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Which Relation ship in KH do You Want to Progress More in KH3?

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obviously Kairi and Sora but i kinda want Riku to find love and I also wanna know if Roxas would rather be in a relationship with Namine or Xion

Edited by Venxas24

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Ehh--Riku is one of those characters that I love so much, that putting him with anyone else just feels wrong.... They need to make a Wayfinder823 character, pair her up with Riku, and then that'd be the relationship I ship!!! he he he he.


I probably got a lot of hate for that....)



But back to all seriousness, I ship a Roxas and namine thing. :-)

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disney's soo not cool with yaoi. In your dreams lea.

However Riku does need someone. Apparently in most fanfictions, they keep pairing Riku with Xion.

However, what if there would be a new female character in KH3 that Riku may fall for?


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disney's soo not cool with yaoi. In your dreams lea.

However Riku does need someone. Apparently in most fanfictions, they keep pairing Riku with Xion.

However, what if there would be a new female character in KH3 that Riku may fall for?



Have a sense of humor XDDDD

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Wont Aqua be like 25 and Riku like 16


in KH1 Riku was 15 and there was never an official age given to Aqua in the game manual. So we can only guess how old they are. Most people believe Terra and Aqua to be around 18-20 (which i believe as well) Also if there is a big jump in time inbetween KH2 and KH3 then Riku may be 17 or 18 by KH3 time

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in KH1 Riku was 15 and there was never an official age given to Aqua in the game manual. So we can only guess how old they are. Most people believe Terra and Aqua to be around 18-20 (which i believe as well) Also if there is a big jump in time inbetween KH2 and KH3 then Riku may be 17 or 18 by KH3 time


but there's also 10 years between BBS and KH1 and even though she may not change in appearance due to being the darkness place, i can still see her goin for Terra more than Riku

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but there's also 10 years between BBS and KH1 and even though she may not change in appearance due to being the darkness place, i can still see her goin for Terra more than Riku


but time flows differently in ROD, but yea she might go for Terra. Then Riku will be all alone :( *hug Riku*

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Either way, Aqua and Riku first met when she was like, a teenager, and Riku was a kid. I'm sure the relationship does have levels of cuteness and whatnot, but I just don't so see it xD


I prefer Roxas x Xion, and Riku x Namine is truly captivating to me.

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Big time, Sora and Kairi. And Riku's a loner. Maybe in the distant future, yes, but for now, no. As for Roxas, it goes against all my fanfictions, but with Namine because it just works. It just does. And totally Aqua x Terra. ...But what about Ven?

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Vanitas and Ventus. (After all, Vanitas is Ventus half-heart. You know, like when you said to someone you love, "sweet heart", or as in french "Ma mie !" 'cause "mie" means half. So that mean the personn you love is your half, and as Vanitas is Ventus' half, they need to be in love. It's not yaoi, it's logical. *A*)


Sora and Roxas. (After all, Roxas is Sora's half-self. You know like when you said... xD)


Terra and Riku. Both have succomb to the Darkness or have served as a Xehanort squire. They must have plenty "stuff" to share. Terra could be Riku's "teacher" to find the good "spot" to use correctly the power of darkness. He he.


Xigbar and Kairi and Naminé and Xion and Aqua. (What ? Did I said it loudly ? *A*)

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Terra and Riku. Both have succomb to the Darkness or have served as a Xehanort squire. They must have plenty "stuff" to share. Terra could be Riku's "teacher" to find the good "spot" to use correctly the power of darkness. He he.

*hugs you* I'm not the only one! ;A;

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