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legend of Zelda Fanclub

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3 rules

1talk about zelda

2talk about linkerz (name i thought of for link


Now......?......................*cricket chirps* begin.

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Zelda, like Mario, has been playing it way too safe lately. I've enjoyed Skyward Sword, Phantom Hourglass, Spirit Tracks and Twilight Princess, but after replaying Wind Waker yesterday, it's become very apparent that it was the last Zelda game to actually feel like a Zelda game.

So, as I was saying, it's like Mario; going through the motions of what a Zelda game is 'supposed' to be like, but not actually doing anything with it.

But also, I want to see another 2D Zelda. As far as I'm concerned, Minish Cap PERFECTED 2D Zelda... and then they just dropped it entirely.

In fact, get Capcom working on Zelda again, their stuff is awesome.

But yeah, love the series. Zelda games were actually among the first games I ever played with any level of skill...

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