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KH3D Kingdom Hearts 3D confirmed for digital release on eShop (Update: not happening)

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Depends. I do not know how download works on eShop, but if it's anything like Steam, it is always tied to your account and you can download it again in case you lose your 3DS. That's the benefit of a downloadable copy compared to a physical copy. You lose the physical copy and you have to buy another one. You lose your 3DS, but you never lose the digital copy...


...in theory. As I said, I don't know how downloadable games work. Isn't it tied to the Nintendo Account or something?


The only way to connect to your account is through that same 3DS. I don't know if Nintendo could take a look at the account you'd had registered and help you out, but I know it'd take a lot of time and work. If your 3DS ever needs formatted, it's gone. If you drop it, or something happens to the memory, it's gone. You'd have to take extra measures to prevent it.



im tempted to get the digital copy to avoid tax, but i also really want it in physical copy since i currently dont have any 3DS games.


anyone know how much space 3D will take up? would be interesting to see how much space a 3DS cartridge has


Depending on where you live, you still pay tax. It will most likely take up a lot of space, another reason I don't like buying digital copies. A 6gb SD card was expensive enough.

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i like physical copies of games better for most games, but this is cool, esp if this is a sign that they are making Birth By Sleep a download on PSN so when i get a PS Vita i don't need to keep my PSP just for Birth By Sleep, i would still keep BBS copy, but not the PSP prob


and why get the digital copy instead of getting a Physical Copy if you like KH so much that you follow this website, i mean esp for Pre-order bonuses, and Mark of Mastery Edition

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im tempted to get the digital copy to avoid tax, but i also really want it in physical copy since i currently dont have any 3DS games.


anyone know how much space 3D will take up? would be interesting to see how much space a 3DS cartridge has


KH3D is a pretty big game I think, it might take up about 2GB+ of space. They did say they were using 4GB cartridges, right?


And just because it's on the eshop doesn't make it tax-free. All the games I've bought on the eshop have had tax :(

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id like to get the demo but i don't want too many spoilers, so im goin for the real deal (game).



i agree, now that i think about it, since the game is so amazing , it might take lots of space acording to the demos ive already downloaded.

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id like to get the demo but i don't want too many spoilers, so im goin for the real deal (game).


i agree, now that i think about it, since the game is so amazing , it might take lots of space acording to the demos ive already downloaded.


Yeah me too, I watched a little of the demo at E3, and literally about 45 seconds into the demo Sora gave some story details away, and I hate myself for watching it

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Update: Nintendo added text to the explanation of the slide, to say "refers to first-party titles only" in regards to the dual digital/retail releases. It was just a super misleading slide, then




What could this mean and does this lower our chances of seeing BBS on PSN someday? It's never coming, I know...

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That's not good...I heard a rumour that game companies are trying to go towards downloadable only games (doubt they are planning THAT anymore, got so much crap for it) If that happened I wonder how Disney would go for that....then again that rumour was spread almost 2 years ago..

Edited by Nohjx

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