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KHCoM Chain of Memories has the BEST Writing in KH

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Seriously. I love this game's writing. The characterization is fantastic. In particular, I love Axel's representation.

Hell of a show indeed.

I should note, I'm talking about the GBA game. The text quality went down a notch in that game.

But yeah, why do the games with the least voiced cutscenes have the best writing?

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  On 6/14/2012 at 5:04 AM, 'CardCaptorDeadpool' said:

Theres no replacement for Marluxia sensual vocals in ReCOM! It's like my ears are on Orgasm mode.


Btw IMO opinion BBS has the best script of the series.


I couldn't agree more. BBS is just amazing!

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  On 9/8/2012 at 8:35 PM, 'Epic KH Fan_13' said:

The only thing i didn't like in gba version is axel's "commit it to memory" insted of "got it memorized".... http://kh13.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sleep.png


Fortunately that was before kh2 and we now (well, America) has Re:com.


Anyways, I don't know about bbs having the best script, but I say this mostly because so much of the voice acting was so poorly done.

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I'd have to agree with this, especially the writing for Donald and Goofy in between floors of the castle.


Hearing them losing grip of their memories and become more and more distressed about forgetting things that are important to them really got to me.


It was especially heart-wrenching by the time they got to floor 13 and they'd lost almost all of their memories, but they decided at that moment that no matter how much of their lives they forgot, they would never forget their friends. It really was a sad moment, and you're right, the only other game with moments as sad as CoM was 358/2 days, which was also mostly text.

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