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Kingdom Hearts: The Mark of Kye.

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"I understand now." Eugene said to Kyenort. "You again." Eugene said to Ichi. "Remind me again, why you guys are fighting with Kyenort to get the X-Blade, I thought that you guys were good guys."

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"...." Ichi made no comment at all, as Kyenort had then stepped foward and had said to Eugene about the Fallen 20 "Oh believe you me, they STILL are good guys, however, who you see here before you are not the real Fallen 20, only vessels of the dead that i had created, during my time as Kye from which im sure you remember someone telling you about all this but that during my time as Kye, did i collect samples from the real Fallen 20's graves and had used those very samples to create the beings you now see before you....INFUSED WITH MY DNA THAT IS." said Kyenort in another one of his Dark tones, revealing the shocking truth of the Fallen 20.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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"So in other words, these are all fakes." Eugene said. "Now I suppose that I have to defeat them all to get to you. Man, this is gonna be a pain in the butt."

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"Not....exactly." said Kyenort, as he had then absorbed the first thirteen of the Fallen 20's members into his Broken Blades before making the last seven fade away into Darkness.


(This song plays upon Kyenort absorbing the first thirteen-http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=RWF-lcxdZxw.).

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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"Time for a change of venue." said Kyenort, transporting both himself and all of his remaining enemies to a place resembling Destiny Islands on the night it was destroyed in Kingdom Hearts, as Kyenort had then said "This, this was where it all started and this, this is where it will all end." said Kyenort, readying both his battle position and/or fighting style.

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"It doesn't matter where we fight, we will beat you," Zero said. He maniupulated the darkness into the shape of a zweilhander and hardened it, getting into a battle stance that resembled Sora's.

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(Tomorrow I am going to be on the way to my cousin's house out of my state. We are going to be there until Monday, so I don't know how much I will be able to get online, but I will try my best.)

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Zero had a look of shock on his face. Time seemed to go in slow motion. He choked and then coughed up blood. He sank to his knees. "D-darn it..." He fell face down to the ground, unmoving,

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"That's strange, he's not turning into particles of Light, even when he is a being of Darkness." said Kyenort, standing above Zero before turning his attention to Eugene and saying to him "Next, your the last one of the Chosen Seven that needs to die and become part of my precious X-Blade." said Kyenort to Eugene.

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"Hey! What am I, chopped liver?" Tori asked as she sent out her keyblade and started to form into a tornado that was made of fire and launched at Kyenort. If you know how Extradrill is on Pokemon, then you should get the picture of the attack.

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"Oh yes, that's right, i forgot about you." said Kyenort, blocking both of Tori and Eugene's attacks with both of Kyenort's bare hands after disummoning both of his Broken Blades whilst answering Tori's statement from before.

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