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Lady Aleister

Not so normal...

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"Well, i'd offer to get the werewolves, but they abandoned me at birth." said Lucan.


(Aquarius and Gensou)


"Well, i'm not sure how we'll get the others, werewolves are hot-headed...no offence to Lucan or Eugene, and the others are kinda at their own ego level." said Aquarius. Gensou just nodded in agreement.

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"All the Dark Ones hang out at New York, I can get there easily." Trinity said. "Your welcome Aysu and Echo. I know a place where a lot of witches hang out, I can get there." Nikki suggested.

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"I don't know if there are other phoenixs around here, but I can definitely try to find some." Mitch said.


Eugene said, "I doubt that any werewolves will come help, but we can always try."

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"Wait a minute...he said the demigods want war.If the last time the guardians failed because the creatures were to busy fighting amongst themselves.....Why don't we bring them to peace?Why don't we start a revolution against the demigods?"

I can call the angels to join us.

Edited by Sandra_Nedelcheva1998

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"Okay so It looks like we are all set." Echo said happily. Alter came to and leaned up. "What just exactly happened?" he asked. "ALTER!!!!" Aysu yelled hugging him. "Your okay..." she sighed.

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"Well, if my hunch is correct, the other guardians that didn't stay a year ago, fled to our 2nd realm, the sky and the sea, i'll go see if i can persuade them to come down and help." said Gensou as he turned into a gold mist jet and shot into the sky.




"Ok, and i'll head to the sea....odds are they'll probably help." said Aquarius as he turned into a jet of water and shot into the lake.




"Hey Eugene, you'd better go get the werewolves, odds are they still hate me." said Lucan.

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"Okay, sure. I'll go find them and bring them up to speed." With that, Eugene ran away.


"I'm gonna try to find some phoenixs to help us out also." Mitch turned into a phoenix, and flew away.

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"Hmm. Sounds like a good idea...," Mimiko turned to Aquarius and Gensou,"Do you happen to have any ponds around this area? I can use it to create a whirlpool to transport back to my village and gather more allies."




Jan took a rest on the grass. His head hurt. Of course it would hurt. An annoying demigod was in my head... Jan sighed. He looked at his leg. There was no sign of a hole at at all. Jan made another sigh, this time of relief. The sun shone through his eyelids. I have protection here. I'm away from the demigod. Don't worry. Jan's worries still didn't go away. He looked up at the sky. There were a moderate amount of clouds strewn randomly about in the sky. He took his time to enjoy this peace. It would probably be a once in a lifetime opportunity.

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Aquarius stuck his head out of the water when he heard Mimiko's question. "Yeah, this water should do fine....it helps with portals." said Aqaurius as he dove back down.




"Hey Echo, how many creature races do you think will actually help in this....i mean, they're facing an enemy that they aren't very experienced in fighting against...unless the guardians train them." said Lucan. "So, how many do you think?" asked Lucan.

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Mimiko walked up to Jan.

"Thank you so much, Mimiko." he smiled.

"Don't mention it. I'll be going now. Don't do any bad stuff. What was your village elder's name again?"

"Ishaka." Jan replied. "But don't go to him! He's bad, bad news."

Mimiko smiled. She was glad to have Jan back. She waved goodbye and walked to the water. She took out her Celestial Brush. In the water, she tried to find the most moving water. When she spotted it, she grabbed her Celestial Brush and drew swirls. A whirlpool formed. The noise echoed around everywhere. Without any hesitation, Mimiko thought of her village in her mind and jumped in.




(Theme song plays) It was good to be home. Since it was under toadstools, the environment was dark, so fireflies flew around to light up the area. Mimiko walked around her village. A another person jumped in. "HALT! WHO GOES THERE!"

"Calm it, Imu. It's just me, Mimiko."

"Mimiko? Your parents have been worried about you!"

My parents. I almost forgot about them.

"Whatever, just tell them I say hi. Listen Imu. I need to talk to Ipomi!"

"Why would you want to talk to Ipomi?"

"It's classified."

Imu grunted. He jumped back up. I honestly don't know where that guy goes. Mimiko wondered about that for a few minutes while she was walking, until she tripped onto a log. Right, I need to focus. She found it hard to. She felt as if she were away from home forever, but she was probably away for a few days. Mimiko started to climb up the large, spiral staircase to the Master Toadstool house. The toadstool had jewelery covering random areas of it. Also, it had a natural scent of lychees, mangoes, and manure. Mimiko missed that smell. But Mimiko started to hesitate the more she climbed up.

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"I don't know exactly...but a lot if we get luck!" Echo said happily. Echo ran up a tree and whispered to a thrasher. The thrasher flew off and then came a blue jay. The blue day showed a piece of paper to Echo. "Hi, Im Avis, it means bird, yes Im another Nymph but If there is an attack with demigods SURE ILL HELP!! Hope to see you soon, I know your location. I will come later. Sincerely-Avis" Echo whispered the letter. "We've got one helper!!" Echo winked to Lucan, showing him the magnolia leaf.






(Hey you guys If you are going to make people come and help with the raid, can you make them because they will be minor characters also, you only have to make one they are automatically accepted)

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"Oh great, now all we need is an army." said Lucan. Lucan then heard something and looked into the sky and saw a gold stream of mist heading right for him. "WHOA!" shouted Lucan as he dived out of the way.




The mist depleted, showing Gensou. "Oh, sorry Lucan, didn't see ya there." said Gensou. "And now, say hello, to my little friends." said Gensou. More streams of gold mist started coming from the sky and landing on the ground, revealing more sky guardians. "Who says guardians never had an army." said Gensou.




Soon after, Aquarius shot out of the water with what was left of his tribe of guardians, although you could notice that he was the only one with the trident, it was the same with Gensou, who was the only one who wielded his kind of swords. "Hey guys, hope i didn't miss anything." said Aquarius.




"Wow, nice entrances." said Lucan.

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"But why? We're fighting the war. Do you want demons to roaming our lands?" Mimiko said exasperated.

Old man Ipomi sighed. "Sit down." He took out a golden Celestial Brush and drew a chair. Mimiko sat down. "Tell me, Mimiko. What was the name of this demigod?"

"La Het Chet." Mimiko replied. The lights simmered from the fireflies. They flickered randomly. Ipomi slowly rises from his toadstool seat.

"Who?" he asked. His face looked worried.

"La Het Chet!" Mimiko repeated.

Ipomi eyes widened. "That name here is forbidden I believe.."

"Really? I've never heard it until a few days ago."

"In the Ancient times, when I was just a boy," Ipomi started, "Our mother tounge was called Impomilish. You must know I was named after my father, who started our colony. Anyways, La meant...Demi. Het meant god. Chet meant evil. It was nothing you wanted to be back then. Anything related to spirituality was looked down those days...unlike today."

Demigod evil...is it possible it can stand for Evil Demigod?

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(Gensou and Aquarius)


"Odds are the other tribes are going to need some convincing to join us Aquarius, it's time to call in the favors owed to us....get the scrolls." said Gensou.


"Gensou, those scrolls haven't been used since the times of the ancient Greece...when our grandfathers fought." said Aquarius.


"I know, but do you remember what our fathers said to us, before they died in that battle last year?" asked Gensou.


Aquarius sighed in defeat, remembering all to well. "Do whatever it takes, to end the war against the demigods...fine, i'll go, but if any others get here before i get back..train them." said Aquarius. He got the scrolls from the different members of his army and used a whirlpool to get to the land of the little people.


"I hope this works." said Gensou.




When Aquarius shot out of the water, the water from his world allowed him to shrink to the size of the little people. Aquarius started walking around, trying to find the place where the leader resided, asking around a couple of times. After about 5 minutes, he found the place and he saw Mimiko was already there. "Mimiko, allow me......i beg your pardon for the intrusion, but i, like Mimiko, have a request." said Aquarius.

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"I'll be right back." Trinity walked into the shadows and appeared into a dark alley where her friend Chris was waiting. "I heard about you hanging out with other mythical creatures and beating up Demigods." Chris smiled giving her a high five. "Yea, but we need to talk." Trinity said.

"About?" Chris cocked his head. "We need all the mythical creatures here because the Demigods are planning to get rid of all of us and rule the world kind of stuff. The only way to defend them once and for all is to gather all the mythical creatures and defeat them!"


Chris thought for a few minutes. "That's gonna take a long time, but I can ask my folks to see if they could help out." Trinity smiled. "Thanks Chris, you're the best."

And Trinity walked back into the shadows.




Nikki made a portal teleporting her to a secret place where no one not even the Demigods could find. "Oh look it's Nikki!" A girl with blonde hair smiled. "Nice job wrecking the Demigod place with the other mythical creatures." Another witch said.

"Thanks, but I need to talk to the leader, Hara." Nikki said. The witch pointed to the door in the corner of the room. "It's a good thing you came today, Hara barely comes here."

Nikki went inside the door and Hara was there sitting on the chair twirling an orb around her hand. "I know what you're about to ask Nikki and I don't like these mythical creatures, do you even trust them?"


"Of course I do! They're my best and only friends! If you persuade the witches to help us, the Demigods will be crushed forever! If we're separate, were all gonna die." Nikki crossed her arms. Hara sighed. "All right, but the witches will be uncomfortable with them, especially werewolves."

Nikki bowed. "Thank you Hara." And she went back home.

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"Let me guess. That dreaded demigod war?" Ipomi sighed. "We don't have an impressive army...They all use the Celestial Brush...but we haven't had the need to use them since there isn't anything of our concern..."

"Can we see the army?" Mimiko asked, curiously. The army was called The Impocilites, she believed.

"If you insist.." Ipomi slightly smiled. He took out his Celestial Brush and drew a tornado. The tornado carried the three to a giant arena like area. The floors were made of gold. The arena was under a giant toadstool, larger than the average size. Giant fireflies roamed around the area. Ipomi clapped his hands. The arena was lightened. All the way in the other side were rows and columns of statues. Ipomi drew a circle around all of them. Sparks started coming out of them. The statues marched across the arena all the way to the three.

"Ipomicle Shabti..." Mimiko mumbled. She explained to Aquarius. "Ipomicle Shabti were brought to us when the Egyptian gods started a trade with us. Unlike Egyptian Shabti, which are made of clay, our Shabti are made of mud, and sometimes stone. They also rebuild each other. They act as servants, and can even disguise themselves as humans."

"This is our army. We can enlarge them, mind you. But they're not much. They can wield the Celestial Brush." Ipomi said. He walked up to one of the Shabti and wiped the dust and grime off of them. "We need to clean them also. They haven't been clean for years."

One of the shabti looked at Mimiko. "We can fight with you during the war. it doesn't matter. We're bored anyways."

Edited by solantap

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"Ok,I'm on it"said Bisera.She walk a few steps away fromher friends looked up in the sky and closed her eyes.She started having visions again.This time,they were from other fallen angels searching for home.

She said few prayers.


"Dear Angels


If you can hear me,I need to tell you something really important...The demigods want war.La Het Chet has a plan to bring fallen demigods back to life.To banish them once for all,We need to fight together.It doesn't matter if we're fallen..we're still angels.And we'll always be.Here's a vision,so you can find us.Please come.We need to make this rigth.."


When she finished her prayer she came back to her friends."Now we wait"

After 20 minutes..A feather fell down.And another 3.When they looked up in the sky,the view was priceless.There were hungrets of angels flying toward them.Fallen and ones from heaven.They were ready.Bisera was smiling.She never saw something so beautiful."Hey Bisera!It has been a long time"said one of the angels landing in front of them.He was 20 year old male with heart -melting voice."Kokino..It great see you again!"she hug him hardly,feeling the joy."Guys,this is Kokino,my older brother.And Koki,these are my friends Echo,Alter..."(she was introdusing all her friends to Kokino)"Well nice to meet you allhe said nicely.As you can see,we the angels are ready for war.."The other angels were behind him."So Echo,what's the plan?"

Edited by Sandra_Nedelcheva1998

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(Im going to make Avis which is one of the people helping with the raid on the demigods)


Character Sheet:

Name: Avis Green (I know too original)

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Appearance: Posted Image

Bio: She has a good life as a nymph, beloved by birds and not much troubles. She lives with her grandparents helpful to them along with her two little twin sisters. She has tried hard to keep her nymph form in secret.

Personality: Happy most of the time, serious when it comes to battle, gets upset over small things

Weapon: Posted Image

Items: usually has magnolia laves with small knife

Creature: Nymph

Theme song (optional): http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=0S25zM5qXK0 (caution, loud)

Battle music:

Edited by Axgrce

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"Ipomi!" Mimiko squealed. "This is perfection!"

Ipomi smiled and laughed. "Well, it can work possibly. But they seem a bit rusty."

"Doesn't matter!" Mimiko laughed along, "I learned a new Celestial Brush technique!" She drew another circle around the shabti. Cherry Blossoms wrapped around them. She drew a loop and wind appeared. The Cherry Blossoms were blown away. The shabti appeared as a dazzling, pink, sparkly army.

Ipomi looked both impressed and shocked. He tried to sputter out his words, but all he said was, "Why pink?"

"Because I'm a girl. I guess you forgot." Mimiko laughed. Ipomi grinned.

The shabti started prancing around, dancing, and making the arena lively again. Mimiko's mind germinated a new idea. What if...

"Why don't we take these shabti to the Unversed area!? Demigods don't like things like this. They prefer darkness." Mimiko shared her idea with Ipomi. "I can use the whirlpool to transport them..."

"Why don't you try..." Ipomi was getting curious now. Mimiko became happy. She jumped up in the air and drew a whirlwind above the shabtis. One by one, they were being transported to the Guardian Fortress. Time to pretty things up. Mimiko thought as she jumped into the whirlwind.

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Avis popped up beside Echo. "Hello!!!" she said jollily. "GREAT ANOTHER NYMPH. KILL ME NOW." Alter thought. "Oh, you scared me. How did you get here?" Echo asked her. "Simple: Bear." Avis said pointing to a large brown bear near Lucan. "Go on now Oak." she said to the bear as it then walked off. "Im here to help with the raid." Avis said to Lucan.

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"Good, the more merrier, and the better chance we have...although, odds are the red moon is still up there, so the good thing is, we werewolves will be at full power." said Lucan.




Gensou saw the new arrival and walked over. "Hello there, names Gensou, me and my friend Aquarius will be heading this assault." said Gensou.

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