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Question: Do you want the Lingering Will to return in Kingdom Hearts III?

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I believe that Lingering Will was in KH2FM just to give a hint about BBS.


I don't think it's coming back. Sephiroth should, just sayin'

Edited by Sora's Little Helper

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Well, as far as we know, Terra's armor is still sitting there...I could see some character taking his keyblade and with it part of his spirit and fighting in his place at worst. Hopefully Terra will be a light instead of a 'nort.

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tutti frutti. I would think that it would make a return to the series, particularly since it was part of the story for BBS. I would think that since Lingering Sentiment has its own grudge against Xehanort, that it would be willing to bring him down. In a sense I would think that should Terra want to use his armor that he would look for it in the Keyblade Graveyard. Plus, I believe that the Lingering Sentiment would help allow Terra to use the Keyblade again if he lost that ability when he merged with Xehanort. I think that Lingering Sentiment will return with a big role in KH3.

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