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The Origin of Evil

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"One thing is sure, a great change

of our psychological attitude is

imminent, that is certain...because

we need more...we need more

psychology, we need more

understanding of human nature

because the only real danger that

exists is man himself, he is the great

danger, and we are pitifully

unaware of it, we know nothing of

man, far too little. his psyche

should be studied because we are

the origin of all coming evil -"

-Carl Gustav Jung-

i happened to stumble on this in one of my songs and i cant get the thought of it out of me head because i want to figure out why we are the origin of all evil. is it because we are the only being that are able to create evil? Are we born evil, or are we just happen to do it. I just cant find the answer at the moment..

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"One thing is sure, a great change

of our psychological attitude is

imminent, that is certain...because

we need more...we need more

psychology, we need more

understanding of human nature

because the only real danger that

exists is man himself, he is the great

danger, and we are pitifully

unaware of it, we know nothing of

man, far too little. his psyche

should be studied because we are

the origin of all coming evil -"

-Carl Gustav Jung-

i happened to stumble on this in one of my songs and i cant get the thought of it out of me head because i want to figure out why we are the origin of all evil. is it because we are the only being that are able to create evil? Are we born evil, or are we just happen to do it. I just cant find the answer at the moment..


The seven mortal sins makes people evil.


That doesn't mean that we're born evil.

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Ha. Good and evil. That works for like... Saturday morning cartoons.

Good and evil are just methods of over simplifying the world. Nobody is truly good or evil, and all takes on an action are a matter of perspective. For example, most people in the world think Nazis are terrible, but the Nazis sure didn't, and beyond that, Hitler had many many international supporters before he started territory hunting.

Good and evil are perspective, and nobody is one dimensional enough to actually be called one or the ther. We all do good things and bad things.

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Well, i'm not so religious, so i don't believe so much in sins and stuff. But these sins, do make people evil. Not all of them, some just make people fat...

Anyway, i do believe some people born evil, for example, i remember reading about this 3 year old kid, that, even knowing his little friend couldn't swim, asked him, ''let's swim on the pool!'', the other kid obviously said no, and even with that, the kid pushed the other one into the pool, took a chair, and watched it's ''friend'' death.


Also, i think we are the origin of evil because, like you asked, we are the only being capable of creating evil, at least i can only think of humans right now, not sure if there's any ''evil animal'' out there.

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We are born evil. Not evil in as much as sinful and fallen from a Adam's perfect race to what we are now. Contrary to popular belief mankind is degenerating, not getting better through evolution. The sin of man is the origin of all evil

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Nietzche belives that the concepts of "Good" and "Evil" are social constructs designed to protect the weak willed from being oppressed by anyone stronger than them, and in fact inhibit human progress by keeping us small and meek. In other words, they don't exist, and all that is left is self interest and your own personal ability.


Kant believes that Good can be determined through rational thought and maximizing the variables. For instance, when deciding if killing someone was evil, you would rationalize that if everyone killed, than mankind would cease to exist very quickly. Killing is then not practical or rational, and thus must be Evil.


John Stuart Mill believes that Good is found in the action that brings the most happiness to the most amount of people, and that Evil is the action that brings the least amount of happiness to people.


Plato firmly holds that Good can be found in knowledge, truth, wisdom, and self control, and Evil in the opposites of these.


Aristotle believes that Good is located in virtue, which can generally be found in the middle of a spectrum of extremes. For instance, the virtue of courage would be in between recklessness and cowardess, the two of which would be a kind of Evil, as they are undesirable traits in a person.



As you can see, there's more than a little wiggle room in the topic of ethics to really provide a definate answer as to origins of Good and Evil, no matter which way you slice it.

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