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Xbox Vs Nintendo...

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xbox cuz i get a lot more stuff on xbox market (1000+) buit when i got to nintendo's it's like 12 things at most then we can buy (or rent) movies and tv shows on xbox

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I find it funny that it's about old school gaming system and a little bit old version of xbox 360.


Now I loved my N64. So many good memories classic games always will enjoy it.

Yeah the old version Xbox had it stupid ass flaws but now But I 360 now is pretty damn good no red ring of death or anything like that. Though the young kids acting like they are grow when their balls haven't dropped.


Oh speaking of this whole Nintendo, and Xbox why not bring up the ones out in this generation? You the Wii and Wii U and The slim 360?

Edited by The One Truth

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I find it funny that it's about old school gaming system and a little bit old version of xbox 360.


Now I loved my N64. So many good memories classic games always will enjoy it.

Yeah the old version Xbox had it stupid ass flaws but now But I 360 now is pretty damn good no red ring of death or anything like that. Though the young kids acting like they are grow when their balls haven't dropped.


Oh speaking of this whole Nintendo, and Xbox why not bring up the ones out in this generation? You the Wii and Wii U and The slim 360?


This thread is Xbox vs Nintendo.... 64.


How dare you offer a fair and unbiased opinion.



In the meantime a little extra proof to the superior console.




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