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Kingdom Hearts: The Mark of Kye.

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A keyblade student looks at Travis and jumps down.




"Stop this!!!!! Luke is right!!!!! Are you blind Travis? Has the darkness taken you?" The Keyblade student known as Ziusion said.

Edited by Tom13

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"Ziusion....HAVE YOU JOINED THE DARKNESS TOO!?-?!?" just then, something both strange and mysterious had happened to Travis, his hair grew longer and his eyes turned bright gold, as all of his Towers of Judgement that were placed on Eugene, Suki and Mitch had cracked like mirrors while Darkness started to absorb Travis until leaving behind in his place a Corridor of Darkness.

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"His Heart, it's extreme hatred for Darkness, it consumed him and has now taken him to the inner sanctums of his Heart's resting place." said Xehanort, explaining on what happened to Travis while appearing from out of nowhere.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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suki grinded her teeth together holding back the urge to attack knowing she would just die." even if this is so atleast he didn't go by your dang hands you liar" suki growled. she looked up at where she was injured and grinded her teeth even more." calm down if you don't you'll die in two seconds flat" she thought taking deep breaths.suki took one huge breath and finally calm down." how about we work together to defeat him and find kye i bet i could find him" suki said smiling.

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Just before leaving, did Xehanort offer everyone one bit of advice "One bit of advice, don't go looking for trouble, besides, it's best not to deal with Kye and help your friend for now." said Xehanort, telling everyone to focus on Travis for now.

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" don't know him i'm not worrying if you guys want to find i'm going to go looking for anyone else who is still alive" suki said.she began walking away but then turned around alittle and smiled a sweet not insane smile." if you see kye at any time tell him one of his members is a traitor now" suki said.she turned back the way she was going and ran off.

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(This song plays as both Xine and Kye begin their REAL battle-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlYcTDQ7J9U&feature=player_detailpage.).


"Tell me Xine, do you still remember? the days of when our true Keyblade Master "Lucis Et Pacis" who was also the founder of the Temple of Light was still alive?" said Kye, revealing the name of a very important figure of both his and Xine's past, as Xine replies by saying "....Yes....i do...." said Xine, as we then enter a flashback that takes place when both Xine and Kye were naught but teenagers around the ages of both 15 and 16 respectively and with the pair of them seen being lined up before a man who resembles Master Eraqus in appearance but with white coloured hair instead and who is seen smirking before his two students while his pupils seem so anxious that they are gulping for some reason.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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"BWAHAHAHA!!!! NOW NOW BOYS!!! DON'T APPEAR SO FULL OF BOTH DOOM AND GLOOM!! WE'RE ONLY GOING TO BEGIN YOU TWO'S MARK OF MASTERY EXAMS AFTER ALL!" said Master Lucis Et Pacis while trying to cheer up both of his pupils Xine and Kye by patting their left and right shoulders respectively.

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Kye then had made an outburst by saying "Master please, me? nervous? HA! you wish!! im gonna ace this exam no sweat!!!" said Kye, as Xine mocks him in a comedy fashion way by saying "HA YOURSELF!!!! you? gonna ace this exam? like sure you are, if anyone, IM gonna pass this exam with flying colours, you on the other hand...." said Xine, as Kye replied by saying "What you trying to imply blockhead?" said Kye, causing Xine to overreact and shout "WHAT WAS THAT SHORTIE!?" with Kye replying "SHORTIE?!?! YOU WANNA GO A FEW ROUNDS XINE!?", as Master Lucis Et Pacis could not help but laugh at how well both of his students were "Getting along".

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Moonlight glided over the battlefield, he wasn't meant for war, but this time it seemed that there was no way to avoid fighting.

He jumped down form his glider and unleashed a small explosion of silver light, the necklace he was wearing glowed in the same color, it had the shape of a moon.

After that his glider turned back to his keyblade, that was a bit larger than usual ones.

He slowly walked towards his new found friends.

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Luke looked at Moonlight.



"Hey...The customer that purchased that green ring from you you know Kyle? He lost his heart...Pais hid his body somewhere to keep it safe and Horizont sacrificed himself..." Luke said.

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suki looked around making sure no one was around to attack her and then stoped running.she sat down leaning ona rock and looked at her cut." god dang it's deeper then it thought it is already bleeding again" suki said moving her finger along the top of the cut." i'll have to remember to get my revenge on him for this he knows that" she thought before she fell asleep from the lost of blood and the horrible day it was.

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"That's... sad..."

-Just how i expected, the ring searches the strongest, but the weakest by heart-

Moonlight had a serious look in his face.

"I'm not a warrior, but I want to help too..." He said with a confident voice.

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We now skip a few years and see that both Xine and Kye have turned into both such fine young men and true Keyblade Masters that both still study under their true Keyblade Master Lucis Et Pacis and would still fight at times, however, over the years, did Master Lucis Et Pacis become both old and weary from his duties as a true Keyblade Master and duss, had started to become ill and had eventually became bedridden with both Xine and Kye taking care of him, trying to nurse him back to his good old health again but to no avail and then, on the night of his deathbed, did Master Lucis Et Pacis entrust both Xine and Kye with his "Will", wanting them to discover what he meant by it over the time he would obviously be gone by then, as we now return to the present.

Edited by Iamkingdomhearts1000

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