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Kingdom Hearts: The Mark of Kye.

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"DAMN YOU!!!!!!!!" shouted Xspada to Kye, as Xspada had then appeared from behind Kye and had proceeded to stab him in the back after distracting both the Fallen 20 and Xehanort by using a mist spell that covered the area surrounding Xspada, Kye, the Fallen 20 and Xehanort for only a temporary moment in time to go in for the kill.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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suki looked at xspada." no no no don't do it don't do it come o nkye don't notice him spare him and let him die from his wounds" suki whispered over and over again hoping xspada would be ok.suki help bakc the urge to run and save xspada from kye killing him like that." come on kye won't waste his strengeth on him would he" she questioned herself.

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"I don't know about you, but I am going to stop this war myself. I will not die, I came this far to let anything bad happen to me. XEHANORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS WHERE YOU WILL BE STOPPED FOR NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Duff screamed out at him and came rushing towards him with both of her keyblades.

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"....What's this? you really had thought to yourself that by sneak attacking me from behind and piercing my right lung, one of a person's vital internal organs, would i die from that simple mortal blow Xspada? tch, i don't believe it, i just can't remember the reason why on how you ever had became one of my 13 Hearts of Darkness through skill like Xehanort for example, unlike picking someone random like Suki for example to join the 13 Hearts of Darkness." said Kye, explaining a little bit of Xspada's origins while he mearly looked on in shock at Kye after pulling Xspada's Keyblade out of Kye which was overflowing with his blood, as Xspada shouted out in anger at how Kye survived Xspada's attack by shouting out "HOW!?!? NO ONE NOT EVEN YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN ABLE TO SURVIVE THAT!!!!" shouted Xspada before coughing up blood.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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suki ran to xspada's side." if your going to kill him you have to start with me" suki said jumping onto kye and pushing him to the ground.her keyblade disappeared as she dug her nails in to the stab." no you won't kill him first you have to kill me first if anything i won't let him die by your hands not now" she yelled.

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"Feelings of the Heart eh? indeed, what a foolish concept that it is." said Kye to himself, as he had then had forced Suki off of himself using a pair of bright lights emitting from one of his eyes each and had proceeded to still use them to keep her away from him while he got off of the ground and had then wiped off the dirt that was now on his clothing because of her.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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suki got up after to being pushed off of kye." leave him alone kye it isn't worth it you should know that if you didn't then your not a true keyblade master just a wanna be" suki said.she fianlly let the tears come as she summoned her keyblade and looked at xspada."i won't let you kill one more person in this" suki said.she ran at xspada to get hi maway from kye.she pushed away him away from kye."don't try to do that agin you could die by his hands" she said.

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"Get away from me you....you....FEEBLE WORM OF A WOMAN!!" shouted Xspada in rage, as he had plunged his Keyblade into the exact center of Suki's body where her Heart is located.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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suki spat alittle bit of blood when he stabed." ha i knew it you hadn't changed one bit" she said as she got back.she slowly started to turn to bits of light as she collasped to the ground dead from her two bleeding wounds." guess i couldn't grant my wish after all" she thought as her eyes glazed over and she fully disappeared.her keyblade disappeared in a fury of rose petals.

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"Foolish boys, at least learn when to tag team attack a little bit more better during battle will you?" said Kye, as he had proceeded to catch both Luke and Eugene's heads with so little ease and had then bashed them against one another.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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Xspada like Suki had started to fade away into particles but unlike her however was he fading away into bits of Darkness instead, as he proceeded to scream out in horror and curse Kye's name for everyone to hear by shouting out "DAMN YOU!!!!!!!! KYE!!!!!!!!" before he had then both completely and utterly had faded away.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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"What a bad mix of spells." said Kye, as he jumped high up into the sky while leaving both Luke and Eugene's Aerogas and Firagas respectively to collide with one another, causing a great big huge explosion.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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"A mere worm like yourself has no right standing next to me in the skies, me who is a god of gods." said Kye before using his mind to send Eugene crashing back down to the ground.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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