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Kingdom Hearts: The Mark of Kye.

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Character Sheet:






History-Parents abandoned me at a young age, I was taken on by a Keyblade master and learned the ways of the keyblade. I have recently left him to find my true place in the world




Personality- She is a very bright, shy, happy girl, usually does things alone.


Appearance-Long brown hair to waist, brown eyes, brown and yellow sweatshirt, brown cargo pants, yellow sneakers. Weak looking, but very strong


Weapon-Kingdom key


Sub Weapon-Oblivion


Japanese Voice Actor-Maaya Sakamoto


English Voice Actor-Caitlin Glass


Theme Song-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQDADf47li0&feature=colike


Battle Theme Song- (Same)


Final Battle Theme Song-(Same)



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"ENOUGH! i have seen both of your fighting prowesses and have made a verdict....will two will make excellent additions to my "13 Hearts of Darkness"." said Master Kye, impressed by both Jokelion and John's styles of fighting.

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"Hmmm....Master told me to head for the temple of life, and it should be straight ahead..." Ophex said to herself as she looked ahead of her to find a ginormous temple "That must be it..."

Ophex walked a half mile until she reached the temple.

"Guess I should wait around until someone comes around....." Ophex said as she sat on the ground.

Edited by OphexHaruhi

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"Hmmm....Master told me to head for the temple of life, and it should be straight ahead..." Ophex said to herself as she looked ahead of her to find a ginormous temple.

"Hm, that must be it. Guess I'll go in and indroduce myself to anyone that's here..."

Ophex walked for about a half mile before reaching the temple, and entering it. She heard a man saying "ENOUGH" and it startled her.

She then looked over to find a many people she didn't know.

"E-excuse me?" She asked looking at the man. (Master Kye)


(No no, it's called the Temple of Light and Master Kye is at the Eternal Dark with the bad guys, your with Master Lunarius and the other fellow Keyblade students getting ready for battle, please edit.).

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(No no, it's called the Temple of Light and Master Kye is at the Eternal Dark with the bad guys, your with Master Lunarius and the other fellow Keyblade students getting ready for battle, please edit.).


(Sorry, I meant light. I'll write another.)

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Name- Chloe Kingston


Age- 17


History- I was only 8 when i discovered i could wield the keyblade. I was born and raised under a caring mother and a strict father. Before i could do anything, i would have to ask for my fathers permission, which usely was clean the whole barn, feed the cows, horses, pigs and chickens. But by the time I was done with my chores, the gathering with my friends was already over. Mother doesn't care if i go on these adventures with them. Sometimes i wish i could live in the village, where crime breaks out. I wish i could be the one to save everyone.

My mother was able to wield the keyblade as well. In fact, she went on this long adventure to save the worlds from darkness. I go to her and tell her about my ability. She tells me to go and fa fill the prophesy be stoned upon my family. In fact, my father has no idea about this and probably would never know. I tell her that after my nightly meditations under the moon and stars, a spirit by the name of Leo gave me the ability to shape shift into any feline.


Alignment- Light


Personality- Silly and yet serious.


Appearance- Light blonde hair, blue eyes, peachish skin. Wears a tunicy kind of shirt that is light blue, shorts that are down the the knee, they are baggy (sora shorts really, except wisdom form colors) has a black cloak for an accessory and to keep from being noticed.


Weapon- http://www.google.com/imgres?num=10&hl=en&biw=1440&bih=766&tbm=isch&tbnid=VyD6A4ibFK8wFM:&imgrefurl=http://kh13.com/forum/topic/18378-keyblade-gang/&docid=Ol4O5AjpfFtBCM&imgurl=http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs12/f/2006/318/5/e/The_LureBreaker_Keyblade_by_Lysa.jpg&w=858&h=435&ei=gSjzT6vcG-W38AHDkdzwDw&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=416&sig=104039935273585022042&page=1&tbnh=79&tbnw=155&start=0&ndsp=33&ved=1t:429,r:7,s:0,i:163&tx=56&ty=20


Sub Weapon- Don't really need one.


Japanese Voice Actor- Yumi Kakazu (she voices Yuffie)


English Voice Actor- Lady Gaga


Theme Song-


Battle Theme Song-


Final Battle Theme Song-



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Jokelion and John bowed down to Master Kye.




"Thanks I Jokelion is at your service!!!" Jokelion said with a chuckle.







"Thanks master....I will kindly not let you down..." John said.

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John and Jokelion nodded.




"Very well master!!!! We shall not fail!!!" Jokelion and John said.





"You two better take things seriously because....It is going to be a large war..." Shadowdrius said.

Edited by Tom13

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