to let Sazh shoot her to repent for what she and Fang did to his son. Serah was barely in XIII and not really enough to see what her strengths and weaknesses are untill you play XIII-2 and Lightning's strength shows up in her. As far as the linearity of the game, while I love exporing a world as much as the next, this games story of constantly being in motion and on the run made sense for a linear map. The over all plot of the story is very FF, young warriors defying fate and even the "gods" of there world. Fighting against things that they were raised to believe in there whole lives. All to find out they were being manipulated by one of those "gods", into doing what he wanted, and yet still causing him to fail by saving coccon. The idea was original and new and fresh. The battle system was something exciting and new to figure out and I think if they had made it any different in the terms you are saying, would make our heroes too godlike, defeating the purpose of the usual FF theme of young ordinary Heroes defying un ordinary events. While I can honestly say that I felt I was left wanting more from this FF game, I have said that about all the FF I have ever played, because if they ever came out with the perfect FF I would never need to play another ever again. I embrace every Final Fantasy game for what makes it different from the last, and look forward to the different ways they come up with in the future to enjoy the game! And XIII was amazing. The graphics alone were enough to fall in love with it, the amount of work and time that must have gone into this game (I mean look at how long it took to make!) I can honestly say the ones who dont like it just want a remake of VII which to me is boring, I have played VII already, bring on the new games!!! 6 Mystics Apprentice, lizzie1238, XIIISwords and 3 others reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shana09 5,769 Posted June 21, 2012 Where is the tl;dr because I ain't reading ALL of that. 2 Setrex and MyDixieRect reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kaneki Ken 1,516 Posted June 21, 2012 everyone is entitled to their opinion. For Me, i say the game is great. The graphics are the next step up (of 2011) and the story is amazing. yes, I agree that some gameplay mechanics and trophy/achievement system is messed up, but the story makes up for it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mfampait 49 Posted June 21, 2012 A remake of FFX is on the way, FFXIII wasn't supposed to be FFX Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Junko 2,815 Posted June 22, 2012 i actually liked Final Fantasy XIII 1 TheApprenticeofKingMickey reacted to this Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xXVentusfanXx 33 Posted June 22, 2012 (edited) Superman 64. Nuff said. Damn forgot about that disaster =w= Edited June 22, 2012 by xXVentusfanXx Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LightningXIII 310 Posted June 22, 2012 This is really cool. You didn't even mention that it was your own opinion, which could have made reading this all bearable. You just ranted to everyone that it was a horrible game without mentioning the possibility that other people have different opinions than you. I have the game and love it as much as FFVII, if not, then better! Granted, you liked FFX ALOT more than XIII. That doesn't mean the rest of the world does. Stop comparing XIII to other games and play it with an open mind, and maybe you will find it enjoyable. The characters won't seem that bad, and neither will the designing or gameplay. Lightning is a pretty cool character, and so what if she is a bitch. She starts to warm up and be nicer to others as the game progresses. Hope is so cute, not annoying. He just lost his mother for god sake! How would you feel? Snow just lost the love of his life and is taking all the blame, and going through two whole worlds to save her. Vanille is trying to be positive through a time of darkness while Fang is looking for her, and Sazh's son has been taken from him. Of course they will all be upset! I enjoy the battle system of more than that of VII. The story is just as good as other FF's, and the graphics are the best in the series so far. I'd like to see you create a game better than this in 3 years, the amount of time and hard work it took to make this game. Oh, and, this is all just my opinion. You don't necessarily have to agree with me. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites